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Last active September 16, 2019 13:27
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### Default jumpapp key bindings ###
super + ctrl + {g,space,f,c,t,e,v,x,k,o,b,p,d,a}
jumpapp -m {google-chrome,google-chrome,firefox,xfce4-terminal,xfce4-terminal,emacs,gvim,xfce4-taskmanager,gitkraken,libreoffice,bcompare,pavucontrol,atril,anki}
super + space
jumpapp -m xfce4-terminal
super + {alt + space, bracketright}
jumpapp -m emacs
super + v
# Found that spotify is also not reliable when it comes to minimising
super + ctrl + m
jumpapp spotify
# Keep IntelliJ IDEA quite simple without hiding part since Java apps are quite slow to minimise and show up
super + ctrl + i
jumpapp idea
super + semicolon
jumpapp idea
super + shift + space
jumpapp idea
super + shift + t
jumpapp -m thunar
super + shift + p
super + shift + w
rofi -show window -width 60
super + apostrophe
jumpapp -m google-chrome
# Slack bug has made jumpapp stop working
# "jumpapp slack"
# My own toggle-window script is not 100% functional - minimize part does not work reliably
# "toggle-window slack"
super + ctrl + s
jumpapp -m slack
# wmctrl -a Slack
# App jump chords
super + j; {g,f,t,e,v,p}
jumpapp -m {googl-chrome,firefox,xfce4-terminal,emacs,gvim,postman}
super + alt + s
jumpapp -m subl
# For file search
super + ctrl + shift + s
jumpapp catfish
# JProfiler
super + ctrl + shift + j
jumpapp jprofiler
# Power menu with rofi
super + shift + ctrl + p
# Screen shot a region
super + shift + s
xfce4-screenshooter -r
super + l
i3lock -i ~/Pictures/Wallpapers/lock.png -t
### Media Player Controls ####
super + alt + ctrl + {j,p,n}
playerctl {play-pause,previous,next}
# Current track info as a notification
super + alt + ctrl + i
notify-send "$(playerctl metadata artist) - $(playerctl metadata title)"
### Audio control ###
super + alt + ctrl + m
amixer -D pulse set Master toggle
super + alt + ctrl + {h,l}
amixer sset Master {2%-,2%+} unmute
super + alt + ctrl + {bracketleft,bracketright}
amixer sset Master {5%-,5%+} unmute
### Useful Window manipulation shortcuts ###
super + h
xdotool getactivewindow windowminimize
# Focus only on the currently focused window by hiding other windows
super + shift + h
super + m
wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b toggle,maximized_vert,maximized_horz
# Move Window to other monitor
super + shift + m
# This is analogous to the macOS CMD+Q for quit
super + q
wmctrl -c :ACTIVE:
super + shift + f
wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b toggle,fullscreen
### Mouse configs ###
xdotool key {XF86Back,XF86Forward}
# "xdotool --clearmodifiers keydown alt key Tab; sleep 2; xdotool --clearmodifiers keyup alt"
# mod4+b:4
# "xdotool key --clearmodifiers alt+Tab"
# mod4+b:4
### Application switching with mouse buttons ###
alt + {button10,button11}
xdotool key --clearmodifiers {alt+Tab,alt+shift+Tab}
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