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Created June 26, 2013 10:10
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A Javascript noob's guide to Node + Express + Compound.JS
This blog represents all the wrong doings of a first time programmer into javascript domain
To start with lets beging with a short explaination of these technologies
Node: The very basic layer required by you to create a website
Thats the best thing about it, imagine an app working without any middle-ware, thus improving the performance
Express: An upper layer for Node to make things a little easier and more abstract
Compound: The top layer built specially to be used over Express. It is down right translation of RoR
It adds a much higher level of abstraction into the app
The application which we will be developing will go step by step
1st: A Sample app just using Node.js
2nd: A Sample app using Node.js + Express.js
3rd: Using The templating Library Jade
4th: Links and instructions to understand Compound.js
5th: Development of a sample login app with apt utilization of MVC architectures
Read through node.js API and developed a sample "hello world" app
It is very important to refer to the documentation again and again, most of the solutions to problems are
found in the docs
Now an issue will be there: accepting request data
the request data(req) we assumed was not the request from http.IncomingMessage,
it was for the request data sent from one server to another
hence in the confusion we faced such issues (listed below )
the api wants the request to read through complete data before posting the response
below is the code
if request variable is omitted the code works fine.
var http = require("http"),
url = require("url");
http.createServer(function (request, response) {
var _get = url.parse(request.url, true).query;
response.writeHead(200, {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
console.log( _get );
response.end('Here is your data: ' + _get['data']);
Now lets start with Express.js, it is a web application framework for node
Read Express.js API and the guide
Develop form with get and post methods
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
res.send('<form method="post" action="users"><label>Name</label><input type="text" id="name" name="name"></p><input type="submit" value="Submit" /></form>');
})'/users', function(req, res){
Experiments with Sessions
Read about sessions
got stuck at the use of repetitive html codes as res.send can not be used twice as every time we use it, it overwrites the previous data on the html, thus a complete html template will be required to post various data
Solution : Templates
Start reading Jade.
Jade is a templating library which translates to HTML 5
For newbies, a template is kind of a board on which a programmer defines the position where he wants the data to be displayed
It is usefull as the template can be used again and again
and templating brings a sense of modularity to the code
Make an app with maintaining session and routing between urls and using jade templates
Any random variable can be declared with "req.session.[variable]" to store a session variable, So if you want to store count
or a string or anything required by you, it can be added to the req.session
app.bodyParser is already mentioned in default declarations
so we dont need to rewrite it when parsing post data from the form post request.
Here is what I have developed ->
useful links
Now lets start with compound.js
to get a quick overview just read through
Reading the API will be simple, but then trying out the sample app will create problems
compound uses EJS as a default library for templating, we have to use jade
so following
will help, but not to much.
After sirfing through blogs and google groups for some time you will get the solution
so saving on your time, here it is ->
compound init [project_name] --tpl jade --db mysql
This commands initiates the development of a project and specifying the template 'jade' and database 'mysql'
cd [project_name]
compound generater crud .............
Here we use generater CRUD ( Create Read Update Delete ) will generate an app for you
compound generater crud name
another error, after using the crud generator for generating your sample app, all the views
will be compiled in EJS.
Start reading up on a sample app
Amit gave us a huge tip.... "follow RoR blog tutorial to learn about MVC and compound.js"
things learnt:
there are two types of models - non persistent defined in app/models
persistent defined in the database schema /config/database.js
Update the schema required in db/schema.js
We have to make the database ourselves ..... i know thats a dumb thing not to know :D but please forgive my novice
Delete the non persistent model from app/model as this constricts the app from connecting to the persistent model
After all this, you expect the app to run... well it will run but still no List created
then with all my genius and "persistent" hinting by Amit I realized... there is no table :-)
compound db migrate
Before executing this command follow these steps
go to config/database.js
specify the database your going to use and the driver as 'mysql' under the development
driver: 'mysql',
host: 'localhost',
port: 3306,
username: 'root',
password: '',
database: 'db_dev'
open mysql
mysql -u root
create database db_dev;
go to schema.js
check out your schema, which is the table which will be created in your database
This schema also represents the persisitent model for your program
Now execute this command
learn from
This command updates your table
Perform migrate on
- mysql
`dev` VARCHAR(255) NULL
) [156 ms]
Now, the app works persistently :P
Here is the complete source ->
Creating a Sample App in Compound.JS
task : Start preparing the login/signup app
lets start with reading up on models and how to play with data
In simple words, model is that part of MVC framework where all the data manipulations come
1st : Defining unique key or a primary key
in order to make a login app, its common sense that you would want your username to be unique
inumerable examples available for mongoose db schema
hours of searching =
property('name', {index: { kind: 'unique' ,required: true} });
We have to specify the kind and required attributes inside the index in this very format
this takes care of the duplication and empty fields you would require for your primary field
as the controller instantiates the sql to write data and error will be returned for an invalid entry
which will be handled by the event handler
code :=
this.list.updateAttributes(body.List, function (err) {
respondTo(function (format) {
format.json(function () {
if (err) {
send({code: 500, error: list && list.errors || err});
} else {
send({code: 200, data: list});
format.html(function () {
if (!err) {
flash('info', 'List updated');
} else {
flash('error', 'List can not be updated');
2nd : Use Hooks
It is best to use the beforeCreate hook as it will be called on both edit and create
code :=
module.exports = function (compound, List) {
List.beforeSave = function(next){
3rd : Bcrypt encryption algorithm
The basic idea is to never save a password as String into the database
therefore, whenever saving a password we hash it using Bcrypt
and when comparing passwords we just have to compare the hashs
Here is the compiled version :)
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