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Created October 11, 2022 17:44
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Test if Solidity properly handles `delete` with a dynamic array inside a struct (inside a mapping)
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
import "forge-std/Test.sol";
contract Test67 is Test {
struct S2 {
uint256 a2;
uint256 b2;
struct S1 {
uint256 a1;
uint256[] b1;
mapping(uint256 => S2) c1;
mapping(uint256 => S1) public m;
function test_deleteStructWDynamicArray() external {
uint256 valB1_0 = 0x05;
uint256 valB1_1 = 0x06;
S1 storage m1 = m[1];
bytes32 slot_m_1 = keccak256(abi.encode(1, 8)); // m[1].a1
bytes32 slot_m_1_b1 = bytes32(uint256(slot_m_1) + 1); // m[1].b1 == length
bytes32 slot_m_1_b1_0 = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(slot_m_1_b1)); // m[1].b1[0]
bytes32 slot_m_1_b1_1 = bytes32(uint256(slot_m_1_b1_0) + 1); // m[1].b1[1]
uint256 ret_m_1_b1_0;
uint256 ret_m_1_b1_1;
assembly {
ret_m_1_b1_0 := sload(slot_m_1_b1_0)
ret_m_1_b1_1 := sload(slot_m_1_b1_1)
assertEq(ret_m_1_b1_0, valB1_0);
assertEq(ret_m_1_b1_1, valB1_1);
delete m[1]; // DELETE!
assembly {
ret_m_1_b1_0 := sload(slot_m_1_b1_0)
ret_m_1_b1_1 := sload(slot_m_1_b1_1)
assertEq(ret_m_1_b1_0, 0); // VALUES ARE ZERO AFTER DELETE
assertEq(ret_m_1_b1_1, 0);
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