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Created January 11, 2013 13:55
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Save devyfriend/4510822 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Codeigniter DB Router for Modular
<?php (defined('BASEPATH')) OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
/* load the MX_Router class */
require APPPATH."third_party/MX/Router.php";
class MY_Router extends MX_Router {
function _set_routing()
// Are query strings enabled in the config file? Normally CI doesn't utilize query strings
// since URI segments are more search-engine friendly, but they can optionally be used.
// If this feature is enabled, we will gather the directory/class/method a little differently
$segments = array();
if ($this->config->item('enable_query_strings') === TRUE AND isset($_GET[$this->config->item('controller_trigger')]))
if (isset($_GET[$this->config->item('directory_trigger')]))
$segments[] = $this->fetch_directory();
if (isset($_GET[$this->config->item('controller_trigger')]))
$segments[] = $this->fetch_class();
if (isset($_GET[$this->config->item('function_trigger')]))
$segments[] = $this->fetch_method();
// Load the routes.php file.
if (defined('ENVIRONMENT') AND is_file(APPPATH.'config/'.ENVIRONMENT.'/routes.php'))
elseif (is_file(APPPATH.'config/routes.php'))
$this->routes = ( ! isset($route) OR ! is_array($route)) ? array() : $route;
/* warning .... hack here */
$this->routes = $this->_db_routes($this->routes);
// Set the default controller so we can display it in the event
// the URI doesn't correlated to a valid controller.
$this->default_controller = ( ! isset($this->routes['default_controller']) OR $this->routes['default_controller'] == '') ? FALSE : strtolower($this->routes['default_controller']);
// Were there any query string segments? If so, we'll validate them and bail out since we're done.
if (count($segments) > 0)
return $this->_validate_request($segments);
// Fetch the complete URI string
// Is there a URI string? If not, the default controller specified in the "routes" file will be shown.
if ($this->uri->uri_string == '')
return $this->_set_default_controller();
// Do we need to remove the URL suffix?
// Compile the segments into an array
// Parse any custom routing that may exist
// Re-index the segment array so that it starts with 1 rather than 0
function _db_routes($routes)
/* ============= HACK to get dynamic route from db ==============================*/
$d_b =& DB($db['default'],true);
$tmp = $d_b->query('SELECT slug FROM vehicles')->result();
// cars routes
foreach($tmp as $key=>$val)
if($val->slug != '')
$routes[$val->slug] = 'vehicles/index/'.$val->slug;
$routes[$val->slug.'/archive'] = $val->route.'/archive';
$routes[$val->slug.'/archive/(:num)/(:num)/page(/:num)?'] = $val->route.'/archive/$1/$2';
$routes[$val->slug.'/page(/:num)?'] = $val->route.'/index$1';
$routes[$val->slug.'/(:any)'] = $val->route.'/view/$1';
$routes['activity/type/(:any)'] = 'activity/activity_type/$1';
$routes['company/workfield/(:any)'] = 'company/by_workfield_name/$1';
$routes['gallery/photo/(:num)/(:any)'] = 'gallery/photo/view/$1';
$routes['gallery/video/(:num)/(:any)'] = 'gallery/video/view/$1';
$routes['clinic/ask'] = 'clinic/ask';
$routes['clinic/thanks'] = 'clinic/thanks';
/*================= end HACK ====================================================*/
//var_dump($routes); exit;
return $routes;
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