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Last active June 2, 2024 03:22
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  • Save devxan/ab5a503f5413442cea9613384cca9c9c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save devxan/ab5a503f5413442cea9613384cca9c9c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
QuickCSS for running in modified Discord desktop apps (Vencord)
@import url(;
@import url("");
/* @import url("");*/
/* @import url(;*/
@import url(//;
@import url(//;
@import url(;
@import url(;
@import url(;
/* Match channel text area to user container */
.form__13a2c {
padding: 0;
.channelTextArea__2e60f {
margin: 0;
.scrollableContainer__33e06 {
border-radius: 0;
padding-top: 4px;
min-height: 48px;
/* Move typing indicators
.typing__6fd1d {
top: -24px;
left: 0px;
width: fit-content;
padding-right: 9px;
border-radius: 0 8px 0 0;
background: var(--bg-overlay-3,var(--channeltextarea-background));
/* Remove single pixel margin from user container */
.container_ca50b9 {
margin: 0;
/* Make jump to present/jump to original/mark as read bars smaller and hug the right */
.barBase__4e0ba {
width: fit-content;
margin-left: auto;
/* Discord (Social Proofing Message Nitro Badge) to Twitter Blue checkmark */
[class^=nitroBadgeSvg__] {
content: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 22 22'%3E%3Cg%3E%3Cpath d='M20.396 11c-.018-.646-.215-1.275-.57-1.816-.354-.54-.852-.972-1.438-1.246.223-.607.27-1.264.14-1.897-.131-.634-.437-1.218-.882-1.687-.47-.445-1.053-.75-1.687-.882-.633-.13-1.29-.083-1.897.14-.273-.587-.704-1.086-1.245-1.44S11.647 1.62 11 1.604c-.646.017-1.273.213-1.813.568s-.969.854-1.24 1.44c-.608-.223-1.267-.272-1.902-.14-.635.13-1.22.436-1.69.882-.445.47-.749 1.055-.878 1.688-.13.633-.08 1.29.144 1.896-.587.274-1.087.705-1.443 1.245-.356.54-.555 1.17-.574 1.817.02.647.218 1.276.574 1.817.356.54.856.972 1.443 1.245-.224.606-.274 1.263-.144 1.896.13.634.433 1.218.877 1.688.47.443 1.054.747 1.687.878.633.132 1.29.084 1.897-.136.274.586.705 1.084 1.246 1.439.54.354 1.17.551 1.816.569.647-.016 1.276-.213 1.817-.567s.972-.854 1.245-1.44c.604.239 1.266.296 1.903.164.636-.132 1.22-.447 1.68-.907.46-.46.776-1.044.908-1.681s.075-1.299-.165-1.903c.586-.274 1.084-.705 1.439-1.246.354-.54.551-1.17.569-1.816zM9.662 14.85l-3.429-3.428 1.293-1.302 2.072 2.072 4.4-4.794 1.347 1.246z' fill='rgb(29, 155, 240)'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E");
width: 1rem;
height: 1rem;
/* eat my dick (real) */
[class*=wumpusTooltip] {
visibility: hidden;
[class*=wumpusTooltip]:after {
visibility: visible;
[class*=wumpusTooltip]:before {
content:'I\'m new to Discord, eat my dick!';
visibility: visible;
display: inline-block;
background: var(--white-500);
color: var(--primary-dark-500);
width: max-content;
height: max-content;
-webkit-box-flex: 0;
-ms-flex: 0 1 auto;
flex: 0 1 auto;
position: relative;
left: -6px;
bottom: -6.5px;
padding: 1px 6px;
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: 500;
border-radius: 3px;
margin-top: -12px;
margin-right: 8px;
-webkit-transition: opacity .11s linear .17s;
transition: opacity .11s linear .17s;
/* End eat my dick (real) */
/* Remove nitro profile effects */
[class*="profileEffects"] {
/* Give @zt64 an anime pfp */
img[src*="289556910426816513"] {
content: url("");
/* Professional image for some reason */
#app-mount {
transform: rotate(10deg) skew(10deg) scale(0.7);
/* Hide Nitro gift button */
button[aria-label="Send a gift"] {
display: none;
/* Hide the nitro tab in the homepage */
a[data-list-item-id$="___nitro"] {
display: none;
/* Hide shop button in Home */
a[data-list-item-id*="shop"] {
display: none;
/* Remove full profile effects */
display: none;
/* Hover animations for channel/settings/dms/member lists */
.wrapper__7bcde .link__95dc0 /* channels */,
.container__4f20e /* members */,
.channel_c21703 /* dms */,
.side_b4b3f6 .item__48dda /* settings */ {
transition: margin-left 0.2s ease;
.wrapper__7bcde:hover .link__95dc0,
.side_b4b3f6 .item__48dda:hover {
margin-left: 10px;
.channel_c21703:hover {
margin-left: 18px;
/* make pings the same color as activity icons */
.numberBadge__50328 {
background-color: var(--background-accent)!important;
/* Remove atrocious NEW badge for server notifications (it's buggy) */
unreadMentionsIndicatorBottom_fdb943 {
/* Change channel unread indicator text */
.text-xs-semibold_a3a2b4.barText__1a44f {font-size: 0px;}
.text-xs-semibold_a3a2b4.barText__1a44f:before {font-size:12px; content: /*CHANGE TO WHATEVER*/ "Someone is trying to speak..."; position: absolute; top: 4px;}
.bar__004d9 {width: 200px;} /* adjust if needed for bar width, incase the text goes off the bar*/
/* Fix Mosaic Zoom (make full images show when more than one is attached) */
[class^="imageWrapper_"] img[class^="lazyImg"] { object-fit: contain !important; }
/* Make chat 'slow down' message shiggy */
.wumpus__3d214 {
scale: 1;
content: url(;
.focusLock__10aa5 .text-md-normal__4afad {
font-size: 0;
.focusLock__10aa5 .text-md-normal__4afad::after {
font-size: 16px;
content: "Relax with Shiggy for as long as you need."
/* Hide threads until hovering */
#channels [class^=container_]:not([class*=containerWithMargin])
{ max-height: 0;
overflow: hidden;
transition: max-height 4s ease; }
#channels [class^=containerDefault_]:hover + [class^=container_],
#channels [class^=container_]:hover
{ max-height: 100%; }
/* dim server muted/server deafened icons */
[aria-label="Mute"] [aria-hidden="true"],
[aria-label="Deafen"] [aria-hidden="true"]{
opacity: 0.4;
/* Fix poor contrast username colors */
[class*=membersGroup_] [style
{ filter:contrast(.2) brightness(1.2) saturate(500%); }
/* Full height gif menu */
[class^="positionContainer_"] {
height: calc(100vh - 180px);
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