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Last active October 4, 2023 15:27
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Quick hack to implement drag and drop for ordered model django admin
class DragndropOrderedModelAdmin(OrderedModelAdmin):
def move_above_view(self, request, object_id, other_object_id):
obj = get_object_or_404(self.model, pk=unquote(object_id))
other_obj = get_object_or_404(self.model, pk=unquote(other_object_id))
# go back 3 levels (to get from /pk/move-above/other-pk back to the changelist)
return HttpResponseRedirect('../../../')
def get_urls(self):
def wrap(view):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return self.admin_site.admin_view(view)(*args, **kwargs)
return update_wrapper(wrapper, view)
return [
] + super().get_urls()
def make_draggable(self, obj):
model_info = self._get_model_info()
url = reverse(
"{admin_name}:{app}_{model}_order_above".format(, **model_info),
args=[-1, 0] # placeholder pks, will be replaced in js
return '''
<div class="pk-holder" data-pk="%s"></div> <!-- render the pk into each row -->
<style>[draggable=true] { -khtml-user-drag: element; }</style> <!-- fix for dragging in safari -->
window.__draggedObjPk = null;
django.jQuery(function () {
const $ = django.jQuery;
if (!window.__listSortableSemaphore) { // make sure this part only runs once
window.__move_to_url = '%s'; // this is the url including the placeholder pks
$('#result_list > tbody > tr').each(function(idx, tr) {
const $tr = $(tr);
$tr.attr('draggable', 'true');
const pk = $tr.find('.pk-holder').attr('data-pk');
$tr.attr('data-pk', pk);
$tr.on('dragstart', function (event) {
event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', null); // make draggable work in firefox
window.__draggedObjPk = $(this).attr('data-pk');
$tr.on('dragover', false); // make it droppable
$tr.on('drop', function (event) {
event.preventDefault(); // prevent firefox from opening the dataTransfer data
const otherPk = $(this).attr('data-pk');
console.log(window.__draggedObjPk, 'dropped on', otherPk);
const url = window.__move_to_url
.replace('\/0\/', '/' + otherPk + '/')
.replace('\/-1\/', '/' + window.__draggedObjPk + '/');
console.log('redirecting', url);
window.location = url;
window.__listSortableSemaphore = true;
''' % (, url)
make_draggable.allow_tags = True
make_draggable.short_description = ''
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lsmith77 commented Oct 4, 2023

ok no worries. thx for posting this back then!

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