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Last active January 24, 2022 03:14
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EngineerDAO Contracts Pseudo Code
contract job
jobsMapStorage = {}
daoEscrow = 0
daoFunds = 0
listOfDisputeResolvers = [0xAdd11111, 0xAdd22222]
daoFundManagerAddress = 0xAdd4e55
// start a new job
if bounty was not included then revert
validate jobData
daoEscrow = daoEscrow + fundsSent
jobData.bounty = fundsSent
jobData.supplier = callerAddress
jobData.postTime = now
jobData.state = 'available'
jobId = generateJobId(jobData)
save jobData to jobsMapStorage using jobId
// both the supplier or the engineer must call
jobData = jobsMapStorage[jobId]
if jobData.state != 'available' then revert
if callerAddress != jobData.supplier and callerAddress != then revert
if callerAddress == jobData.supplier
jobData.closedBySupplier = true
if callerAddress ==
jobData.closedByEngineer = true
if jobData.closedBySupplier and jobData.closedByEngineer
jobData.state = 'final-cancelled-by-both-parties'
save jobData to contract storage
// close immediately
jobData = jobsMapStorage[jobId]
if jobData.state != 'available' then revert
if callerAddress != jobData.supplier then revert
jobData.state = 'final-cancelled-by-supplier'
save jobData to contract storage
jobData = jobsMapStorage[jobId]
if jobData.state != 'available' then revert
if callerAddress == jobData.supplier then revert
if fundsSent < jobData.bounty * 0.1 then revert
daoEscrow = daoEscrow + fundsSent
jobData.buyIn = fundsSent = callerAddress
jobData.startTime = now
jobData.state = 'started'
save jobData to contract storage
jobData = jobsMapStorage[jobId]
if jobData.state != 'started' then revert
if callerAddress != then revert
jobData.completeTime = now
jobData.state = 'completed'
save jobData to contract storage
jobData = jobsMapStorage[jobId]
if jobData.state != 'completed' then revert
if callerAddress != then revert
if jobData.completeTime is not old enough then revert
jobData.state = 'final-no-response'
save jobData to contract storage
jobData = jobsMapStorage[jobId]
if jobData.state != 'completed' then revert
if callerAddress != jobData.supplier then revert
jobData.state = 'final-approved'
save jobData to contract storage
jobData = jobsMapStorage[jobId]
if jobData.state != 'started' or jobData.state != 'completed' then revert
if callerAddress != jobData.supplier then revert
jobData.state = 'disputed'
save jobData to contract storage
jobData = jobsMapStorage[jobId]
if jobData.state != 'disputed' then revert
if callerAddress is not in listOfDisputeResolvers then revert
jobEscrow = jobData.bounty + jobData.buyIn
daoEscrow = daoEscrow - jobEscrow
send 94% of jobEscrow to jobData.supplier
send 6% of jobEscrow to DR_SERVICE_ADDRESS
jobData.state = 'final-dispute-resolved-supplier'
save jobData to contract storage
jobData = jobsMapStorage[jobId]
if jobData.state != 'disputed' then revert
if callerAddress is not in listOfDisputeResolvers then revert
jobEscrow = jobData.bounty + jobData.buyIn
daoEscrow = daoEscrow - jobEscrow
send 94% of jobEscrow to
send 6% of jobEscrow to DR_SERVICE_ADDRESS
jobData.state = 'final-dispute-resolved-engineer'
save jobData to contract storage
resolveDisputeWithCustomAmount(joibId, engineerAmountPct)
jobData = jobsMapStorage[jobId]
if jobData.state != 'disputed' then revert
if callerAddress is not in listOfDisputeResolvers then revert
jobEscrow = jobData.bounty + jobData.buyIn
jobEscrowAfterFee = 96% of jobEscrow
feeAmount = jobEscrow - jobEscrowAfterFee
engineerAmount = jobEscrowAfterFee * engineerAmountPct / 100
supplierAmount = engineerAmount - engineerAmount
daoEscrow = daoEscrow - jobEscrow
send engineerAmount to
send supplierAmount to jobData.supplier
send feeAmount to DR_SERVICE_ADDRESS
jobData.state = 'final-dispute-resolved-custom'
save jobData to contract storage
jobData = jobsMapStorage[jobId]
jobEscrow = jobData.bounty + jobData.buyIn
payoutAmount = jobData.bounty * 0.95 + jobData.buyIn
daoEscrow = daoEscrow - jobEscrow
daoFunds = daoFunds + (jobEscrow - payoutAmount)
send payoutAmount to
jobData = jobsMapStorage[jobId]
daoEscrow = daoEscrow - jobData.bounty
send jobData.bounty to jobData.supplier
if jobData.buyIn
daoEscrow = daoEscrow - jobData.buyIn
send jobData.buyIn to
jobData = jobsMapStorage[jobId]
return jobData
withdrawDaoFunds(amount, recipient)
if callerAddress != daoFundManagerAddress then revert
if amount > daoFunds then revert
daoFunds = daoFunds - amount
send amount to recipient
daoFunds = daoFunds + fundsSent
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