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Last active November 23, 2019 09:57
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import { explainSync as _explainSync, explain as _explain } from 'jsdoc-api'
import path from 'path'
import fs from 'fs'
import os from 'os'
const tmpDirHasLeadingUnderscore = () => /\/_/.test(os.tmpdir())
* Quick fix for jsdoc-api issue#19
* @desc The issue occurs only when using the jsdoc API with the source code option
* leaving the default jsdoc option `source.excludePattern`
* on systems with a temp directory that has a leading underscore anywhere in its path
* @see
* @see
* @typedef {Object} JSDocOptions
* @see
* @property {String} source - JS source code
* @property {String} configure - Path to jsdoc config file
* @property {Boolean} $workaroundIssue19 - Whether the fix was applied or not
* Prepares jsdoc options for fix applying
* @param {JSDocOptions} options
* @return {JSDocOptions} Fixed options
function fixOptions (options) {
if (!options.source || options.configure || !tmpDirHasLeadingUnderscore()) {
return options
options.$workaroundIssue19 = true
options.configure = path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'jsdoc-api-workaround.json')
return options
* Spins a temporary jsdoc config file that automatically clears the option value in `source.excludePattern`
* @param {JSDocOptions} options
function setupTemporaryFile (options) {
const jsDocConfig = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(require.resolve('jsdoc/conf.json.EXAMPLE')).toString())
jsDocConfig.source.excludePattern = ''
fs.writeFileSync(options.configure, JSON.stringify(jsDocConfig, null, 2))
* Clean up the temporary created file (if any)
* @param {JSDocOptions} options
function workaroundCleanup (options) {
if (options.$workaroundIssue19) {
* Display user-friendly error
* @param {Error} err
* @param {JSDocOptions} options
function handleError (err, options) {
if (err.message === 'There are no input files to process.' && options.source && !options.$workaroundIssue19 && tmpDirHasLeadingUnderscore()) {
// warn user about the known issue
console.log(` WARNING!!!`)
console.log(` Be aware of issue:`)
console.log(` And its workaround described here:`)
* @see
export function explainSync (options) {
let errored
let res
options = fixOptions(options)
try {
res = _explainSync(options)
} catch (err) {
errored = err
handleError(err, options)
if (errored) {
throw errored
return res
* @see
export async function explain (options) {
let errored
let res
options = fixOptions(options)
try {
res = await _explain(options)
} catch (err) {
errored = err
handleError(err, options)
if (errored) {
throw errored
return res
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