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Last active October 20, 2022 11:15
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  • Save devtooligan/a869bfbe6e6ad9d1a66ebee70d0e28c5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save devtooligan/a869bfbe6e6ad9d1a66ebee70d0e28c5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# This is a bash function that will copy a vscode settings.json file into the current directory and randomly select a color scheme.
# Step 1: Create a settting.json file somewhere which at least contains this section. Feel free to add your favorite settings to this.
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"titleBar.activeForeground": "FOREGROUND",
"titleBar.inactiveForeground": "FOREGROUND",
"titleBar.activeBackground": "BACKGROUND",
"titleBar.inactiveBackground": "BACKGROUND"
# Note: The FOREGROUND and BACKROUND above will be replaced by the script.
# Here is a shell function for creating the template. It's only been tested on Mac with zsh.
# One way to make this launchable from anywhere is to create a bash function and put it in your .zshrc (or .bashrc)
# That is the way we will do it here. An alternate way would be to create a .sh script and make it executable and put
# it in a directory that is included in the shells PATH.
importVscodeSettings() {
# this assumes you are in the root dir of your project
# first create a dir
mkdir -p .vscode
timestamp=$(date +%s)
theme=$((${timestamp} % 2)) # theme 0 or 1
declare -a lightColors=(
[1]="#ffffff" # white
[2]="#ffc8c8" # pink
[3]="#84ff8d" # light green
[4]="#8ccbfe" # light blue
[5]="#e1e1e1" # light grey
[6]="#ffa565" # orange
[7]="#d5d166" # lightYello
declare -a darkColors=(
[1]="#b67300" # brown
[2]="#000000" # black
[3]="#178803" # dark green
[4]="#050388" # dark blue
[5]="#656565" # dark grey
[6]="#860303" # dark red
[7]="#e30000" # red
timestamp=$(date +%s)
lightColorIndex=$((${timestamp} % ${lightChoices} + 1)) # pseudo random based on timestamp
timestamp=$(date +%s)
darkColorIndex=$((${timestamp} % 123456 % ${darkChoices} + 1)) # different pseudo random based on timestamp % 123456
if [ ${theme} -gt 0 ]; then
# replace the path below with the path to your settings.json template
cat ${HOME}/dev/utils/settings.json \
| sed "s/FOREGROUND/${foreground}/g" \
| sed "s/BACKGROUND/${background}/g" \
> ./.vscode/settings.json
# That's all! source ~/.zshrc to activate the function then type `importVSCodeSettings` from the command line to run
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