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Created June 14, 2023 16:28
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SharedMemory and Semaphore Implementation in PHP
* Copyright (c) 2023. Ahmed Olayemi Faruq <>
* While this program can be used free of charge,
* you shouldn't and can't freely copy, modify, merge,
* publish, distribute, sublicense,
* and/or sell copies of this program without written permission to me.
namespace App\Modules\Core\Library;
use SysvSemaphore;
use SysvSharedMemory;
class SharedMemory
private false|SysvSharedMemory $shm;
private false|SysvSemaphore $sem;
private string $masterKey = '';
private string $size = '100kb';
private ?string $semaphoreID = null;
private bool|null $naked = false;
public bool $booleanHelper;
* If you are in a child process, please create a new instance of the `ShareMemory()` class, this way, you won't get variable or
* memory corruption, don't forget to pass the same masterKey if you want to get access to the same shared variable.
* Remember to use the cleanSharedMemory() method when you are certain that all processes no longer require semaphore or the shared memory
* @param string $masterKey
* Typically, when using shared memory,
* the key is used to reference the same shared memory segment across different processes or instances of the program.
* By using the same key value, multiple processes can access and interact with the same shared memory segment.
* If you have a different set of processes that you don't want them to use this key, please add a different master key
* @param string|null $semaphoreID
* The semaphoreID
* @param string $size
* The shared memory size. If not provided, default to 100kb, if you would store something large please increase it,
* e.g 1mb, 5mb, 1gb, 1tb, note, ensure you have enough memory on your system before allocating a large $size
* @param bool $naked
* No class property is set if true
* @throws \Exception
public function __construct(string $masterKey, string $semaphoreID = null, string $size = '100kb', bool $naked = false)
if ($naked === false){
$this->size = $size;
$this->masterKey = $masterKey;
if ($semaphoreID === null){
$this->semaphoreID = ftok(__FILE__, 't');
} else {
$this->semaphoreID = $semaphoreID;
$this->naked = $naked;
* @throws \Exception
protected function attachSharedMemory(): void
// get a handle to the semaphore associated with the shared memory
// segment we want
$this->sem = sem_get($this->semaphoreID,1,0600); // caution: don't ever set the auto_release to false, leave it as is
if (sem_acquire($this->sem) === false){
throw new \Exception("Can't acquire semaphore");
$this->shm = shm_attach(crc32($this->masterKey), self::getBytes($this->size));
* You should never do this, but if you want to do things in a manual way, go ahead,
* keep in mind that detaching only Disconnects from shared memory segment, meaning other process
* can get access to it if only if they reattach, otherwise, it throws a warning
* @return bool
public function detachSharedMemory(): bool
return shm_detach($this->shm);
* Release the semaphore so other processes can acquire it
* @return bool
public function detachSemaphore(): bool
return sem_release($this->sem);
* This ensures atomic operation, meaning, as long as the process has gotten access to the semaphore, other process would wait
* until it completes it operation.
* Note that, multiple process can get access to a semaphore, but I have restricted it to maximum of 1.
* To make things easier for you, this function returns whatever you return in the callable
* @param callable $callable |null $callable
* @return mixed
* @throws \Exception
public function ensureAtomicity(callable $callable): mixed
$this->attachSharedMemory(); # Try to get access to the shared memory and acquire semaphore or wait till you can acquire
return $callable($this);
* Note: Create a new instance of this class so the shared memory can be removed cleanly.
* Should be done at the end of all processes, it calls both the removeSemaphore and removeSharedMemory method.
* @return bool
public function cleanSharedMemory(): bool
return $this->removeSemaphore() && $this->removeSharedMemory();
* Note: Create a new instance of this class so the shared memory can be removed cleanly
* Use this at the end of all processes, if you use this at the end of a single process, and
* another process tries to get access to the sharedMemory, it would have been gone, so, only remove it
* once you are sure other processes do not need the sharedMemory anymore.
* @return bool
public function removeSharedMemory(): bool
return shm_remove($this->shm);
* Same as the `removeSharedMemory()` method, except it is for semaphore, the same caution applies, you should
* only use this at the end of all processes, if you use this at the end of a single process, and
* another process tries to get access to the semaphore, it would throw an error since there won't be any semaphore to acquire,
* hope you get that, however, if you know what you are doing, or you are doing things manually, please, be my guest and semaphore away ;)
* @return bool
public function removeSemaphore(): bool
return sem_remove($this->sem);
* Inserts or updates a variable in shared memory atomically.
* If you don't want atomic operation, you can use the `add()` method
* @param string|int $key
* The variable key.
* @param $var
* The variable. All variable types that serialize supports may be used: generally this means all types except for resources and some internal objects that cannot be serialized.
* @return bool|null
* @throws \Exception
public function atomAdd(string|int $key, $var): ?bool
$result = null;
$this->ensureAtomicity(function (SharedMemory $sharedMemory) use ($var, $key, &$result){
$result = $sharedMemory->add($key, $var);
return $result;
* Inserts or updates a variable in shared memory.
* If you want to insert or update atomically, please make use of the `atomAdd() `function
* @param string|int $key
* The variable key.
* @param $var
* The variable. All variable types that serialize supports may be used: generally this means all types except for resources and some internal objects that cannot be serialized.
* @return bool
* @throws \Exception
public function add(string|int $key, $var): bool
if (is_bool($var)){
$sharedMemoryInstance = new SharedMemory($this->masterKey, naked: true);
return shm_put_var($this->shm, $this->shmKey($key), $sharedMemoryInstance);
return shm_put_var($this->shm, $this->shmKey($key), $var);
* Returns a variable from shared memory in an atomic way.
* If you don't want atomic operation, you can use the `get()` method.
* Note: even with semaphore, PHP would throw the variable has been corrupted in the shared memory warning,
* I have added a condition that keeps trying to get the variable, it times out after $timeoutSeconds, default is 30s
* @param string|int $key
* The variable key.
* @param int $timeoutSeconds
* Timeout seconds
* @return false|mixed
* @throws \Exception
public function atomGet(string|int $key, int $timeoutSeconds = 30): mixed
$result = null;
$this->ensureAtomicity(function (SharedMemory $sharedMemory) use ($timeoutSeconds, $key, &$result){
$startTime = time();
while (true) {
try {
// Perform some operations that may throw an exception
$result = $sharedMemory->get($key);
// If the operations succeed without throwing an exception, bail
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// Handle the exception
// Check if the timeout has been reached
if (time() - $startTime >= $timeoutSeconds) {
// Timeout reached, exit the loop
// Sleep for a short duration before the next iteration
usleep(200000); // 0.2 seconds
return $result;
* Returns a variable from shared memory.
* If you want to get the variable atomically, you can use the `atomGet()` method
* @param string|int $key
* The variable key.
* @return false|mixed
* @throws \Exception
public function get(string|int $key): mixed
if ($this->has($key)) {
* It is kinda hard to handle a warning because, the warning itself returns false,
* the way we handle this is whenever we are putting a boolean value, we create a naked SharedMemory class and
* store the boolean value in the property helper, then whenever we wanna return an actual boolean, we check if the
* instance is of the type SharedMemory, remember that is where we are storing the boolean property. And if we get FALSE,
* we can be sure that is a warning, we can either throw an actual exception or handle it as we see fit
$var = @shm_get_var($this->shm, $this->shmKey($key));
if ($var instanceof SharedMemory){
return $var->getBooleanHelper();
// This is a warning, what should we do hia
if ($var === false){
throw new \Exception("An Error Occur Getting The Variable Value, Corrupted Memory?");
return $var;
} else {
throw new \Exception("The Variable Key $key Does Not Exist");
* Removes a variable from shared memory in an atomic way
* If you don't want atomic operation, you can use the `remove()` method
* @param string|int $key
* The variable key.
* @return false|mixed
* @throws \Exception
public function atomRemove(string|int $key): mixed
$result = null;
$this->ensureAtomicity(function (SharedMemory $sharedMemory) use ($key, &$result){
$result = $sharedMemory->remove($key);
return $result;
* Removes a variable from shared memory
* If you want to remove the variable atomically, you can use the `atomRemove()` method
* @param string|int $key
* The variable key.
* @return bool
public function remove(string|int $key): bool
if ($this->has($key)) {
return shm_remove_var($this->shm, $this->shmKey($key));
} else {
return false;
public function has(string|int $key,): bool
return shm_has_var($this->shm, $this->shmKey($key));
private function shmKey($value): int
$value = (string)$value;
return crc32($value);
* Where $size can be 5kb, 2mb, 1gb, etc
* @param string $size
* @return int
* @author DevsrealmGuy
public static function getBytes(string $size): int
$size = trim($size);
# Separate the value from the metric(i.e MB, GB, KB)
preg_match('/([0-9]+)[\s]*([a-zA-Z]+)/', $size, $matches);
$value = (isset($matches[1])) ? $matches[1] : 0;
$metric = (isset($matches[2])) ? strtolower($matches[2]) : 'b';
# Result of $value multiplied by the matched case
# Note: (1024 ** 2) is same as (1024 * 1024) or pow(1024, 2)
$value *= match ($metric) {
'k', 'kb' => 1024,
'm', 'mb' => (1024 ** 2),
'g', 'gb' => (1024 ** 3),
't', 'tb' => (1024 ** 4),
default => 0
return (int)$value;
* @return bool
public function getBooleanHelper(): bool
return $this->booleanHelper ;
* @param bool $booleanHelper
* @return SharedMemory
public function setBooleanHelper(bool $booleanHelper): SharedMemory
$this->booleanHelper = $booleanHelper;
return $this;
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