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Last active May 30, 2024 01:37
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Save devymex/734ff89ffb7ba047de177201ba90b3d1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Plugin of Megatron-LM for saving llama-2 checkpoint as HuggingFace format
import os, torch, torch.multiprocessing as mp
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, LlamaConfig
CHECK_EQUAL_WITH_HF = '' # A pretrain directory eg. '/data/models/llama-2-hf/7b-chat'
def add_arguments(parser):
group = parser.add_argument_group(title='Llama-2 HF saver.')
group.add_argument('--megatron-path', type=str, default=None,
help='Base directory of megatron checkpoint')
def save_checkpoint(queue: mp.Queue, args):
def queue_get(name=None):
val = queue.get()
if val == "exit":
print("Loader exited, exiting saver")
if name is not None and args.checking and val["name"] != name:
val_name = val["name"]
print(f'Unexpected message. Expecting "{name}" but got "{val_name}". Exiting saver.')
if name is not None:
print(f"received {name}")
return val
md = queue_get()
# Verify compatibility of args
assert hasattr(md, 'checkpoint_args')
assert md.model_type == 'GPT'
mag_conf = md.checkpoint_args
torch_dtype = torch.float32
if mag_conf.bf16:
assert mag_conf.fp16 == False
torch_dtype = torch.bfloat16
elif mag_conf.fp16:
assert mag_conf.bf16 == False
torch_dtype = torch.float16
assert mag_conf.swiglu == True
assert mag_conf.rotary_percent == 1.0
llama_conf = LlamaConfig(
vocab_size = mag_conf.padded_vocab_size,
hidden_size = mag_conf.hidden_size,
intermediate_size = mag_conf.ffn_hidden_size,
num_hidden_layers = mag_conf.encoder_num_layers,
num_attention_heads = mag_conf.num_attention_heads,
num_key_value_heads = mag_conf.num_query_groups,
max_position_embeddings = mag_conf.max_position_embeddings,
rms_norm_eps = mag_conf.norm_epsilon,
tie_word_embeddings = not mag_conf.untie_embeddings_and_output_weights,
attention_bias = mag_conf.add_bias_linear,
torch_dtype = torch_dtype,
model_type = "llama",
architectures = ['LlamaForCausalLM'],
transformers_version = "4.33.1",
state_dict = {}
def set_hf_param(name, tensor: torch.Tensor):
weight_name = f'{name}.weight'
state_dict[weight_name] = tensor
set_hf_param('model.embed_tokens', queue_get("embeddings")["word embeddings"])
for i_layer in range(llama_conf.num_hidden_layers):
message = queue_get(f"transformer layer {i_layer}")
suffix = f'model.layers.{i_layer}.'
set_hf_param(suffix + 'input_layernorm', message["input norm weight"])
set_hf_param(suffix + 'post_attention_layernorm', message["post norm weight"])
set_hf_param(suffix + 'mlp.gate_proj', message["mlp l0 weight W"])
set_hf_param(suffix + 'mlp.up_proj', message["mlp l0 weight V"])
qkv_weight = message["qkv weight"]
qkv_weight = qkv_weight.view(llama_conf.num_attention_heads, 3, -1, llama_conf.hidden_size)
qkv_weight = qkv_weight.transpose(0, 1).reshape(3, llama_conf.hidden_size, llama_conf.hidden_size)
set_hf_param(suffix + 'self_attn.q_proj', qkv_weight[0])
set_hf_param(suffix + 'self_attn.k_proj', qkv_weight[1])
set_hf_param(suffix + 'self_attn.v_proj', qkv_weight[2])
set_hf_param(suffix + 'self_attn.o_proj', message["dense weight"])
set_hf_param(suffix + 'mlp.down_proj', message["mlp l1 weight"])
set_hf_param('model.norm', queue_get('final norm')['weight'])
set_hf_param('lm_head', queue_get('output layer')['weight'])
print(f'Checking with given HF model {CHECK_EQUAL_WITH_HF}')
ref_model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(CHECK_EQUAL_WITH_HF)
ref_state_dict = ref_model.state_dict()
assert sorted(list(ref_state_dict.keys())) == sorted(list(state_dict.keys()))
for key in state_dict:
assert torch.equal(ref_state_dict[key], state_dict[key])
print(f'Check passed. {CHECK_EQUAL_WITH_HF} and {args.save_dir} are equal.'), os.path.join(args.save_dir, 'pytorch_model.bin'))
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