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Created October 29, 2016 19:45
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Differential Evolution (short teach version without comments)
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy.random as random
def de_population(pmin,pmax,np):
"""Create a population of np randomly distributed sets of floating point
parameters whose elements are uniformly distributed between the values
in the array pmin and the values in pmax. Return a list of np of these
pmin - minimum parameter values
pmax - maximum parameter values
np - population size
returns a list of np sets of parameters each with the same number of
elements as pmin and pmax."""
if len(pmin)!=len(pmax):
raise IndexError('Minimum and maximum parameter ranges have differing lengths.')
result = []
for i in range(np):
params = [l+random.random_sample()*(h-l) for l,h in zip(pmin,pmax)]
return result
def de_iterate(hfunc,population,f,cr,iterations,args=()):
"""Iterate through the differential evolution algorithm for "iterations"
generations using the population of parameters given by "population". The
optimization function hfunc should accept a list of parameters as the first
argument and may accept other arguments as well which will be passed from
the optional argument args. After all the iterations the function will
return a tuple of length two. The first element of the tuple will be the
updated population of parameters, the second will be a list containing the
value returned by hfunc for the corresponding parameter set.
hfunc - optimization function which should return a value to be minimized
for each set of parameters. It can also accept other arguments which will
be passed from the args tuple.
population - a list of np lists of parameters.
f - The weighting factor f in the differential evolution algorithm.
cr - The crossover constant in the differential evolution algorithmm.
iterations - The number of iterations to perform. One iteration involves a
single pass through every member of the population.
args - A tuple containing additional arguments to pass to hfunc."""
nextpopulation = [sol for sol in population]
heval = [hfunc(sol,*args) for sol in population]
nextheval = [eva for eva in heval]
np = len(population)
d = len(population[0])
for i in range(iterations):
for j in range(np):
while a==j:
a = random.randint(np)
while b==j or b==a:
b = random.randint(np)
while c==j or c==a or c==b:
c = random.randint(np)
s = random.randint(d)
l = 1
r = random.random_sample()
while r<cr and l<d:
r = random.random_sample()
newsol = population[j][:]
for k in range(s,s+l):
newsol[k%d] = population[a][k%d]+f*(population[b][k%d]-population[c][k%d])
hfunc_result = hfunc(newsol,*args)
if hfunc_result<heval[j]:
nextpopulation[j] = newsol
nextheval[j] = hfunc_result
nextpopulation[j] = population[j]
nextheval[j] = heval[j]
temp = population
population = nextpopulation
nextpopulation = temp
temp = heval
heval = nextheval
nextheval = temp
return (population,heval)
def f(p):
return (5.0-p[0])**2+(2.0-p[1])**2
if __name__=='__main__':
print "Testing Differential Evolution"
print "Sould get 5.0,2.0 back."
pmin = [0.0,0.0]
pmax = [10.0,10.0]
initial_population = de_population(pmin,pmax,20)
res_population, hvalues = de_iterate(f,initial_population,0.8,0.9,100)
all_yall = zip(res_population,hvalues)
for t in all_yall:
print t[0],t[1]
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