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Created October 6, 2023 15:14
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def reposition_object_img_bytes(
img_bytes: bytes,
mask_bytes: bytes,
out_size: (int, int) = (512, 512),
out_obj_scale: float = 0.2,
out_pos_x: float = 4 / 9,
out_pos_y: float = 3 / 9,
) -> (bytes, bytes):
image_cv2 = bytes_to_cv2_img(img_bytes)
mask_cv2 = bytes_to_cv2_img(mask_bytes)
image_cv2, mask_cv2 = reposition_object(
# smooth out the sharp edges - maybe doesn't work too well for objects?
# face_mask_cv2 = cv2.GaussianBlur(face_mask_cv2, (0, 0), 5)
image_bytes = cv2_img_to_bytes(image_cv2)
face_mask_bytes = cv2_img_to_bytes(mask_cv2)
return image_bytes, face_mask_bytes
def reposition_object(
out_size: (int, int) = (512, 512),
out_obj_scale: float = 0.2,
out_pos_x: float = 4 / 9,
out_pos_y: float = 3 / 9,
import cv2
img_y, img_x, _ = orig_img.shape
out_img_x, out_img_y = out_size
out_img_shape = (out_img_y, out_img_x, orig_img.shape[-1])
# find the bounds of the object
obj_xmin, obj_xmax, obj_ymin, obj_ymax = get_mask_bounds(orig_mask)
# original face height
obj_height = abs(obj_ymax - obj_ymin)
obj_width = abs(obj_xmax - obj_xmin)
# image resize ratio
if obj_height > obj_width or (obj_height == obj_width and out_img_y < out_img_x):
re_ratio = (out_img_y / obj_height) * out_obj_scale
re_ratio = (out_img_x / obj_width) * out_obj_scale
# reasonable bounds for the resize ratio
re_ratio = min(max(re_ratio, 0.1), 10.0)
# resized image size
re_img_x = int(img_x * re_ratio)
re_img_y = int(img_y * re_ratio)
# resized image and mask
re_img = cv2.resize(orig_img, (re_img_x, re_img_y))
re_mask = cv2.resize(orig_mask, (re_img_x, re_img_y))
# face center coords in original image
face_center_x = (obj_xmax + obj_xmin) // 2
face_center_y = (obj_ymax + obj_ymin) // 2
# face center coords in resized image
re_face_center_x = int(face_center_x * re_ratio)
re_face_center_y = int(face_center_y * re_ratio)
# crop of resized image
re_crop_x1 = int(max(re_face_center_x - (out_img_x * out_pos_x), 0))
re_crop_y1 = int(max(re_face_center_y - (out_img_y * out_pos_y), 0))
re_crop_x2 = int(min(re_face_center_x + (out_img_x * (1 - out_pos_x)), re_img_x))
re_crop_y2 = int(min(re_face_center_y + (out_img_y * (1 - out_pos_y)), re_img_y))
# crop of output image
out_crop_x1 = int((out_img_x * out_pos_x) - (re_face_center_x - re_crop_x1))
out_crop_y1 = int((out_img_y * out_pos_y) - (re_face_center_y - re_crop_y1))
re_crop_width = re_crop_x2 - re_crop_x1
re_crop_height = re_crop_y2 - re_crop_y1
out_crop_x2 = out_crop_x1 + re_crop_width
out_crop_y2 = out_crop_y1 + re_crop_height
# efficient croppers / slicers
re_rect_cropper = (
slice(re_crop_y1, re_crop_y2),
slice(re_crop_x1, re_crop_x2),
slice(0, 3),
out_rect_cropper = (
slice(out_crop_y1, out_crop_y2),
slice(out_crop_x1, out_crop_x2),
slice(0, 3),
out_img = np.ones(out_img_shape, dtype=np.uint8) * color
out_mask = np.ones(out_img_shape, dtype=np.uint8) * color
# paste crop of resized image onto the crop of output image
out_img[out_rect_cropper] = re_img[re_rect_cropper]
out_mask[out_rect_cropper] = re_mask[re_rect_cropper]
return out_img, out_mask
def get_mask_bounds(mask_cv2) -> (int, int, int, int):
white_pixels = np.where(mask_cv2[:, :, 0] != 0)
ymin = white_pixels[0].min()
ymax = white_pixels[0].max()
xmin = white_pixels[1].min()
xmax = white_pixels[1].max()
return xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
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