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Created September 27, 2016 07:33
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extension UICollectionView {
public var rx_reachedBottom: Observable<Void> {
return self.rx.contentOffset
.map { contentOffset in
var responder: UIResponder = self
var viewController: UIViewController? = nil
while let next = {
viewController = next as? UIViewController
if viewController != nil {
responder = next
let statusBarHeight = UIApplication.shared.statusBarFrame.height
let navigationBarHeight = viewController?.navigationController?.navigationBar.bounds.height ?? 0
let tabBarHeight = viewController?.tabBarController?.tabBar.bounds.height ?? 0
let bottomOffset = contentOffset.y + + self.bounds.height
- statusBarHeight - navigationBarHeight - tabBarHeight
return bottomOffset >= self.contentSize.height - self.bounds.height / 2
.filter { $0 }
.map { _ in Void() }
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