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Last active June 25, 2020 16:00
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When you want to find a state which one is affecting in re-rendering your component
// React-Hooks
import {useEffect, useRef} from 'react'
// Suppose you have three state : restaurant, address, weather. and you want to find which state is affecting in rendering
console.log('restaurant' , restaurant);
console.log('restaurant effect', restaurant);
console.log('address' , address);
console.log('address effect', address);
console.log('weather' , weather);
console.log('weather effect', weather);
// If you find the state, you can compare previous state with current state, using useRef.
// I guess address display "address effect" in console
const refAddress = useRef(address);
console.log(refAddress.current, address, refAddress === address)
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