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Last active April 14, 2017 03:08
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ICD Exploration

Exploring the ICD codes between the icd package and the pccc package.

In general there are R scripts which are used to produce .md files via knitr::spin()

This script was built to explore the ICD codes taken from the SAS files. The libraries needed are as follows:


Let's look at all the codes that are in the pccc::get_codes. Generate one data.frame

pccc_codes <-
            Map(function(x, y) data.frame(code = x, classification = y, dp = "dx", version = 9),
                x = get_codes()$dx,
                y = names(get_codes()$dx)),
            Map(function(x, y) data.frame(code = x, classification = y, dp = "pc", version = 9),
                x = get_codes()$pc,
                y = names(get_codes()$pc)) ,
            Map(function(x, y) data.frame(code = x, classification = y, dp = "dx", version = 10),
                x = get_codes(version = 10L)$dx,
                y = names(get_codes(version = 10L)$dx)),
            Map(function(x, y) data.frame(code = x, classification = y, dp = "pc", version = 10),
                x = get_codes(version = 10L)$pc,
                y = names(get_codes(version = 10L)$pc))
            ) %>%

valid codes? This needs to be rowwise so icd::icd_is_valid will allow each code to be judged correctly. Need a function icd_definition which returns "" if icd::icd_explain does not return an explaination.

icd_definition <- function(x) {
  out <- icd::icd_explain(x, condense = FALSE, warn = FALSE)
  if (length(out)) {
  } else {

pccc_codes %<>%
  dplyr::rowwise() %>%
  dplyr::mutate(decimal_code = icd::icd_short_to_decimal(code),
                valid        = icd::icd_is_valid(code),
                defined      = icd::icd_is_defined(code),
                definition   =  icd_definition(code)
                ) %>%

##      code           classification          dp               version      
##  Length:3172        Length:3172        Length:3172        Min.   : 9.000  
##  Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   1st Qu.:10.000  
##  Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Median :10.000  
##                                                           Mean   : 9.769  
##                                                           3rd Qu.:10.000  
##                                                           Max.   :10.000  
##  decimal_code         valid          defined         definition       
##  Length:3172        Mode :logical   Mode :logical   Length:3172       
##  Class1:icd9        FALSE:1714      FALSE:1947      Class :character  
##  Class2:character   TRUE :1458      TRUE :1225      Mode  :character  
##  Mode  :character   NA's :0         NA's :0                           

The table below shows the codes as copied form the SAS code. The ICD9 Versions seem to be in good order, the ICD 10 versions do not.

pccc_codes %>% kable
code classification dp version decimal_code valid defined definition
3180 neuromusc dx 9 318.0 TRUE TRUE Moderate intellectual disabilities
3181 neuromusc dx 9 318.1 TRUE TRUE Severe intellectual disabilities
3182 neuromusc dx 9 318.2 TRUE TRUE Profound intellectual disabilities
330 neuromusc dx 9 330 TRUE TRUE Cerebral degenerations usually manifest in childhood
33111 neuromusc dx 9 331.11 TRUE TRUE Pick's disease
33119 neuromusc dx 9 331.19 TRUE TRUE Other frontotemporal dementia
3314 neuromusc dx 9 331.4 TRUE TRUE Obstructive hydrocephalus
33189 neuromusc dx 9 331.89 TRUE TRUE Other cerebral degeneration
3319 neuromusc dx 9 331.9 TRUE TRUE Cerebral degeneration, unspecified
3320 neuromusc dx 9 332.0 TRUE TRUE Paralysis agitans
3321 neuromusc dx 9 332.1 TRUE TRUE Secondary parkinsonism
3330 neuromusc dx 9 333.0 TRUE TRUE Other degenerative diseases of the basal ganglia
3332 neuromusc dx 9 333.2 TRUE TRUE Myoclonus
3334 neuromusc dx 9 333.4 TRUE TRUE Huntington's chorea
3335 neuromusc dx 9 333.5 TRUE TRUE Other choreas
3337 neuromusc dx 9 333.7 TRUE TRUE Atrophy of orbit
3339 neuromusc dx 9 333.9 TRUE TRUE Other
334 neuromusc dx 9 334 TRUE TRUE Spinocerebellar disease
335 neuromusc dx 9 335 TRUE TRUE Anterior horn cell disease
343 neuromusc dx 9 343 TRUE TRUE Infantile cerebral palsy
34501 neuromusc dx 9 345.01 TRUE TRUE Generalized nonconvulsive epilepsy, with intractable epilepsy
34581 neuromusc dx 9 345.81 TRUE TRUE Other forms of epilepsy and recurrent seizures, with intractable epilepsy
3590 neuromusc dx 9 359.0 TRUE TRUE Congenital hereditary muscular dystrophy
3591 neuromusc dx 9 359.1 TRUE TRUE Hereditary progressive muscular dystrophy
3592 neuromusc dx 9 359.2 TRUE TRUE Other disorders of labyrinth
3593 neuromusc dx 9 359.3 TRUE TRUE Periodic paralysis
3361 neuromusc dx 9 336.1 TRUE TRUE Vascular myelopathies
3368 neuromusc dx 9 336.8 TRUE TRUE Other myelopathy
3379 neuromusc dx 9 337.9 TRUE TRUE Unspecified disorder of autonomic nervous system
3418 neuromusc dx 9 341.8 TRUE TRUE Other demyelinating diseases of central nervous system
34290 neuromusc dx 9 342.90 TRUE TRUE Hemiplegia, unspecified, affecting unspecified side
343 neuromusc dx 9 343 TRUE TRUE Infantile cerebral palsy
3440 neuromusc dx 9 344.0 TRUE TRUE Equatorial staphyloma
34481 neuromusc dx 9 344.81 TRUE TRUE Locked-in state
3449 neuromusc dx 9 344.9 TRUE TRUE Paralysis, unspecified
34511 neuromusc dx 9 345.11 TRUE TRUE Generalized convulsive epilepsy, with intractable epilepsy
3453 neuromusc dx 9 345.3 TRUE TRUE Grand mal status
34541 neuromusc dx 9 345.41 TRUE TRUE Localization-related (focal) (partial) epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with complex partial seizures, with intractable epilepsy
34561 neuromusc dx 9 345.61 TRUE TRUE Infantile spasms, with intractable epilepsy
34571 neuromusc dx 9 345.71 TRUE TRUE Epilepsia partialis continua, with intractable epilepsy
34591 neuromusc dx 9 345.91 TRUE TRUE Epilepsy, unspecified, with intractable epilepsy
3481 neuromusc dx 9 348.1 TRUE TRUE Anoxic brain damage
3484 neuromusc dx 9 348.4 TRUE TRUE Compression of brain
3491 neuromusc dx 9 349.1 TRUE TRUE Nervous system complications from surgically implanted device
43401 neuromusc dx 9 434.01 TRUE TRUE Cerebral thrombosis with cerebral infarction
43491 neuromusc dx 9 434.91 TRUE TRUE Cerebral artery occlusion, unspecified with cerebral infarction
359 neuromusc dx 9 359 TRUE TRUE Muscular dystrophies and other myopathies
740 neuromusc dx 9 740 TRUE TRUE Anencephalus and similar anomalies
741 neuromusc dx 9 741 TRUE TRUE Spina bifida
742 neuromusc dx 9 742 TRUE TRUE Other congenital anomalies of nervous system
7595 neuromusc dx 9 759.5 TRUE TRUE Tuberous sclerosis
78003 neuromusc dx 9 780.03 TRUE TRUE Persistent vegetative state
9962 neuromusc dx 9 996.2 TRUE TRUE Mechanical complication of nervous system device, implant, and graft
99663 neuromusc dx 9 996.63 TRUE TRUE Infection and inflammatory reaction due to nervous system device, implant, and graft
V452 neuromusc dx 9 V45.2 TRUE TRUE Presence of cerebrospinal fluid drainage device
V5301 neuromusc dx 9 V53.01 TRUE TRUE Fitting and adjustment of cerebral ventricular (communicating) shunt
V5302 neuromusc dx 9 V53.02 TRUE TRUE Fitting and adjustment of neuropacemaker (brain) (peripheral nerve) (spinal cord)
4161 cvd dx 9 416.1 TRUE TRUE Kyphoscoliotic heart disease
4168 cvd dx 9 416.8 TRUE TRUE Other chronic pulmonary heart diseases
4169 cvd dx 9 416.9 TRUE TRUE Chronic pulmonary heart disease, unspecified
4240 cvd dx 9 424.0 TRUE TRUE Mitral valve disorders
4258 cvd dx 9 425.8 TRUE TRUE Cardiomyopathy in other diseases classified elsewhere
4242 cvd dx 9 424.2 TRUE TRUE Tricuspid valve disorders, specified as nonrheumatic
4243 cvd dx 9 424.3 TRUE TRUE Pulmonary valve disorders
4250 cvd dx 9 425.0 TRUE TRUE Endomyocardial fibrosis
4251 cvd dx 9 425.1 TRUE TRUE Other retroperitoneal abscess
4252 cvd dx 9 425.2 TRUE TRUE Obscure cardiomyopathy of Africa
4253 cvd dx 9 425.3 TRUE TRUE Endocardial fibroelastosis
4254 cvd dx 9 425.4 TRUE TRUE Other primary cardiomyopathies
426 cvd dx 9 426 TRUE TRUE Conduction disorders
4270 cvd dx 9 427.0 TRUE TRUE Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
4271 cvd dx 9 427.1 TRUE TRUE Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia
4272 cvd dx 9 427.2 TRUE TRUE Paroxysmal tachycardia, unspecified
4273 cvd dx 9 427.3 TRUE TRUE Perforation of intestine
4274 cvd dx 9 427.4 TRUE TRUE Dieulafoy lesion (hemorrhagic) of intestine
4276 cvd dx 9 427.6 TRUE TRUE Acute and subacute necrosis of liver
4277 cvd dx 9 427.7 TRUE FALSE
4278 cvd dx 9 427.8 TRUE TRUE Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver
4279 cvd dx 9 427.9 TRUE TRUE Cardiac dysrhythmia, unspecified
4280 cvd dx 9 428.0 TRUE TRUE Congestive heart failure, unspecified
42883 cvd dx 9 428.83 TRUE FALSE
4291 cvd dx 9 429.1 TRUE TRUE Myocardial degeneration
4293 cvd dx 9 429.3 TRUE TRUE Cardiomegaly
43311 cvd dx 9 433.11 TRUE TRUE Occlusion and stenosis of carotid artery with cerebral infarction
7450 cvd dx 9 745.0 TRUE TRUE Common truncus
7451 cvd dx 9 745.1 TRUE TRUE Complications of reattached extremity or body part
7452 cvd dx 9 745.2 TRUE TRUE Tetralogy of fallot
7453 cvd dx 9 745.3 TRUE TRUE Common ventricle
7456 cvd dx 9 745.6 TRUE TRUE Complications affecting specified body systems, not elsewhere classified
746 cvd dx 9 746 TRUE TRUE Other congenital anomalies of heart
7471 cvd dx 9 747.1 TRUE TRUE Postoperative shock, septic
7472 cvd dx 9 747.2 TRUE TRUE Hemorrhage complicating a procedure
7473 cvd dx 9 747.3 TRUE TRUE Disruption of wound, unspecified
7474 cvd dx 9 747.4 TRUE TRUE Foreign body accidentally left during a procedure
74781 cvd dx 9 747.81 TRUE TRUE Anomalies of cerebrovascular system
74789 cvd dx 9 747.89 TRUE TRUE Other specified anomalies of circulatory system
9960 cvd dx 9 996.0 TRUE TRUE Hemiplegic migraine, without mention of intractable migraine without mention of status migrainosus
9961 cvd dx 9 996.1 TRUE TRUE Mechanical complication of other vascular device, implant, and graft
99661 cvd dx 9 996.61 TRUE TRUE Infection and inflammatory reaction due to cardiac device, implant, and graft
99662 cvd dx 9 996.62 TRUE TRUE Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other vascular device, implant, and graft
V421 cvd dx 9 V42.1 TRUE TRUE Heart replaced by transplant
V422 cvd dx 9 V42.2 TRUE TRUE Heart valve replaced by transplant
V432 cvd dx 9 V43.2 TRUE TRUE Chromosomal abnormality in fetus, antepartum condition or complication
V433 cvd dx 9 V43.3 TRUE TRUE Heart valve replaced by other means
V450 cvd dx 9 V45.0 TRUE TRUE Intrauterine death, unspecified as to episode of care or not applicable
V4581 cvd dx 9 V45.81 TRUE TRUE Aortocoronary bypass status
V533 cvd dx 9 V53.3 TRUE TRUE Prolapse of cord, unspecified as to episode of care or not applicable
32725 respiratory dx 9 327.25 TRUE TRUE Congenital central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome
4162 respiratory dx 9 416.2 TRUE TRUE Chronic pulmonary embolism
5163 respiratory dx 9 516.3 TRUE TRUE Complicated by metabolic disorder
51631 respiratory dx 9 516.31 TRUE TRUE Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
51884 respiratory dx 9 518.84 TRUE TRUE Acute and chronic respiratory failure
5190 respiratory dx 9 519.0 TRUE TRUE Mild or unspecified pre-eclampsia
2770 respiratory dx 9 277.0 TRUE TRUE Unspecified monoplegia
748 respiratory dx 9 748 TRUE TRUE Congenital anomalies of respiratory system
7704 respiratory dx 9 770.4 TRUE TRUE Primary atelectasis
V426 respiratory dx 9 V42.6 TRUE TRUE Lung replaced by transplant
V440 respiratory dx 9 V44.0 TRUE TRUE Tracheostomy status
V4576 respiratory dx 9 V45.76 TRUE TRUE Acquired absence of organ, lung
V460 respiratory dx 9 V46.0 TRUE TRUE Dependence on aspirator
V461 respiratory dx 9 V46.1 TRUE TRUE Unspecified, delivered, with or without mention of antepartum condition
V550 respiratory dx 9 V55.0 TRUE TRUE Attention to tracheostomy
34461 renal dx 9 344.61 TRUE TRUE Cauda equina syndrome with neurogenic bladder
585 renal dx 9 585 TRUE TRUE Chronic kidney disease (CKD)
5964 renal dx 9 596.4 TRUE TRUE Atony of bladder
59653 renal dx 9 596.53 TRUE TRUE Paralysis of bladder
59654 renal dx 9 596.54 TRUE TRUE Neurogenic bladder NOS
753 renal dx 9 753 TRUE TRUE Congenital anomalies of urinary system
99668 renal dx 9 996.68 TRUE TRUE Infection and inflammatory reaction due to peritoneal dialysis catheter
V420 renal dx 9 V42.0 TRUE TRUE Kidney replaced by transplant
V445 renal dx 9 V44.5 TRUE TRUE Fetal-maternal hemorrhage, antepartum condition or complication
V446 renal dx 9 V44.6 TRUE TRUE Other artificial opening of urinary tract status
V451 renal dx 9 V45.1 TRUE TRUE Poor fetal growth, antepartum condition or complication
V4573 renal dx 9 V45.73 TRUE TRUE Acquired absence of kidney
V4574 renal dx 9 V45.74 TRUE TRUE Acquired absence of organ, other parts of urinary tract
V536 renal dx 9 V53.6 TRUE TRUE Fitting and adjustment of urinary devices
V555 renal dx 9 V55.5 TRUE TRUE Attention to cystostomy
V556 renal dx 9 V55.6 TRUE TRUE Attention to other artificial opening of urinary tract
V56 renal dx 9 V56 TRUE TRUE Encounter for dialysis and dialysis catheter care
4530 gi dx 9 453.0 TRUE TRUE Budd-chiari syndrome
5364 gi dx 9 536.4 TRUE TRUE Diseases of hair and hair follicles
555 gi dx 9 555 TRUE TRUE Regional enteritis
556 gi dx 9 556 TRUE TRUE Ulcerative colitis
5571 gi dx 9 557.1 TRUE TRUE Chronic vascular insufficiency of intestine
5602 gi dx 9 560.2 TRUE TRUE Volvulus
5647 gi dx 9 564.7 TRUE TRUE Megacolon, other than Hirschsprung's
5714 gi dx 9 571.4 TRUE TRUE Lumbar or lumbosacral intervertebral disc
5715 gi dx 9 571.5 TRUE TRUE Cirrhosis of liver without mention of alcohol
5716 gi dx 9 571.6 TRUE TRUE Biliary cirrhosis
5717 gi dx 9 571.7 TRUE FALSE
5718 gi dx 9 571.8 TRUE TRUE Other chronic nonalcoholic liver disease
5719 gi dx 9 571.9 TRUE TRUE Unspecified chronic liver disease without mention of alcohol
7503 gi dx 9 750.3 TRUE TRUE Tracheoesophageal fistula, esophageal atresia and stenosis
751 gi dx 9 751 TRUE TRUE Other congenital anomalies of digestive system
V427 gi dx 9 V42.7 TRUE TRUE Liver replaced by transplant
V4283 gi dx 9 V42.83 TRUE TRUE Pancreas replaced by transplant
V4284 gi dx 9 V42.84 TRUE TRUE Organ or tissue replaced by transplant, intestines
V441 gi dx 9 V44.1 TRUE TRUE Gastrostomy status
V442 gi dx 9 V44.2 TRUE TRUE Ileostomy status
V443 gi dx 9 V44.3 TRUE TRUE Colostomy status
V444 gi dx 9 V44.4 TRUE TRUE Status of other artificial opening of gastrointestinal tract
V5350 gi dx 9 V53.50 TRUE TRUE Fitting and adjustment of intestinal appliance and device
V5351 gi dx 9 V53.51 TRUE TRUE Fitting and adjustment of gastric lap band
V5359 gi dx 9 V53.59 TRUE TRUE Fitting and adjustment of other gastrointestinal appliance and device
V551 gi dx 9 V55.1 TRUE TRUE Attention to gastrostomy
V552 gi dx 9 V55.2 TRUE TRUE Attention to ileostomy
V553 gi dx 9 V55.3 TRUE TRUE Attention to colostomy
V554 gi dx 9 V55.4 TRUE TRUE Attention to other artificial opening of digestive tract
042 hemato_immu dx 9 042 TRUE TRUE Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease
043 hemato_immu dx 9 043 TRUE FALSE
044 hemato_immu dx 9 044 TRUE FALSE
135 hemato_immu dx 9 135 TRUE TRUE Sarcoidosis
279 hemato_immu dx 9 279 TRUE TRUE Disorders involving the immune mechanism
2820 hemato_immu dx 9 282.0 TRUE TRUE Hereditary spherocytosis
2821 hemato_immu dx 9 282.1 TRUE TRUE Hereditary elliptocytosis
2822 hemato_immu dx 9 282.2 TRUE TRUE Anemias due to disorders of glutathione metabolism
2823 hemato_immu dx 9 282.3 TRUE TRUE Other hemolytic anemias due to enzyme deficiency
2824 hemato_immu dx 9 282.4 TRUE TRUE Brachial plexus lesions
2825 hemato_immu dx 9 282.5 TRUE TRUE Sickle-cell trait
2826 hemato_immu dx 9 282.6 TRUE TRUE Other lesion of median nerve
2881 hemato_immu dx 9 288.1 TRUE TRUE Functional disorders of polymorphonuclear neutrophils
2882 hemato_immu dx 9 288.2 TRUE TRUE Genetic anomalies of leukocytes
284 hemato_immu dx 9 284 TRUE TRUE Aplastic anemia and other bone marrow failure syndromes
2860 hemato_immu dx 9 286.0 TRUE TRUE Congenital factor VIII disorder
2863 hemato_immu dx 9 286.3 TRUE TRUE Congenital deficiency of other clotting factors
28732 hemato_immu dx 9 287.32 TRUE TRUE Evans' syndrome
28733 hemato_immu dx 9 287.33 TRUE TRUE Congenital and hereditary thrombocytopenic purpura
28739 hemato_immu dx 9 287.39 TRUE TRUE Other primary thrombocytopenia
28801 hemato_immu dx 9 288.01 TRUE TRUE Congenital neutropenia
28802 hemato_immu dx 9 288.02 TRUE TRUE Cyclic neutropenia
2884 hemato_immu dx 9 288.4 TRUE TRUE Hemophagocytic syndromes
4460 hemato_immu dx 9 446.0 TRUE TRUE Polyarteritis nodosa
4461 hemato_immu dx 9 446.1 TRUE TRUE Acute febrile mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome [MCLS]
44621 hemato_immu dx 9 446.21 TRUE TRUE Goodpasture's syndrome
4464 hemato_immu dx 9 446.4 TRUE TRUE Wegener's granulomatosis
4465 hemato_immu dx 9 446.5 TRUE TRUE Giant cell arteritis
4466 hemato_immu dx 9 446.6 TRUE TRUE Thrombotic microangiopathy
4467 hemato_immu dx 9 446.7 TRUE TRUE Takayasu's disease
7100 hemato_immu dx 9 710.0 TRUE TRUE Systemic lupus erythematosus
7101 hemato_immu dx 9 710.1 TRUE TRUE Systemic sclerosis
7103 hemato_immu dx 9 710.3 TRUE TRUE Dermatomyositis
V08 hemato_immu dx 9 V08 TRUE TRUE Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] infection status
243 metabolic dx 9 243 TRUE TRUE Congenital hypothyroidism
2532 metabolic dx 9 253.2 TRUE TRUE Panhypopituitarism
2535 metabolic dx 9 253.5 TRUE TRUE Diabetes insipidus
2536 metabolic dx 9 253.6 TRUE TRUE Other disorders of neurohypophysis
2359 metabolic dx 9 235.9 TRUE TRUE Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of other and unspecified respiratory organs
2550 metabolic dx 9 255.0 TRUE TRUE Cushing's syndrome
25513 metabolic dx 9 255.13 TRUE TRUE Bartter's syndrome
2552 metabolic dx 9 255.2 TRUE TRUE Adrenogenital disorders
270 metabolic dx 9 270 TRUE TRUE Disorders of amino-acid transport and metabolism
271 metabolic dx 9 271 TRUE TRUE Disorders of carbohydrate transport and metabolism
272 metabolic dx 9 272 TRUE TRUE Disorders of lipoid metabolism
2750 metabolic dx 9 275.0 TRUE TRUE Other demyelinating diseases of central nervous system
2751 metabolic dx 9 275.1 TRUE TRUE Disorders of copper metabolism
2752 metabolic dx 9 275.2 TRUE TRUE Disorders of magnesium metabolism
2753 metabolic dx 9 275.3 TRUE TRUE Disorders of phosphorus metabolism
2772 metabolic dx 9 277.2 TRUE TRUE Other disorders of purine and pyrimidine metabolism
2773 metabolic dx 9 277.3 TRUE TRUE Epilepsy and recurrent seizures
2774 metabolic dx 9 277.4 TRUE TRUE Disorders of bilirubin excretion
2775 metabolic dx 9 277.5 TRUE TRUE Mucopolysaccharidosis
2776 metabolic dx 9 277.6 TRUE TRUE Other deficiencies of circulating enzymes
2778 metabolic dx 9 277.8 TRUE TRUE Epilepsia partialis continua
2779 metabolic dx 9 277.9 TRUE TRUE Unspecified disorder of metabolism
V4585 metabolic dx 9 V45.85 TRUE TRUE Insulin pump status
V5391 metabolic dx 9 V53.91 TRUE TRUE Fitting and adjustment of insulin pump
V6546 metabolic dx 9 V65.46 TRUE TRUE Encounter for insulin pump training
2594 congeni_genetic dx 9 259.4 TRUE TRUE Dwarfism, not elsewhere classified
5533 congeni_genetic dx 9 553.3 TRUE TRUE Diaphragmatic hernia without mention of obstruction or gangrene
7373 congeni_genetic dx 9 737.3 TRUE TRUE Frostbite of face
7560 congeni_genetic dx 9 756.0 TRUE TRUE Anomalies of skull and face bones
7561 congeni_genetic dx 9 756.1 TRUE TRUE Gestational diabetes
7562 congeni_genetic dx 9 756.2 TRUE TRUE Cervical rib
7563 congeni_genetic dx 9 756.3 TRUE TRUE Other anomalies of ribs and sternum
7564 congeni_genetic dx 9 756.4 TRUE TRUE Chondrodystrophy
7565 congeni_genetic dx 9 756.5 TRUE TRUE Transient ischemic attack (TIA), and cerebral infarction without residual deficits
7566 congeni_genetic dx 9 756.6 TRUE TRUE Anomalies of diaphragm
7567 congeni_genetic dx 9 756.7 TRUE TRUE Colonic polyps
758 congeni_genetic dx 9 758 TRUE TRUE Chromosomal anomalies
7597 congeni_genetic dx 9 759.7 TRUE TRUE Multiple congenital anomalies, so described
7598 congeni_genetic dx 9 759.8 TRUE TRUE Allergy to eggs
7599 congeni_genetic dx 9 759.9 TRUE TRUE Congenital anomaly, unspecified
14 malignancy dx 9 014 TRUE TRUE
15 malignancy dx 9 015 TRUE TRUE
16 malignancy dx 9 016 TRUE TRUE
17 malignancy dx 9 017 TRUE TRUE
18 malignancy dx 9 018 TRUE TRUE
19 malignancy dx 9 019 TRUE FALSE
20 malignancy dx 9 020 TRUE TRUE
23 malignancy dx 9 023 TRUE TRUE
V4281 malignancy dx 9 V42.81 TRUE TRUE Bone marrow replaced by transplant
V4282 malignancy dx 9 V42.82 TRUE TRUE Peripheral stem cells replaced by transplant
76401 neonatal dx 9 764.01 TRUE TRUE "Light-for-dates" without mention of fetal malnutrition, less than 500 grams
76402 neonatal dx 9 764.02 TRUE TRUE "Light-for-dates" without mention of fetal malnutrition, 500-749 grams
76411 neonatal dx 9 764.11 TRUE TRUE "Light-for-dates" with signs of fetal malnutrition, less than 500 grams
76412 neonatal dx 9 764.12 TRUE TRUE "Light-for-dates"with signs of fetal malnutrition, 500-749 grams
76421 neonatal dx 9 764.21 TRUE TRUE Fetal malnutrition without mention of "light-for-dates", less than 500 grams
76422 neonatal dx 9 764.22 TRUE TRUE Fetal malnutrition without mention of "light-for-dates", 500-749 grams
76491 neonatal dx 9 764.91 TRUE TRUE Fetal growth retardation, unspecified, less than 500 grams
76492 neonatal dx 9 764.92 TRUE TRUE Fetal growth retardation, unspecified, 500-749 grams
76501 neonatal dx 9 765.01 TRUE TRUE Extreme immaturity, less than 500 grams
76502 neonatal dx 9 765.02 TRUE TRUE Extreme immaturity, 500-749 grams
76511 neonatal dx 9 765.11 TRUE TRUE Other preterm infants, less than 500 grams
76512 neonatal dx 9 765.12 TRUE TRUE Other preterm infants, 500-749 grams
76521 neonatal dx 9 765.21 TRUE TRUE Less than 24 completed weeks of gestation
76522 neonatal dx 9 765.22 TRUE TRUE 24 completed weeks of gestation
76523 neonatal dx 9 765.23 TRUE TRUE 25-26 completed weeks of gestation
7670 neonatal dx 9 767.0 TRUE TRUE Subdural and cerebral hemorrhage
7674 neonatal dx 9 767.4 TRUE TRUE Injury to spine and spinal cord due to birth trauma
7685 neonatal dx 9 768.5 TRUE TRUE Severe birth asphyxia
7687 neonatal dx 9 768.7 TRUE TRUE Other investigation and testing
7689 neonatal dx 9 768.9 TRUE TRUE Unspecified severity of birth asphyxia in liveborn infant
7702 neonatal dx 9 770.2 TRUE TRUE Interstitial emphysema and related conditions
7707 neonatal dx 9 770.7 TRUE TRUE Chronic respiratory disease arising in the perinatal period
7710 neonatal dx 9 771.0 TRUE TRUE Congenital rubella
7711 neonatal dx 9 771.1 TRUE TRUE Congenital cytomegalovirus infection
77213 neonatal dx 9 772.13 TRUE TRUE Intraventricular hemorrhage, grade III
77214 neonatal dx 9 772.14 TRUE TRUE Intraventricular hemorrhage, grade IV
7733 neonatal dx 9 773.3 TRUE TRUE Hydrops fetalis due to isoimmunization
7734 neonatal dx 9 773.4 TRUE TRUE Kernicterus of fetus or newborn due to isoimmunization
7747 neonatal dx 9 774.7 TRUE TRUE Kernicterus of fetus or newborn not due to isoimmunization
7765 neonatal dx 9 776.5 TRUE TRUE Congenital anemia
77753 neonatal dx 9 777.53 TRUE TRUE Stage III necrotizing enterocolitis in newborn
7780 neonatal dx 9 778.0 TRUE TRUE Hydrops fetalis not due to isoimmunization
7797 neonatal dx 9 779.7 TRUE TRUE Periventricular leukomalacia
5190 tech_dep dx 9 519.0 TRUE TRUE Mild or unspecified pre-eclampsia
5364 tech_dep dx 9 536.4 TRUE TRUE Diseases of hair and hair follicles
9960 tech_dep dx 9 996.0 TRUE TRUE Hemiplegic migraine, without mention of intractable migraine without mention of status migrainosus
9961 tech_dep dx 9 996.1 TRUE TRUE Mechanical complication of other vascular device, implant, and graft
9962 tech_dep dx 9 996.2 TRUE TRUE Mechanical complication of nervous system device, implant, and graft
9964 tech_dep dx 9 996.4 TRUE TRUE Persistent migraine aura with cerebral infarction, without mention of intractable migraine with status migrainosus
99661 tech_dep dx 9 996.61 TRUE TRUE Infection and inflammatory reaction due to cardiac device, implant, and graft
99662 tech_dep dx 9 996.62 TRUE TRUE Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other vascular device, implant, and graft
99663 tech_dep dx 9 996.63 TRUE TRUE Infection and inflammatory reaction due to nervous system device, implant, and graft
99666 tech_dep dx 9 996.66 TRUE TRUE Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal joint prosthesis
99667 tech_dep dx 9 996.67 TRUE TRUE Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other internal orthopedic device, implant, and graft
99668 tech_dep dx 9 996.68 TRUE TRUE Infection and inflammatory reaction due to peritoneal dialysis catheter
9969 tech_dep dx 9 996.9 TRUE TRUE True posterior wall infarction, subsequent episode of care
V433 tech_dep dx 9 V43.3 TRUE TRUE Heart valve replaced by other means
V440 tech_dep dx 9 V44.0 TRUE TRUE Tracheostomy status
V441 tech_dep dx 9 V44.1 TRUE TRUE Gastrostomy status
V442 tech_dep dx 9 V44.2 TRUE TRUE Ileostomy status
V443 tech_dep dx 9 V44.3 TRUE TRUE Colostomy status
V444 tech_dep dx 9 V44.4 TRUE TRUE Status of other artificial opening of gastrointestinal tract
V445 tech_dep dx 9 V44.5 TRUE TRUE Fetal-maternal hemorrhage, antepartum condition or complication
V446 tech_dep dx 9 V44.6 TRUE TRUE Other artificial opening of urinary tract status
V450 tech_dep dx 9 V45.0 TRUE TRUE Intrauterine death, unspecified as to episode of care or not applicable
V451 tech_dep dx 9 V45.1 TRUE TRUE Poor fetal growth, antepartum condition or complication
V452 tech_dep dx 9 V45.2 TRUE TRUE Presence of cerebrospinal fluid drainage device
V460 tech_dep dx 9 V46.0 TRUE TRUE Dependence on aspirator
V461 tech_dep dx 9 V46.1 TRUE TRUE Unspecified, delivered, with or without mention of antepartum condition
V462 tech_dep dx 9 V46.2 TRUE TRUE Other dependence on machines, supplemental oxygen
V5301 tech_dep dx 9 V53.01 TRUE TRUE Fitting and adjustment of cerebral ventricular (communicating) shunt
V5302 tech_dep dx 9 V53.02 TRUE TRUE Fitting and adjustment of neuropacemaker (brain) (peripheral nerve) (spinal cord)
V5331 tech_dep dx 9 V53.31 TRUE TRUE Fitting and adjustment of cardiac pacemaker
V5332 tech_dep dx 9 V53.32 TRUE TRUE Fitting and adjustment of automatic implantable cardiac defibrillator
V5339 tech_dep dx 9 V53.39 TRUE TRUE Fitting and adjustment of other cardiac device
V5350 tech_dep dx 9 V53.50 TRUE TRUE Fitting and adjustment of intestinal appliance and device
V5351 tech_dep dx 9 V53.51 TRUE TRUE Fitting and adjustment of gastric lap band
V5359 tech_dep dx 9 V53.59 TRUE TRUE Fitting and adjustment of other gastrointestinal appliance and device
V536 tech_dep dx 9 V53.6 TRUE TRUE Fitting and adjustment of urinary devices
V550 tech_dep dx 9 V55.0 TRUE TRUE Attention to tracheostomy
V551 tech_dep dx 9 V55.1 TRUE TRUE Attention to gastrostomy
V552 tech_dep dx 9 V55.2 TRUE TRUE Attention to ileostomy
V553 tech_dep dx 9 V55.3 TRUE TRUE Attention to colostomy
V554 tech_dep dx 9 V55.4 TRUE TRUE Attention to other artificial opening of digestive tract
V555 tech_dep dx 9 V55.5 TRUE TRUE Attention to cystostomy
V556 tech_dep dx 9 V55.6 TRUE TRUE Attention to other artificial opening of urinary tract
99680 transplant dx 9 996.80 TRUE TRUE Complications of transplanted organ, unspecified
99681 transplant dx 9 996.81 TRUE TRUE Complications of transplanted kidney
99682 transplant dx 9 996.82 TRUE TRUE Complications of transplanted liver
99683 transplant dx 9 996.83 TRUE TRUE Complications of transplanted heart
99684 transplant dx 9 996.84 TRUE TRUE Complications of transplanted lung
99685 transplant dx 9 996.85 TRUE TRUE Complications of transplanted bone marrow
99686 transplant dx 9 996.86 TRUE TRUE Complications of transplanted pancreas
99687 transplant dx 9 996.87 TRUE TRUE Complications of transplanted intestine
99688 transplant dx 9 996.88 TRUE TRUE Complications of transplanted organ, stem cell
99689 transplant dx 9 996.89 TRUE TRUE Complications of other specified transplanted organ
V421 transplant dx 9 V42.1 TRUE TRUE Heart replaced by transplant
V422 transplant dx 9 V42.2 TRUE TRUE Heart valve replaced by transplant
V426 transplant dx 9 V42.6 TRUE TRUE Lung replaced by transplant
V427 transplant dx 9 V42.7 TRUE TRUE Liver replaced by transplant
V4281 transplant dx 9 V42.81 TRUE TRUE Bone marrow replaced by transplant
V4282 transplant dx 9 V42.82 TRUE TRUE Peripheral stem cells replaced by transplant
V4283 transplant dx 9 V42.83 TRUE TRUE Pancreas replaced by transplant
V4284 transplant dx 9 V42.84 TRUE TRUE Organ or tissue replaced by transplant, intestines
V432 transplant dx 9 V43.2 TRUE TRUE Chromosomal abnormality in fetus, antepartum condition or complication
V4585 transplant dx 9 V45.85 TRUE TRUE Insulin pump status
V5391 transplant dx 9 V53.91 TRUE TRUE Fitting and adjustment of insulin pump
0152 neuromusc pc 9 015.2 TRUE TRUE Unspecified non-arthropod-borne viral diseases of central nervous system
0153 neuromusc pc 9 015.3 TRUE FALSE
0221 neuromusc pc 9 022.1 TRUE TRUE Pulmonary anthrax
0222 neuromusc pc 9 022.2 TRUE TRUE Gastrointestinal anthrax
0231 neuromusc pc 9 023.1 TRUE TRUE Brucella abortus
0232 neuromusc pc 9 023.2 TRUE TRUE Brucella suis
0233 neuromusc pc 9 023.3 TRUE TRUE Brucella canis
0234 neuromusc pc 9 023.4 TRUE FALSE
0235 neuromusc pc 9 023.5 TRUE FALSE
0239 neuromusc pc 9 023.9 TRUE TRUE Brucellosis, unspecified
0241 neuromusc pc 9 024.1 TRUE FALSE
0242 neuromusc pc 9 024.2 TRUE FALSE
0293 neuromusc pc 9 029.3 TRUE FALSE
0371 neuromusc pc 9 037.1 TRUE FALSE
0372 neuromusc pc 9 037.2 TRUE FALSE
0379 neuromusc pc 9 037.9 TRUE FALSE
0393 neuromusc pc 9 039.3 TRUE TRUE Cervicofacial actinomycotic infection
0397 neuromusc pc 9 039.7 TRUE FALSE
0492 neuromusc pc 9 049.2 TRUE FALSE
0050 cvd pc 9 005.0 TRUE TRUE Staphylococcal food poisoning
0051 cvd pc 9 005.1 TRUE TRUE Botulism food poisoning
0053 cvd pc 9 005.3 TRUE TRUE Food poisoning due to other Clostridia
0054 cvd pc 9 005.4 TRUE TRUE Food poisoning due to Vibrio parahaemolyticus
0055 cvd pc 9 005.5 TRUE FALSE
0057 cvd pc 9 005.7 TRUE FALSE
1751 cvd pc 9 175.1 TRUE FALSE
1752 cvd pc 9 175.2 TRUE FALSE
3581 cvd pc 9 358.1 TRUE TRUE Myasthenic syndromes in diseases classified elsewhere
3582 cvd pc 9 358.2 TRUE TRUE Toxic myoneural disorders
3583 cvd pc 9 358.3 TRUE TRUE Labyrinthine dysfunction
3584 cvd pc 9 358.4 TRUE FALSE
3741 cvd pc 9 374.1 TRUE TRUE Adenoids alone
3751 cvd pc 9 375.1 TRUE TRUE Pneumonia due to parainfluenza virus
3752 cvd pc 9 375.2 TRUE TRUE Pneumonia due to Pseudomonas
3753 cvd pc 9 375.3 TRUE TRUE Group A
3754 cvd pc 9 375.4 TRUE TRUE Methicillin susceptible pneumonia due to Staphylococcus aureus
3755 cvd pc 9 375.5 TRUE TRUE Anaerobes
3760 cvd pc 9 376.0 TRUE TRUE Pneumonia in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere
3761 cvd pc 9 376.1 TRUE TRUE With other manifestations
3763 cvd pc 9 376.3 TRUE TRUE Influenza due to identified 2009 H1N1 influenza virus with other respiratory manifestations
3765 cvd pc 9 376.5 TRUE TRUE Emphysematous bleb
3766 cvd pc 9 376.6 TRUE TRUE Retained (old) foreign body following penetrating wound of orbit
3767 cvd pc 9 376.7 TRUE FALSE
3768 cvd pc 9 376.8 TRUE TRUE Chronic obstructive asthma
3771 cvd pc 9 377.1 TRUE TRUE Suberosis
3772 cvd pc 9 377.2 TRUE TRUE Coal workers' pneumoconiosis
3774 cvd pc 9 377.4 TRUE TRUE Unspecified respiratory conditions due to fumes and vapors
3776 cvd pc 9 377.6 TRUE TRUE Respiratory conditions due to unspecified external agent
3779 cvd pc 9 377.9 TRUE TRUE Unspecified disorder of optic nerve and visual pathways
3780 cvd pc 9 378.0 TRUE TRUE Pneumothorax and air leak
3781 cvd pc 9 378.1 TRUE TRUE Abscess of lung and mediastinum
3782 cvd pc 9 378.2 TRUE TRUE Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia, not otherwise specified
3783 cvd pc 9 378.3 TRUE TRUE Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia
3785 cvd pc 9 378.5 TRUE TRUE Lung involvement in systemic sclerosis
3786 cvd pc 9 378.6 TRUE TRUE Acute edema of lung, unspecified
3787 cvd pc 9 378.7 TRUE TRUE Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
3789 cvd pc 9 378.9 TRUE TRUE Unspecified disorder of eye movements
3794 cvd pc 9 379.4 TRUE TRUE Excessive attrition, limited to enamel
3795 cvd pc 9 379.5 TRUE TRUE Abrasion, extending into dentine
3796 cvd pc 9 379.6 TRUE TRUE Pathological resorption
3797 cvd pc 9 379.7 TRUE FALSE
3798 cvd pc 9 379.8 TRUE TRUE Other specified disorders of eye and adnexa
3981 cvd pc 9 398.1 TRUE FALSE
3982 cvd pc 9 398.2 TRUE FALSE
3983 cvd pc 9 398.3 TRUE FALSE
3984 cvd pc 9 398.4 TRUE FALSE
3985 cvd pc 9 398.5 TRUE FALSE
8945 cvd pc 9 894.5 TRUE FALSE
8946 cvd pc 9 894.6 TRUE FALSE
8947 cvd pc 9 894.7 TRUE FALSE
8948 cvd pc 9 894.8 TRUE FALSE
8949 cvd pc 9 894.9 TRUE FALSE
303 respiratory pc 9 303 TRUE TRUE Alcohol dependence syndrome
304 respiratory pc 9 304 TRUE TRUE Drug dependence
3121 respiratory pc 9 312.1 TRUE TRUE Other corneal deformities
3129 respiratory pc 9 312.9 TRUE TRUE Unspecified disturbance of conduct
3141 respiratory pc 9 314.1 TRUE TRUE Hyperkinesis with developmental delay
3174 respiratory pc 9 317.4 TRUE FALSE
3241 respiratory pc 9 324.1 TRUE TRUE Intraspinal abscess
3249 respiratory pc 9 324.9 TRUE TRUE Intracranial and intraspinal abscess of unspecified site
3250 respiratory pc 9 325.0 TRUE FALSE
3259 respiratory pc 9 325.9 TRUE FALSE
3321 respiratory pc 9 332.1 TRUE TRUE Secondary parkinsonism
3350 respiratory pc 9 335.0 TRUE TRUE Werdnig-Hoffmann disease
3351 respiratory pc 9 335.1 TRUE TRUE Other disorders of optic disc
3352 respiratory pc 9 335.2 TRUE TRUE Pseudopapilledema
336 respiratory pc 9 336 TRUE TRUE Other diseases of spinal cord
3485 respiratory pc 9 348.5 TRUE TRUE Cerebral edema
9655 respiratory pc 9 965.5 TRUE TRUE Poisoning by pyrazole derivatives
9723 respiratory pc 9 972.3 TRUE TRUE Poisoning by ganglion-blocking agents
3895 renal pc 9 389.5 TRUE FALSE
3927 renal pc 9 392.7 TRUE FALSE
3942 renal pc 9 394.2 TRUE TRUE Mitral stenosis with insufficiency
3993 renal pc 9 399.3 TRUE FALSE
3994 renal pc 9 399.4 TRUE FALSE
3995 renal pc 9 399.5 TRUE FALSE
5498 renal pc 9 549.8 TRUE FALSE
5502 renal pc 9 550.2 TRUE FALSE
5503 renal pc 9 550.3 TRUE FALSE
5504 renal pc 9 550.4 TRUE FALSE
5512 renal pc 9 551.2 TRUE TRUE Allergic urticaria
5551 renal pc 9 555.1 TRUE TRUE Regional enteritis of large intestine
5552 renal pc 9 555.2 TRUE TRUE Regional enteritis of small intestine with large intestine
5553 renal pc 9 555.3 TRUE FALSE
5554 renal pc 9 555.4 TRUE FALSE
5561 renal pc 9 556.1 TRUE TRUE Ulcerative (chronic) ileocolitis
5569 renal pc 9 556.9 TRUE TRUE Ulcerative colitis, unspecified
5593 renal pc 9 559.3 TRUE FALSE
5594 renal pc 9 559.4 TRUE FALSE
5597 renal pc 9 559.7 TRUE FALSE
5641 renal pc 9 564.1 TRUE TRUE Irritable bowel syndrome
5642 renal pc 9 564.2 TRUE TRUE Postgastric surgery syndromes
5651 renal pc 9 565.1 TRUE TRUE Anal fistula
5652 renal pc 9 565.2 TRUE FALSE
5661 renal pc 9 566.1 TRUE FALSE
5662 renal pc 9 566.2 TRUE FALSE
5671 renal pc 9 567.1 TRUE TRUE Pneumococcal peritonitis
5672 renal pc 9 567.2 TRUE TRUE Loose body in joint
5673 renal pc 9 567.3 TRUE TRUE Unspecified intrapelvic protrusion of acetabulum
5674 renal pc 9 567.4 TRUE FALSE
5675 renal pc 9 567.5 TRUE FALSE
5679 renal pc 9 567.9 TRUE TRUE Unspecified peritonitis
5721 renal pc 9 572.1 TRUE TRUE Portal pyemia
5722 renal pc 9 572.2 TRUE TRUE Hepatic encephalopathy
5771 renal pc 9 577.1 TRUE TRUE Chronic pancreatitis
5779 renal pc 9 577.9 TRUE TRUE Unspecified disease of pancreas
5993 renal pc 9 599.3 TRUE TRUE Urethral caruncle
5994 renal pc 9 599.4 TRUE TRUE Urethral false passage
8607 renal pc 9 860.7 TRUE FALSE
9645 renal pc 9 964.5 TRUE TRUE Poisoning by anticoagulant antagonists and other coagulants
9646 renal pc 9 964.6 TRUE TRUE Poisoning by gamma globulin
9647 renal pc 9 964.7 TRUE TRUE Poisoning by natural blood and blood products
253 gi pc 9 253 TRUE TRUE Disorders of the pituitary gland and its hypothalamic control
254 gi pc 9 254 TRUE TRUE Diseases of thymus gland
4210 gi pc 9 421.0 TRUE TRUE Acute and subacute bacterial endocarditis
4211 gi pc 9 421.1 TRUE TRUE Acute and subacute infective endocarditis in diseases classified elsewhere
4242 gi pc 9 424.2 TRUE TRUE Tricuspid valve disorders, specified as nonrheumatic
4281 gi pc 9 428.1 TRUE TRUE Left heart failure
4311 gi pc 9 431.1 TRUE FALSE
4319 gi pc 9 431.9 TRUE FALSE
4391 gi pc 9 439.1 TRUE FALSE
4399 gi pc 9 439.9 TRUE FALSE
4412 gi pc 9 441.2 TRUE TRUE Thoracic aneurysm without mention of rupture
4432 gi pc 9 443.2 TRUE TRUE Unspecified disorder of kidney and ureter
4438 gi pc 9 443.8 TRUE TRUE Calculus of lower urinary tract, unspecified
4439 gi pc 9 443.9 TRUE TRUE Peripheral vascular disease, unspecified
4563 gi pc 9 456.3 TRUE TRUE Sublingual varices
4581 gi pc 9 458.1 TRUE TRUE Chronic hypotension
4582 gi pc 9 458.2 TRUE TRUE Hematospermia
4583 gi pc 9 458.3 TRUE FALSE
4613 gi pc 9 461.3 TRUE TRUE Acute sphenoidal sinusitis
4622 gi pc 9 462.2 TRUE FALSE
4623 gi pc 9 462.3 TRUE FALSE
4632 gi pc 9 463.2 TRUE FALSE
4640 gi pc 9 464.0 TRUE TRUE Deformity of reconstructed breast
4641 gi pc 9 464.1 TRUE TRUE Acute salpingitis and oophoritis
4643 gi pc 9 464.3 TRUE TRUE Pelvic peritoneal adhesions, female (postoperative) (postinfection)
4697 gi pc 9 469.7 TRUE FALSE
504 gi pc 9 504 TRUE TRUE Pneumonopathy due to inhalation of other dust
5051 gi pc 9 505.1 TRUE FALSE
5059 gi pc 9 505.9 TRUE FALSE
526 gi pc 9 526 TRUE TRUE Diseases of the jaws
527 gi pc 9 527 TRUE TRUE Diseases of the salivary glands
5280 gi pc 9 528.0 TRUE TRUE Disruption of cesarean wound
5282 gi pc 9 528.2 TRUE TRUE Oral aphthae
5283 gi pc 9 528.3 TRUE TRUE Cellulitis and abscess of oral soft tissues
5284 gi pc 9 528.4 TRUE TRUE Cysts of oral soft tissues
5285 gi pc 9 528.5 TRUE TRUE Diseases of lips
5286 gi pc 9 528.6 TRUE TRUE Leukoplakia of oral mucosa, including tongue
5471 gi pc 9 547.1 TRUE FALSE
9624 gi pc 9 962.4 TRUE TRUE Poisoning by anterior pituitary hormones
9636 gi pc 9 963.6 TRUE FALSE
9702 gi pc 9 970.2 TRUE FALSE
4100 hemato_immu pc 9 410.0 TRUE TRUE Inguinal hernia, without mention of obstruction or gangrene
4101 hemato_immu pc 9 410.1 TRUE TRUE Unilateral or unspecified, recurrent
4102 hemato_immu pc 9 410.2 TRUE TRUE Ventral hernia with gangrene
4103 hemato_immu pc 9 410.3 TRUE TRUE Diaphragmatic hernia with gangrene
4104 hemato_immu pc 9 410.4 TRUE TRUE Femoral hernia with obstruction
4105 hemato_immu pc 9 410.5 TRUE TRUE Bilateral, recurrent
4106 hemato_immu pc 9 410.6 TRUE TRUE Incisional, with obstruction
4107 hemato_immu pc 9 410.7 TRUE TRUE Hernia of unspecified site, with obstruction
4108 hemato_immu pc 9 410.8 TRUE TRUE Unilateral or unspecified, recurrent
4109 hemato_immu pc 9 410.9 TRUE TRUE Ventral hernia
415 hemato_immu pc 9 415 TRUE TRUE Acute pulmonary heart disease
4194 hemato_immu pc 9 419.4 TRUE FALSE
064 metabolic pc 9 064 TRUE TRUE Viral encephalitis transmitted by other and unspecified arthropods
0652 metabolic pc 9 065.2 TRUE TRUE Kyasanur forest disease
0681 metabolic pc 9 068.1 TRUE FALSE
073 metabolic pc 9 073 TRUE TRUE Ornithosis
0764 metabolic pc 9 076.4 TRUE FALSE
0765 metabolic pc 9 076.5 TRUE FALSE
0768 metabolic pc 9 076.8 TRUE FALSE
0769 metabolic pc 9 076.9 TRUE TRUE Trachoma, unspecified
624 metabolic pc 9 624 TRUE TRUE Noninflammatory disorders of vulva and perineum
6241 metabolic pc 9 624.1 TRUE TRUE Atrophy of vulva
645 metabolic pc 9 645 TRUE TRUE Late pregnancy
6551 metabolic pc 9 655.1 TRUE TRUE Urgency of urination
6553 metabolic pc 9 655.3 TRUE TRUE Other symptoms involving urinary system
6561 metabolic pc 9 656.1 TRUE TRUE Elevated C-reactive protein (CRP)
6563 metabolic pc 9 656.3 TRUE TRUE Glycosuria
6841 metabolic pc 9 684.1 TRUE FALSE
6849 metabolic pc 9 684.9 TRUE FALSE
6851 metabolic pc 9 685.1 TRUE TRUE Pilonidal cyst without mention of abscess
6859 metabolic pc 9 685.9 TRUE FALSE
6861 metabolic pc 9 686.1 TRUE TRUE Pyogenic granuloma of skin and subcutaneous tissue
6869 metabolic pc 9 686.9 TRUE TRUE Unspecified local infection of skin and subcutaneous tissue
6871 metabolic pc 9 687.1 TRUE FALSE
6879 metabolic pc 9 687.9 TRUE FALSE
8606 metabolic pc 9 860.6 TRUE FALSE
0010 malignancy pc 9 001.0 TRUE TRUE Cholera due to vibrio cholerae
9925 malignancy pc 9 992.5 TRUE TRUE Heat exhaustion, unspecified
0221 tech_dep pc 9 022.1 TRUE TRUE Pulmonary anthrax
0222 tech_dep pc 9 022.2 TRUE TRUE Gastrointestinal anthrax
0231 tech_dep pc 9 023.1 TRUE TRUE Brucella abortus
0232 tech_dep pc 9 023.2 TRUE TRUE Brucella suis
0233 tech_dep pc 9 023.3 TRUE TRUE Brucella canis
0234 tech_dep pc 9 023.4 TRUE FALSE
0235 tech_dep pc 9 023.5 TRUE FALSE
0239 tech_dep pc 9 023.9 TRUE TRUE Brucellosis, unspecified
0241 tech_dep pc 9 024.1 TRUE FALSE
0242 tech_dep pc 9 024.2 TRUE FALSE
0293 tech_dep pc 9 029.3 TRUE FALSE
0371 tech_dep pc 9 037.1 TRUE FALSE
0372 tech_dep pc 9 037.2 TRUE FALSE
0379 tech_dep pc 9 037.9 TRUE FALSE
0393 tech_dep pc 9 039.3 TRUE TRUE Cervicofacial actinomycotic infection
0397 tech_dep pc 9 039.7 TRUE FALSE
0492 tech_dep pc 9 049.2 TRUE FALSE
0050 tech_dep pc 9 005.0 TRUE TRUE Staphylococcal food poisoning
0051 tech_dep pc 9 005.1 TRUE TRUE Botulism food poisoning
0053 tech_dep pc 9 005.3 TRUE TRUE Food poisoning due to other Clostridia
0054 tech_dep pc 9 005.4 TRUE TRUE Food poisoning due to Vibrio parahaemolyticus
0055 tech_dep pc 9 005.5 TRUE FALSE
0057 tech_dep pc 9 005.7 TRUE FALSE
1751 tech_dep pc 9 175.1 TRUE FALSE
1752 tech_dep pc 9 175.2 TRUE FALSE
3741 tech_dep pc 9 374.1 TRUE TRUE Adenoids alone
3752 tech_dep pc 9 375.2 TRUE TRUE Pneumonia due to Pseudomonas
3753 tech_dep pc 9 375.3 TRUE TRUE Group A
3754 tech_dep pc 9 375.4 TRUE TRUE Methicillin susceptible pneumonia due to Staphylococcus aureus
3755 tech_dep pc 9 375.5 TRUE TRUE Anaerobes
3760 tech_dep pc 9 376.0 TRUE TRUE Pneumonia in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere
3761 tech_dep pc 9 376.1 TRUE TRUE With other manifestations
3763 tech_dep pc 9 376.3 TRUE TRUE Influenza due to identified 2009 H1N1 influenza virus with other respiratory manifestations
3765 tech_dep pc 9 376.5 TRUE TRUE Emphysematous bleb
3766 tech_dep pc 9 376.6 TRUE TRUE Retained (old) foreign body following penetrating wound of orbit
3767 tech_dep pc 9 376.7 TRUE FALSE
3768 tech_dep pc 9 376.8 TRUE TRUE Chronic obstructive asthma
3771 tech_dep pc 9 377.1 TRUE TRUE Suberosis
3772 tech_dep pc 9 377.2 TRUE TRUE Coal workers' pneumoconiosis
3774 tech_dep pc 9 377.4 TRUE TRUE Unspecified respiratory conditions due to fumes and vapors
3776 tech_dep pc 9 377.6 TRUE TRUE Respiratory conditions due to unspecified external agent
3779 tech_dep pc 9 377.9 TRUE TRUE Unspecified disorder of optic nerve and visual pathways
3780 tech_dep pc 9 378.0 TRUE TRUE Pneumothorax and air leak
3781 tech_dep pc 9 378.1 TRUE TRUE Abscess of lung and mediastinum
3782 tech_dep pc 9 378.2 TRUE TRUE Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia, not otherwise specified
3783 tech_dep pc 9 378.3 TRUE TRUE Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia
3785 tech_dep pc 9 378.5 TRUE TRUE Lung involvement in systemic sclerosis
3786 tech_dep pc 9 378.6 TRUE TRUE Acute edema of lung, unspecified
3787 tech_dep pc 9 378.7 TRUE TRUE Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
3789 tech_dep pc 9 378.9 TRUE TRUE Unspecified disorder of eye movements
3794 tech_dep pc 9 379.4 TRUE TRUE Excessive attrition, limited to enamel
3795 tech_dep pc 9 379.5 TRUE TRUE Abrasion, extending into dentine
3796 tech_dep pc 9 379.6 TRUE TRUE Pathological resorption
3797 tech_dep pc 9 379.7 TRUE FALSE
3798 tech_dep pc 9 379.8 TRUE TRUE Other specified disorders of eye and adnexa
3981 tech_dep pc 9 398.1 TRUE FALSE
3982 tech_dep pc 9 398.2 TRUE FALSE
3983 tech_dep pc 9 398.3 TRUE FALSE
3984 tech_dep pc 9 398.4 TRUE FALSE
3985 tech_dep pc 9 398.5 TRUE FALSE
8945 tech_dep pc 9 894.5 TRUE FALSE
8946 tech_dep pc 9 894.6 TRUE FALSE
8947 tech_dep pc 9 894.7 TRUE FALSE
8948 tech_dep pc 9 894.8 TRUE FALSE
8949 tech_dep pc 9 894.9 TRUE FALSE
3121 tech_dep pc 9 312.1 TRUE TRUE Other corneal deformities
3129 tech_dep pc 9 312.9 TRUE TRUE Unspecified disturbance of conduct
3141 tech_dep pc 9 314.1 TRUE TRUE Hyperkinesis with developmental delay
3174 tech_dep pc 9 317.4 TRUE FALSE
3321 tech_dep pc 9 332.1 TRUE TRUE Secondary parkinsonism
3485 tech_dep pc 9 348.5 TRUE TRUE Cerebral edema
9655 tech_dep pc 9 965.5 TRUE TRUE Poisoning by pyrazole derivatives
9723 tech_dep pc 9 972.3 TRUE TRUE Poisoning by ganglion-blocking agents
3895 tech_dep pc 9 389.5 TRUE FALSE
3927 tech_dep pc 9 392.7 TRUE FALSE
3942 tech_dep pc 9 394.2 TRUE TRUE Mitral stenosis with insufficiency
3993 tech_dep pc 9 399.3 TRUE FALSE
3994 tech_dep pc 9 399.4 TRUE FALSE
3995 tech_dep pc 9 399.5 TRUE FALSE
5498 tech_dep pc 9 549.8 TRUE FALSE
5502 tech_dep pc 9 550.2 TRUE FALSE
5503 tech_dep pc 9 550.3 TRUE FALSE
5504 tech_dep pc 9 550.4 TRUE FALSE
5512 tech_dep pc 9 551.2 TRUE TRUE Allergic urticaria
5593 tech_dep pc 9 559.3 TRUE FALSE
5594 tech_dep pc 9 559.4 TRUE FALSE
5597 tech_dep pc 9 559.7 TRUE FALSE
5651 tech_dep pc 9 565.1 TRUE TRUE Anal fistula
5652 tech_dep pc 9 565.2 TRUE FALSE
5661 tech_dep pc 9 566.1 TRUE FALSE
5662 tech_dep pc 9 566.2 TRUE FALSE
5672 tech_dep pc 9 567.2 TRUE TRUE Loose body in joint
5673 tech_dep pc 9 567.3 TRUE TRUE Unspecified intrapelvic protrusion of acetabulum
5674 tech_dep pc 9 567.4 TRUE FALSE
5675 tech_dep pc 9 567.5 TRUE FALSE
5721 tech_dep pc 9 572.1 TRUE TRUE Portal pyemia
5722 tech_dep pc 9 572.2 TRUE TRUE Hepatic encephalopathy
5993 tech_dep pc 9 599.3 TRUE TRUE Urethral caruncle
5994 tech_dep pc 9 599.4 TRUE TRUE Urethral false passage
8607 tech_dep pc 9 860.7 TRUE FALSE
9645 tech_dep pc 9 964.5 TRUE TRUE Poisoning by anticoagulant antagonists and other coagulants
9646 tech_dep pc 9 964.6 TRUE TRUE Poisoning by gamma globulin
9647 tech_dep pc 9 964.7 TRUE TRUE Poisoning by natural blood and blood products
4210 tech_dep pc 9 421.0 TRUE TRUE Acute and subacute bacterial endocarditis
4211 tech_dep pc 9 421.1 TRUE TRUE Acute and subacute infective endocarditis in diseases classified elsewhere
4281 tech_dep pc 9 428.1 TRUE TRUE Left heart failure
4311 tech_dep pc 9 431.1 TRUE FALSE
4319 tech_dep pc 9 431.9 TRUE FALSE
4412 tech_dep pc 9 441.2 TRUE TRUE Thoracic aneurysm without mention of rupture
4432 tech_dep pc 9 443.2 TRUE TRUE Unspecified disorder of kidney and ureter
4438 tech_dep pc 9 443.8 TRUE TRUE Calculus of lower urinary tract, unspecified
4439 tech_dep pc 9 443.9 TRUE TRUE Peripheral vascular disease, unspecified
4613 tech_dep pc 9 461.3 TRUE TRUE Acute sphenoidal sinusitis
4622 tech_dep pc 9 462.2 TRUE FALSE
4623 tech_dep pc 9 462.3 TRUE FALSE
4632 tech_dep pc 9 463.2 TRUE FALSE
4640 tech_dep pc 9 464.0 TRUE TRUE Deformity of reconstructed breast
4641 tech_dep pc 9 464.1 TRUE TRUE Acute salpingitis and oophoritis
4643 tech_dep pc 9 464.3 TRUE TRUE Pelvic peritoneal adhesions, female (postoperative) (postinfection)
9624 tech_dep pc 9 962.4 TRUE TRUE Poisoning by anterior pituitary hormones
9636 tech_dep pc 9 963.6 TRUE FALSE
9702 tech_dep pc 9 970.2 TRUE FALSE
8100 tech_dep pc 9 810.0 TRUE TRUE Petroleum fuels and cleaners
8101 tech_dep pc 9 810.1 TRUE TRUE Accidental poisoning by agricultural and horticultural chemical and pharmaceutical preparations other than plant foods and fertilizers
8102 tech_dep pc 9 810.2 TRUE FALSE
8103 tech_dep pc 9 810.3 TRUE FALSE
8104 tech_dep pc 9 810.4 TRUE FALSE
8105 tech_dep pc 9 810.5 TRUE FALSE
8106 tech_dep pc 9 810.6 TRUE FALSE
8107 tech_dep pc 9 810.7 TRUE FALSE
8108 tech_dep pc 9 810.8 TRUE FALSE
8109 tech_dep pc 9 810.9 TRUE FALSE
8130 tech_dep pc 9 813.0 TRUE TRUE Unspecified gases and vapors
8131 tech_dep pc 9 813.1 TRUE TRUE Other specified medical care
8132 tech_dep pc 9 813.2 TRUE TRUE Removal of catheter or packing
8133 tech_dep pc 9 813.3 TRUE TRUE Infusion or transfusion
8134 tech_dep pc 9 813.4 TRUE TRUE Heart catheterization
8135 tech_dep pc 9 813.5 TRUE TRUE Inappropriate [too hot or too cold] temperature in local application and packing
8136 tech_dep pc 9 813.6 TRUE FALSE
8137 tech_dep pc 9 813.7 TRUE FALSE
8138 tech_dep pc 9 813.8 TRUE TRUE Infusion and transfusion
8139 tech_dep pc 9 813.9 TRUE TRUE Other specified procedures
8451 tech_dep pc 9 845.1 TRUE TRUE Psychodysleptics [hallucinogens]
3751 transplant pc 9 375.1 TRUE TRUE Pneumonia due to parainfluenza virus
3350 transplant pc 9 335.0 TRUE TRUE Werdnig-Hoffmann disease
3351 transplant pc 9 335.1 TRUE TRUE Other disorders of optic disc
3352 transplant pc 9 335.2 TRUE TRUE Pseudopapilledema
336 transplant pc 9 336 TRUE TRUE Other diseases of spinal cord
5561 transplant pc 9 556.1 TRUE TRUE Ulcerative (chronic) ileocolitis
5569 transplant pc 9 556.9 TRUE TRUE Ulcerative colitis, unspecified
4697 transplant pc 9 469.7 TRUE FALSE
5051 transplant pc 9 505.1 TRUE FALSE
5059 transplant pc 9 505.9 TRUE FALSE
5280 transplant pc 9 528.0 TRUE TRUE Disruption of cesarean wound
5282 transplant pc 9 528.2 TRUE TRUE Oral aphthae
5283 transplant pc 9 528.3 TRUE TRUE Cellulitis and abscess of oral soft tissues
5284 transplant pc 9 528.4 TRUE TRUE Cysts of oral soft tissues
5285 transplant pc 9 528.5 TRUE TRUE Diseases of lips
5286 transplant pc 9 528.6 TRUE TRUE Leukoplakia of oral mucosa, including tongue
4100 transplant pc 9 410.0 TRUE TRUE Inguinal hernia, without mention of obstruction or gangrene
4101 transplant pc 9 410.1 TRUE TRUE Unilateral or unspecified, recurrent
4102 transplant pc 9 410.2 TRUE TRUE Ventral hernia with gangrene
4103 transplant pc 9 410.3 TRUE TRUE Diaphragmatic hernia with gangrene
4104 transplant pc 9 410.4 TRUE TRUE Femoral hernia with obstruction
4105 transplant pc 9 410.5 TRUE TRUE Bilateral, recurrent
4106 transplant pc 9 410.6 TRUE TRUE Incisional, with obstruction
4107 transplant pc 9 410.7 TRUE TRUE Hernia of unspecified site, with obstruction
4108 transplant pc 9 410.8 TRUE TRUE Unilateral or unspecified, recurrent
4109 transplant pc 9 410.9 TRUE TRUE Ventral hernia
4194 transplant pc 9 419.4 TRUE FALSE
0091 transplant pc 9 009.1 TRUE TRUE Colitis, enteritis, and gastroenteritis of presumed infectious origin
0092 transplant pc 9 009.2 TRUE TRUE Infectious diarrhea
0093 transplant pc 9 009.3 TRUE TRUE Diarrhea of presumed infectious origin
E750 neuromusc dx 10 E750 TRUE FALSE
E751 neuromusc dx 10 E751 TRUE FALSE
E752 neuromusc dx 10 E752 TRUE FALSE
E754 neuromusc dx 10 E754 TRUE FALSE
F71 neuromusc dx 10 F71 TRUE TRUE Moderate intellectual disabilities
F72 neuromusc dx 10 F72 TRUE TRUE Severe intellectual disabilities
F73 neuromusc dx 10 F73 TRUE TRUE Profound intellectual disabilities
F842 neuromusc dx 10 F84.2 TRUE TRUE Rett's syndrome
G111 neuromusc dx 10 G11.1 TRUE TRUE Early-onset cerebellar ataxia
G112 neuromusc dx 10 G11.2 TRUE TRUE Late-onset cerebellar ataxia
G114 neuromusc dx 10 G11.4 TRUE TRUE Hereditary spastic paraplegia
G118 neuromusc dx 10 G11.8 TRUE TRUE Other hereditary ataxias
G119 neuromusc dx 10 G11.9 TRUE TRUE Hereditary ataxia, unspecified
G120 neuromusc dx 10 G12.0 TRUE TRUE Infantile spinal muscular atrophy, type I [Werdnig-Hoffman]
G121 neuromusc dx 10 G12.1 TRUE TRUE Other inherited spinal muscular atrophy
G122 neuromusc dx 10 G12.2 TRUE TRUE Motor neuron disease
G128 neuromusc dx 10 G12.8 TRUE TRUE Other spinal muscular atrophies and related syndromes
G129 neuromusc dx 10 G12.9 TRUE TRUE Spinal muscular atrophy, unspecified
G3101 neuromusc dx 10 G31.01 TRUE TRUE Pick's disease
G3109 neuromusc dx 10 G31.09 TRUE TRUE Other frontotemporal dementia
G318 neuromusc dx 10 G31.8 TRUE TRUE Other specified degenerative diseases of nervous system
G3189 neuromusc dx 10 G31.89 TRUE TRUE Other specified degenerative diseases of nervous system
G3289 neuromusc dx 10 G32.89 TRUE TRUE Other specified degenerative disorders of nervous system in diseases classified elsewhere
G71 neuromusc dx 10 G71 TRUE TRUE Primary disorders of muscles
G72 neuromusc dx 10 G72 TRUE TRUE Other and unspecified myopathies
G80 neuromusc dx 10 G80 TRUE TRUE Cerebral palsy
G901 neuromusc dx 10 G90.1 TRUE TRUE Familial dysautonomia [Riley-Day]
G938 neuromusc dx 10 G93.8 TRUE TRUE Other specified disorders of brain
G939 neuromusc dx 10 G93.9 TRUE TRUE Disorder of brain, unspecified
G94 neuromusc dx 10 G94 TRUE TRUE Other disorders of brain in diseases classified elsewhere
Q00 neuromusc dx 10 Q00 TRUE TRUE Anencephaly and similar malformations
Q01 neuromusc dx 10 Q01 TRUE TRUE Encephalocele
Q02 neuromusc dx 10 Q02 TRUE TRUE Microcephaly
Q03 neuromusc dx 10 Q03 TRUE TRUE Congenital hydrocephalus
Q04 neuromusc dx 10 Q04 TRUE TRUE Other congenital malformations of brain
Q05 neuromusc dx 10 Q05 TRUE TRUE Spina bifida
Q06 neuromusc dx 10 Q06 TRUE TRUE Other congenital malformations of spinal cord
Q07 neuromusc dx 10 Q07 TRUE TRUE Other congenital malformations of nervous system
G911 neuromusc dx 10 G91.1 TRUE TRUE Obstructive hydrocephalus
G319 neuromusc dx 10 G31.9 TRUE TRUE Degenerative disease of nervous system, unspecified
G253 neuromusc dx 10 G25.3 TRUE TRUE Myoclonus
G9519 neuromusc dx 10 G95.19 TRUE TRUE Other vascular myelopathies
G9589 neuromusc dx 10 G95.89 TRUE TRUE Other specified diseases of spinal cord
G909 neuromusc dx 10 G90.9 TRUE TRUE Disorder of the autonomic nervous system, unspecified
G40311 neuromusc dx 10 G40.311 TRUE TRUE Generalized idiopathic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes, intractable, with status epilepticus
G40301 neuromusc dx 10 G40.301 TRUE TRUE Generalized idiopathic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes, not intractable, with status epilepticus
G40211 neuromusc dx 10 G40.211 TRUE TRUE Localization-related (focal) (partial) symptomatic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with complex partial seizures, intractable, with status epilepticus
G40219 neuromusc dx 10 G40.219 TRUE TRUE Localization-related (focal) (partial) symptomatic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with complex partial seizures, intractable, without status epilepticus
G40411 neuromusc dx 10 G40.411 TRUE TRUE Other generalized epilepsy and epileptic syndromes, intractable, with status epilepticus
G40419 neuromusc dx 10 G40.419 TRUE TRUE Other generalized epilepsy and epileptic syndromes, intractable, without status epilepticus
G40804 neuromusc dx 10 G40.804 TRUE TRUE Other epilepsy, intractable, without status epilepticus
G40111 neuromusc dx 10 G40.111 TRUE TRUE Localization-related (focal) (partial) symptomatic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with simple partial seizures, intractable, with status epilepticus
G40119 neuromusc dx 10 G40.119 TRUE TRUE Localization-related (focal) (partial) symptomatic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with simple partial seizures, intractable, without status epilepticus
G40911 neuromusc dx 10 G40.911 TRUE TRUE Epilepsy, unspecified, intractable, with status epilepticus
G40919 neuromusc dx 10 G40.919 TRUE TRUE Epilepsy, unspecified, intractable, without status epilepticus
G371 neuromusc dx 10 G37.1 TRUE TRUE Central demyelination of corpus callosum
G372 neuromusc dx 10 G37.2 TRUE TRUE Central pontine myelinolysis
G378 neuromusc dx 10 G37.8 TRUE TRUE Other specified demyelinating diseases of central nervous system
G8190 neuromusc dx 10 G81.90 TRUE TRUE Hemiplegia, unspecified affecting unspecified side
G8290 neuromusc dx 10 G82.90 TRUE FALSE
G8250 neuromusc dx 10 G82.50 TRUE TRUE Quadriplegia, unspecified
G8251 neuromusc dx 10 G82.51 TRUE TRUE Quadriplegia, C1-C4 complete
G8252 neuromusc dx 10 G82.52 TRUE TRUE Quadriplegia, C1-C4 incomplete
G8253 neuromusc dx 10 G82.53 TRUE TRUE Quadriplegia, C5-C7 complete
G8254 neuromusc dx 10 G82.54 TRUE TRUE Quadriplegia, C5-C7 incomplete
G835 neuromusc dx 10 G83.5 TRUE TRUE Locked-in state
G839 neuromusc dx 10 G83.9 TRUE TRUE Paralytic syndrome, unspecified
G931 neuromusc dx 10 G93.1 TRUE TRUE Anoxic brain damage, not elsewhere classified
G935 neuromusc dx 10 G93.5 TRUE TRUE Compression of brain
I6330 neuromusc dx 10 I63.30 TRUE TRUE Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of unspecified cerebral artery
I6350 neuromusc dx 10 I63.50 TRUE TRUE Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of unspecified cerebral artery
G10 neuromusc dx 10 G10 TRUE TRUE Huntington's disease
G20 neuromusc dx 10 G20 TRUE TRUE Parkinson's disease
G210 neuromusc dx 10 G21.0 TRUE TRUE Malignant neuroleptic syndrome
G2111 neuromusc dx 10 G21.11 TRUE TRUE Neuroleptic induced parkinsonism
G2119 neuromusc dx 10 G21.19 TRUE TRUE Other drug induced secondary parkinsonism
G218 neuromusc dx 10 G21.8 TRUE TRUE Other secondary parkinsonism
G230 neuromusc dx 10 G23.0 TRUE TRUE Hallervorden-Spatz disease
G231 neuromusc dx 10 G23.1 TRUE TRUE Progressive supranuclear ophthalmoplegia [Steele-Richardson-Olszewski]
G232 neuromusc dx 10 G23.2 TRUE TRUE Striatonigral degeneration
G238 neuromusc dx 10 G23.8 TRUE TRUE Other specified degenerative diseases of basal ganglia
G2402 neuromusc dx 10 G24.02 TRUE TRUE Drug induced acute dystonia
G248 neuromusc dx 10 G24.8 TRUE TRUE Other dystonia
G253 neuromusc dx 10 G25.3 TRUE TRUE Myoclonus
G254 neuromusc dx 10 G25.4 TRUE TRUE Drug-induced chorea
G255 neuromusc dx 10 G25.5 TRUE TRUE Other chorea
G2581 neuromusc dx 10 G25.81 TRUE TRUE Restless legs syndrome
G2582 neuromusc dx 10 G25.82 TRUE TRUE Stiff-man syndrome
G2583 neuromusc dx 10 G25.83 TRUE TRUE Benign shuddering attacks
G2589 neuromusc dx 10 G25.89 TRUE TRUE Other specified extrapyramidal and movement disorders
G259 neuromusc dx 10 G25.9 TRUE TRUE Extrapyramidal and movement disorder, unspecified
G803 neuromusc dx 10 G80.3 TRUE TRUE Athetoid cerebral palsy
R403 neuromusc dx 10 R40.3 TRUE TRUE Persistent vegetative state
G9782 neuromusc dx 10 G97.82 TRUE TRUE Other postprocedural complications and disorders of nervous system
T8509XA neuromusc dx 10 T85.09XA TRUE TRUE Other mechanical complication of ventricular intracranial (communicating) shunt, initial encounter
T85190A neuromusc dx 10 T85.190A TRUE TRUE Other mechanical complication of implanted electronic neurostimulator (electrode) of brain, initial encounter
T85192A neuromusc dx 10 T85.192A TRUE TRUE Other mechanical complication of implanted electronic neurostimulator (electrode) of spinal cord, initial encounter
T85199A neuromusc dx 10 T85.199A TRUE TRUE Other mechanical complication of other implanted electronic stimulator of nervous system, initial encounter
T8579XA neuromusc dx 10 T85.79XA TRUE TRUE Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other internal prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, initial encounter
Z982 neuromusc dx 10 Z98.2 TRUE TRUE Presence of cerebrospinal fluid drainage device
Z4541 neuromusc dx 10 Z45.41 TRUE TRUE Encounter for adjustment and management of cerebrospinal fluid drainage device
Z4542 neuromusc dx 10 Z45.42 TRUE TRUE Encounter for adjustment and management of neuropacemaker (brain) (peripheral nerve) (spinal cord)
I270 cvd dx 10 I27.0 TRUE TRUE Primary pulmonary hypertension
I271 cvd dx 10 I27.1 TRUE TRUE Kyphoscoliotic heart disease
I272 cvd dx 10 I27.2 TRUE TRUE Other secondary pulmonary hypertension
I2781 cvd dx 10 I27.81 TRUE TRUE Cor pulmonale (chronic)
I2789 cvd dx 10 I27.89 TRUE TRUE Other specified pulmonary heart diseases
I279 cvd dx 10 I27.9 TRUE TRUE Pulmonary heart disease, unspecified
I340 cvd dx 10 I34.0 TRUE TRUE Nonrheumatic mitral (valve) insufficiency
I348 cvd dx 10 I34.8 TRUE TRUE Other nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders
I360 cvd dx 10 I36.0 TRUE TRUE Nonrheumatic tricuspid (valve) stenosis
I368 cvd dx 10 I36.8 TRUE TRUE Other nonrheumatic tricuspid valve disorders
I370 cvd dx 10 I37.0 TRUE TRUE Nonrheumatic pulmonary valve stenosis
I378 cvd dx 10 I37.8 TRUE TRUE Other nonrheumatic pulmonary valve disorders
I42 cvd dx 10 I42 TRUE TRUE Cardiomyopathy
I43 cvd dx 10 I43 TRUE TRUE Cardiomyopathy in diseases classified elsewhere
I44 cvd dx 10 I44 TRUE TRUE Atrioventricular and left bundle-branch block
I45 cvd dx 10 I45 TRUE TRUE Other conduction disorders
I47 cvd dx 10 I47 TRUE TRUE Paroxysmal tachycardia
I48 cvd dx 10 I48 TRUE TRUE Atrial fibrillation and flutter
I490 cvd dx 10 I49.0 TRUE TRUE Ventricular fibrillation and flutter
I491 cvd dx 10 I49.1 TRUE TRUE Atrial premature depolarization
I493 cvd dx 10 I49.3 TRUE TRUE Ventricular premature depolarization
I494 cvd dx 10 I49.4 TRUE TRUE Other and unspecified premature depolarization
I495 cvd dx 10 I49.5 TRUE TRUE Sick sinus syndrome
I498 cvd dx 10 I49.8 TRUE TRUE Other specified cardiac arrhythmias
I499 cvd dx 10 I49.9 TRUE TRUE Cardiac arrhythmia, unspecified
I509 cvd dx 10 I50.9 TRUE TRUE Heart failure, unspecified
I515 cvd dx 10 I51.5 TRUE TRUE Myocardial degeneration
I517 cvd dx 10 I51.7 TRUE TRUE Cardiomegaly
I5181 cvd dx 10 I51.81 TRUE TRUE Takotsubo syndrome
I63139 cvd dx 10 I63.139 TRUE TRUE Cerebral infarction due to embolism of unspecified carotid artery
I63239 cvd dx 10 I63.239 TRUE TRUE Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of unspecified carotid arteries
Q20 cvd dx 10 Q20 TRUE TRUE Congenital malformations of cardiac chambers and connections
Q212 cvd dx 10 Q21.2 TRUE TRUE Atrioventricular septal defect
Q213 cvd dx 10 Q21.3 TRUE TRUE Tetralogy of Fallot
Q214 cvd dx 10 Q21.4 TRUE TRUE Aortopulmonary septal defect
Q218 cvd dx 10 Q21.8 TRUE TRUE Other congenital malformations of cardiac septa
Q22 cvd dx 10 Q22 TRUE TRUE Congenital malformations of pulmonary and tricuspid valves
Q23 cvd dx 10 Q23 TRUE TRUE Congenital malformations of aortic and mitral valves
Q24 cvd dx 10 Q24 TRUE TRUE Other congenital malformations of heart
Q251 cvd dx 10 Q25.1 TRUE TRUE Coarctation of aorta
Q252 cvd dx 10 Q25.2 TRUE TRUE Atresia of aorta
Q253 cvd dx 10 Q25.3 TRUE TRUE Supravalvular aortic stenosis
Q254 cvd dx 10 Q25.4 TRUE TRUE Other congenital malformations of aorta
Q255 cvd dx 10 Q25.5 TRUE TRUE Atresia of pulmonary artery
Q256 cvd dx 10 Q25.6 TRUE TRUE Stenosis of pulmonary artery
Q257 cvd dx 10 Q25.7 TRUE TRUE Other congenital malformations of pulmonary artery
Q26 cvd dx 10 Q26 TRUE TRUE Congenital malformations of great veins
R001 cvd dx 10 R00.1 TRUE TRUE Bradycardia, unspecified
Q282 cvd dx 10 Q28.2 TRUE TRUE Arteriovenous malformation of cerebral vessels
Q283 cvd dx 10 Q28.3 TRUE TRUE Other malformations of cerebral vessels
Q289 cvd dx 10 Q28.9 TRUE TRUE Congenital malformation of circulatory system, unspecified
Z951 cvd dx 10 Z95.1 TRUE TRUE Presence of aortocoronary bypass graft
T82519A cvd dx 10 T82.519A TRUE TRUE Breakdown (mechanical) of unspecified cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter
T82529A cvd dx 10 T82.529A TRUE TRUE Displacement of unspecified cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter
T82539A cvd dx 10 T82.539A TRUE TRUE Leakage of unspecified cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter
T82599A cvd dx 10 T82.599A TRUE TRUE Other mechanical complication of unspecified cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter
T82110A cvd dx 10 T82.110A TRUE TRUE Breakdown (mechanical) of cardiac electrode, initial encounter
T82111A cvd dx 10 T82.111A TRUE TRUE Breakdown (mechanical) of cardiac pulse generator (battery), initial encounter
T82120A cvd dx 10 T82.120A TRUE TRUE Displacement of cardiac electrode, initial encounter
T82121A cvd dx 10 T82.121A TRUE TRUE Displacement of cardiac pulse generator (battery), initial encounter
T82190A cvd dx 10 T82.190A TRUE TRUE Other mechanical complication of cardiac electrode, initial encounter
T82191A cvd dx 10 T82.191A TRUE TRUE Other mechanical complication of cardiac pulse generator (battery), initial encounter
T8201XA cvd dx 10 T82.01XA TRUE TRUE Breakdown (mechanical) of heart valve prosthesis, initial encounter
T8202XA cvd dx 10 T82.02XA TRUE TRUE Displacement of heart valve prosthesis, initial encounter
T8203XA cvd dx 10 T82.03XA TRUE TRUE Leakage of heart valve prosthesis, initial encounter
T8209XA cvd dx 10 T82.09XA TRUE TRUE Other mechanical complication of heart valve prosthesis, initial encounter
T82211A cvd dx 10 T82.211A TRUE TRUE Breakdown (mechanical) of coronary artery bypass graft, initial encounter
T82212A cvd dx 10 T82.212A TRUE TRUE Displacement of coronary artery bypass graft, initial encounter
T82213A cvd dx 10 T82.213A TRUE TRUE Leakage of coronary artery bypass graft, initial encounter
T82218A cvd dx 10 T82.218A TRUE TRUE Other mechanical complication of coronary artery bypass graft, initial encounter
T82221A cvd dx 10 T82.221A TRUE TRUE Breakdown (mechanical) of biological heart valve graft, initial encounter
T82222A cvd dx 10 T82.222A TRUE TRUE Displacement of biological heart valve graft, initial encounter
T82223A cvd dx 10 T82.223A TRUE TRUE Leakage of biological heart valve graft, initial encounter
T82228A cvd dx 10 T82.228A TRUE TRUE Other mechanical complication of biological heart valve graft, initial encounter
T82518A cvd dx 10 T82.518A TRUE TRUE Breakdown (mechanical) of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter
T82528A cvd dx 10 T82.528A TRUE TRUE Displacement of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter
T82538A cvd dx 10 T82.538A TRUE TRUE Leakage of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter
T82598A cvd dx 10 T82.598A TRUE TRUE Other mechanical complication of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter
T826XXA cvd dx 10 T82.6XXA TRUE TRUE Infection and inflammatory reaction due to cardiac valve prosthesis, initial encounter
T827XXA cvd dx 10 T82.7XXA TRUE TRUE Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other cardiac and vascular devices, implants and grafts, initial encounter
Z941 cvd dx 10 Z94.1 TRUE TRUE Heart transplant status
Z950 cvd dx 10 Z95.0 TRUE TRUE Presence of cardiac pacemaker
Z952 cvd dx 10 Z95.2 TRUE TRUE Presence of prosthetic heart valve
Z95810 cvd dx 10 Z95.810 TRUE TRUE Presence of automatic (implantable) cardiac defibrillator
Z95811 cvd dx 10 Z95.811 TRUE TRUE Presence of heart assist device
Z95812 cvd dx 10 Z95.812 TRUE TRUE Presence of fully implantable artificial heart
Z95818 cvd dx 10 Z95.818 TRUE TRUE Presence of other cardiac implants and grafts
Z953 cvd dx 10 Z95.3 TRUE TRUE Presence of xenogenic heart valve
Z45010 cvd dx 10 Z45.010 TRUE TRUE Encounter for checking and testing of cardiac pacemaker pulse generator [battery]
Z45018 cvd dx 10 Z45.018 TRUE TRUE Encounter for adjustment and management of other part of cardiac pacemaker
Z4502 cvd dx 10 Z45.02 TRUE TRUE Encounter for adjustment and management of automatic implantable cardiac defibrillator
Z4509 cvd dx 10 Z45.09 TRUE TRUE Encounter for adjustment and management of other cardiac device
Z959 cvd dx 10 Z95.9 TRUE TRUE Presence of cardiac and vascular implant and graft, unspecified
E84 respiratory dx 10 E084 TRUE FALSE
G4753 respiratory dx 10 G47.53 TRUE TRUE Recurrent isolated sleep paralysis
I2782 respiratory dx 10 I27.82 TRUE TRUE Chronic pulmonary embolism
I43 respiratory dx 10 I43 TRUE TRUE Cardiomyopathy in diseases classified elsewhere
Q30 respiratory dx 10 Q30 TRUE TRUE Congenital malformations of nose
Q31 respiratory dx 10 Q31 TRUE TRUE Congenital malformations of larynx
Q32 respiratory dx 10 Q32 TRUE TRUE Congenital malformations of trachea and bronchus
Q33 respiratory dx 10 Q33 TRUE TRUE Congenital malformations of lung
Q34 respiratory dx 10 Q34 TRUE TRUE Other congenital malformations of respiratory system
P280 respiratory dx 10 P28.0 TRUE TRUE Primary atelectasis of newborn
Z902 respiratory dx 10 Z90.2 TRUE TRUE Acquired absence of lung [part of]
J84112 respiratory dx 10 J84.112 TRUE TRUE Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
J9500 respiratory dx 10 J95.00 TRUE TRUE Unspecified tracheostomy complication
J9501 respiratory dx 10 J95.01 TRUE TRUE Hemorrhage from tracheostomy stoma
J9502 respiratory dx 10 J95.02 TRUE TRUE Infection of tracheostomy stoma
J9503 respiratory dx 10 J95.03 TRUE TRUE Malfunction of tracheostomy stoma
J9504 respiratory dx 10 J95.04 TRUE TRUE Tracheo-esophageal fistula following tracheostomy
J9509 respiratory dx 10 J95.09 TRUE TRUE Other tracheostomy complication
9620 respiratory dx 10 962.0 TRUE TRUE Poisoning by adrenal cortical steroids
Z430 respiratory dx 10 Z43.0 TRUE TRUE Encounter for attention to tracheostomy
Z930 respiratory dx 10 Z93.0 TRUE TRUE Tracheostomy status
Z942 respiratory dx 10 Z94.2 TRUE TRUE Lung transplant status
Z990 respiratory dx 10 Z99.0 TRUE TRUE Dependence on aspirator
J95850 respiratory dx 10 J95.850 TRUE TRUE Mechanical complication of respirator
Z9911 respiratory dx 10 Z99.11 TRUE TRUE Dependence on respirator [ventilator] status
Z9912 respiratory dx 10 Z99.12 TRUE TRUE Encounter for respirator [ventilator] dependence during power failure
T86810 respiratory dx 10 T86.810 TRUE TRUE Lung transplant rejection
T86811 respiratory dx 10 T86.811 TRUE TRUE Lung transplant failure
T86819 respiratory dx 10 T86.819 TRUE TRUE Unspecified complication of lung transplant
N18 renal dx 10 N18 TRUE TRUE Chronic kidney disease (CKD)
Q60 renal dx 10 Q60 TRUE TRUE Renal agenesis and other reduction defects of kidney
Q61 renal dx 10 Q61 TRUE TRUE Cystic kidney disease
Q62 renal dx 10 Q62 TRUE TRUE Congenital obstructive defects of renal pelvis and congenital malformations of ureter
Q63 renal dx 10 Q63 TRUE TRUE Other congenital malformations of kidney
Q64 renal dx 10 Q64 TRUE TRUE Other congenital malformations of urinary system
Z905 renal dx 10 Z90.5 TRUE TRUE Acquired absence of kidney
Z906 renal dx 10 Z90.6 TRUE TRUE Acquired absence of other parts of urinary tract
G834 renal dx 10 G83.4 TRUE TRUE Cauda equina syndrome
N312 renal dx 10 N31.2 TRUE TRUE Flaccid neuropathic bladder, not elsewhere classified
N319 renal dx 10 N31.9 TRUE TRUE Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder, unspecified
T8571XA renal dx 10 T85.71XA TRUE TRUE Infection and inflammatory reaction due to peritoneal dialysis catheter, initial encounter
Z940 renal dx 10 Z94.0 TRUE TRUE Kidney transplant status
Z9350 renal dx 10 Z93.50 TRUE TRUE Unspecified cystostomy status
Z9351 renal dx 10 Z93.51 TRUE TRUE Cutaneous-vesicostomy status
Z9352 renal dx 10 Z93.52 TRUE TRUE Appendico-vesicostomy status
Z9359 renal dx 10 Z93.59 TRUE TRUE Other cystostomy status
Z936 renal dx 10 Z93.6 TRUE TRUE Other artificial openings of urinary tract status
Z9115 renal dx 10 Z91.15 TRUE TRUE Patient's noncompliance with renal dialysis
Z992 renal dx 10 Z99.2 TRUE TRUE Dependence on renal dialysis
Z435 renal dx 10 Z43.5 TRUE TRUE Encounter for attention to cystostomy
Z436 renal dx 10 Z43.6 TRUE TRUE Encounter for attention to other artificial openings of urinary tract
Z446 renal dx 10 Z44.6 TRUE FALSE
Z4901 renal dx 10 Z49.01 TRUE TRUE Encounter for fitting and adjustment of extracorporeal dialysis catheter
Z4902 renal dx 10 Z49.02 TRUE TRUE Encounter for fitting and adjustment of peritoneal dialysis catheter
Z4931 renal dx 10 Z49.31 TRUE TRUE Encounter for adequacy testing for hemodialysis
Z4932 renal dx 10 Z49.32 TRUE TRUE Encounter for adequacy testing for peritoneal dialysis
T8610 renal dx 10 T86.10 TRUE TRUE Unspecified complication of kidney transplant
T8611 renal dx 10 T86.11 TRUE TRUE Kidney transplant rejection
T8612 renal dx 10 T86.12 TRUE TRUE Kidney transplant failure
K50 gi dx 10 K50 TRUE TRUE Crohn's disease [regional enteritis]
K51 gi dx 10 K51 TRUE TRUE Ulcerative colitis
K73 gi dx 10 K73 TRUE TRUE Chronic hepatitis, not elsewhere classified
K74 gi dx 10 K74 TRUE TRUE Fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver
K754 gi dx 10 K75.4 TRUE TRUE Autoimmune hepatitis
K760 gi dx 10 K76.0 TRUE TRUE Fatty (change of) liver, not elsewhere classified
K761 gi dx 10 K76.1 TRUE TRUE Chronic passive congestion of liver
K762 gi dx 10 K76.2 TRUE TRUE Central hemorrhagic necrosis of liver
K763 gi dx 10 K76.3 TRUE TRUE Infarction of liver
K768 gi dx 10 K76.8 TRUE TRUE Other specified diseases of liver
Q390 gi dx 10 Q39.0 TRUE TRUE Atresia of esophagus without fistula
Q391 gi dx 10 Q39.1 TRUE TRUE Atresia of esophagus with tracheo-esophageal fistula
Q392 gi dx 10 Q39.2 TRUE TRUE Congenital tracheo-esophageal fistula without atresia
Q393 gi dx 10 Q39.3 TRUE TRUE Congenital stenosis and stricture of esophagus
Q394 gi dx 10 Q39.4 TRUE TRUE Esophageal web
Q41 gi dx 10 Q41 TRUE TRUE Congenital absence, atresia and stenosis of small intestine
Q42 gi dx 10 Q42 TRUE TRUE Congenital absence, atresia and stenosis of large intestine
Q43 gi dx 10 Q43 TRUE TRUE Other congenital malformations of intestine
Q44 gi dx 10 Q44 TRUE TRUE Congenital malformations of gallbladder, bile ducts and liver
Q45 gi dx 10 Q45 TRUE TRUE Other congenital malformations of digestive system
I820 gi dx 10 I82.0 TRUE TRUE Budd-Chiari syndrome
K551 gi dx 10 K55.1 TRUE TRUE Chronic vascular disorders of intestine
K562 gi dx 10 K56.2 TRUE TRUE Volvulus
K593 gi dx 10 K59.3 TRUE TRUE Megacolon, not elsewhere classified
Z980 gi dx 10 Z98.0 TRUE TRUE Intestinal bypass and anastomosis status
Z903 gi dx 10 Z90.3 TRUE TRUE Acquired absence of stomach [part of]
Z9049 gi dx 10 Z90.49 TRUE TRUE Acquired absence of other specified parts of digestive tract
K9420 gi dx 10 K94.20 TRUE TRUE Gastrostomy complication, unspecified
K9422 gi dx 10 K94.22 TRUE TRUE Gastrostomy infection
K9423 gi dx 10 K94.23 TRUE TRUE Gastrostomy malfunction
K9429 gi dx 10 K94.29 TRUE TRUE Other complications of gastrostomy
Z944 gi dx 10 Z94.4 TRUE TRUE Liver transplant status
Z9482 gi dx 10 Z94.82 TRUE TRUE Intestine transplant status
Z9483 gi dx 10 Z94.83 TRUE TRUE Pancreas transplant status
Z931 gi dx 10 Z93.1 TRUE TRUE Gastrostomy status
Z932 gi dx 10 Z93.2 TRUE TRUE Ileostomy status
Z933 gi dx 10 Z93.3 TRUE TRUE Colostomy status
Z934 gi dx 10 Z93.4 TRUE TRUE Other artificial openings of gastrointestinal tract status
Z431 gi dx 10 Z43.1 TRUE TRUE Encounter for attention to gastrostomy
Z432 gi dx 10 Z43.2 TRUE TRUE Encounter for attention to ileostomy
Z433 gi dx 10 Z43.3 TRUE TRUE Encounter for attention to colostomy
Z434 gi dx 10 Z43.4 TRUE TRUE Encounter for attention to other artificial openings of digestive tract
Z4651 gi dx 10 Z46.51 TRUE TRUE Encounter for fitting and adjustment of gastric lap band
Z4659 gi dx 10 Z46.59 TRUE TRUE Encounter for fitting and adjustment of other gastrointestinal appliance and device
T8640 gi dx 10 T86.40 TRUE TRUE Unspecified complication of liver transplant
T8641 gi dx 10 T86.41 TRUE TRUE Liver transplant rejection
T8642 gi dx 10 T86.42 TRUE TRUE Liver transplant failure
T86890 gi dx 10 T86.890 TRUE TRUE Other transplanted tissue rejection
T86891 gi dx 10 T86.891 TRUE TRUE Other transplanted tissue failure
T86899 gi dx 10 T86.899 TRUE TRUE Unspecified complication of other transplanted tissue
T86850 gi dx 10 T86.850 TRUE TRUE Intestine transplant rejection
T86851 gi dx 10 T86.851 TRUE TRUE Intestine transplant failure
T86859 gi dx 10 T86.859 TRUE TRUE Unspecified complication of intestine transplant
B20 hemato_immu dx 10 B20 TRUE TRUE Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease
D55 hemato_immu dx 10 D55 TRUE TRUE Anemia due to enzyme disorders
D56 hemato_immu dx 10 D56 TRUE TRUE Thalassemia
D57 hemato_immu dx 10 D57 TRUE TRUE Sickle-cell disorders
D58 hemato_immu dx 10 D58 TRUE TRUE Other hereditary hemolytic anemias
D60 hemato_immu dx 10 D60 TRUE TRUE Acquired pure red cell aplasia [erythroblastopenia]
D61 hemato_immu dx 10 D61 TRUE TRUE Other aplastic anemias and other bone marrow failure syndromes
D71 hemato_immu dx 10 D71 TRUE TRUE Functional disorders of polymorphonuclear neutrophils
D720 hemato_immu dx 10 D72.0 TRUE TRUE Genetic anomalies of leukocytes
D80 hemato_immu dx 10 D80 TRUE TRUE Immunodeficiency with predominantly antibody defects
D81 hemato_immu dx 10 D81 TRUE TRUE Combined immunodeficiencies
D82 hemato_immu dx 10 D82 TRUE TRUE Immunodeficiency associated with other major defects
D83 hemato_immu dx 10 D83 TRUE TRUE Common variable immunodeficiency
D84 hemato_immu dx 10 D84 TRUE TRUE Other immunodeficiencies
D85 hemato_immu dx 10 D85 TRUE FALSE
D87 hemato_immu dx 10 D87 TRUE FALSE
D88 hemato_immu dx 10 D88 TRUE FALSE
D86 hemato_immu dx 10 D86 TRUE TRUE Sarcoidosis
M303 hemato_immu dx 10 M30.3 TRUE TRUE Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome [Kawasaki]
M359 hemato_immu dx 10 M35.9 TRUE TRUE Systemic involvement of connective tissue, unspecified
B21 hemato_immu dx 10 B21 TRUE FALSE
B22 hemato_immu dx 10 B22 TRUE FALSE
B23 hemato_immu dx 10 B23 TRUE FALSE
B24 hemato_immu dx 10 B24 TRUE FALSE
D700 hemato_immu dx 10 D70.0 TRUE TRUE Congenital agranulocytosis
D704 hemato_immu dx 10 D70.4 TRUE TRUE Cyclic neutropenia
D66 hemato_immu dx 10 D66 TRUE TRUE Hereditary factor VIII deficiency
D682 hemato_immu dx 10 D68.2 TRUE TRUE Hereditary deficiency of other clotting factors
D6941 hemato_immu dx 10 D69.41 TRUE TRUE Evans syndrome
D6942 hemato_immu dx 10 D69.42 TRUE TRUE Congenital and hereditary thrombocytopenia purpura
D761 hemato_immu dx 10 D76.1 TRUE TRUE Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
D762 hemato_immu dx 10 D76.2 TRUE TRUE Hemophagocytic syndrome, infection-associated
D763 hemato_immu dx 10 D76.3 TRUE TRUE Other histiocytosis syndromes
D869 hemato_immu dx 10 D86.9 TRUE TRUE Sarcoidosis, unspecified
M300 hemato_immu dx 10 M30.0 TRUE TRUE Polyarteritis nodosa
M310 hemato_immu dx 10 M31.0 TRUE TRUE Hypersensitivity angiitis
M311 hemato_immu dx 10 M31.1 TRUE TRUE Thrombotic microangiopathy
M3130 hemato_immu dx 10 M31.30 TRUE TRUE Wegener's granulomatosis without renal involvement
M314 hemato_immu dx 10 M31.4 TRUE TRUE Aortic arch syndrome [Takayasu]
M316 hemato_immu dx 10 M31.6 TRUE TRUE Other giant cell arteritis
M3210 hemato_immu dx 10 M32.10 TRUE TRUE Systemic lupus erythematosus, organ or system involvement unspecified
M3390 hemato_immu dx 10 M33.90 TRUE TRUE Dermatopolymyositis, unspecified, organ involvement unspecified
M340 hemato_immu dx 10 M34.0 TRUE TRUE Progressive systemic sclerosis
M341 hemato_immu dx 10 M34.1 TRUE TRUE CR(E)ST syndrome
M349 hemato_immu dx 10 M34.9 TRUE TRUE Systemic sclerosis, unspecified
Z21 hemato_immu dx 10 Z21 TRUE TRUE Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] infection status
D841 metabolic dx 10 D84.1 TRUE TRUE Defects in the complement system
E700 metabolic dx 10 E700 TRUE FALSE
E702 metabolic dx 10 E702 TRUE FALSE
E703 metabolic dx 10 E703 TRUE FALSE
E704 metabolic dx 10 E704 TRUE FALSE
E705 metabolic dx 10 E705 TRUE FALSE
E708 metabolic dx 10 E708 TRUE FALSE
E710 metabolic dx 10 E710 TRUE FALSE
E711 metabolic dx 10 E711 TRUE FALSE
E712 metabolic dx 10 E712 TRUE FALSE
E713 metabolic dx 10 E713 TRUE FALSE
E714 metabolic dx 10 E714 TRUE FALSE
E715 metabolic dx 10 E715 TRUE FALSE
E720 metabolic dx 10 E720 TRUE FALSE
E721 metabolic dx 10 E721 TRUE FALSE
E722 metabolic dx 10 E722 TRUE FALSE
E723 metabolic dx 10 E723 TRUE FALSE
E724 metabolic dx 10 E724 TRUE FALSE
E728 metabolic dx 10 E728 TRUE FALSE
E729 metabolic dx 10 E729 TRUE FALSE
E740 metabolic dx 10 E740 TRUE FALSE
E741 metabolic dx 10 E741 TRUE FALSE
E742 metabolic dx 10 E742 TRUE FALSE
E743 metabolic dx 10 E743 TRUE FALSE
E744 metabolic dx 10 E744 TRUE FALSE
E748 metabolic dx 10 E748 TRUE FALSE
E749 metabolic dx 10 E749 TRUE FALSE
E75 metabolic dx 10 E075 TRUE FALSE
E760 metabolic dx 10 E760 TRUE FALSE
E761 metabolic dx 10 E761 TRUE FALSE
E762 metabolic dx 10 E762 TRUE FALSE
E763 metabolic dx 10 E763 TRUE FALSE
E770 metabolic dx 10 E770 TRUE FALSE
E771 metabolic dx 10 E771 TRUE FALSE
E780 metabolic dx 10 E780 TRUE FALSE
E781 metabolic dx 10 E781 TRUE FALSE
E782 metabolic dx 10 E782 TRUE FALSE
E783 metabolic dx 10 E783 TRUE FALSE
E784 metabolic dx 10 E784 TRUE FALSE
E785 metabolic dx 10 E785 TRUE FALSE
E786 metabolic dx 10 E786 TRUE FALSE
E787 metabolic dx 10 E787 TRUE FALSE
E788 metabolic dx 10 E788 TRUE FALSE
E789 metabolic dx 10 E789 TRUE FALSE
E791 metabolic dx 10 E791 TRUE FALSE
E798 metabolic dx 10 E798 TRUE FALSE
E804 metabolic dx 10 E804 TRUE TRUE Fall in, on, or from railway train
E805 metabolic dx 10 E805 TRUE TRUE Hit by rolling stock
E806 metabolic dx 10 E806 TRUE TRUE Other specified railway accident
E807 metabolic dx 10 E807 TRUE TRUE Railway accident of unspecified nature
E830 metabolic dx 10 E830 TRUE TRUE Accident to watercraft causing submersion
E831 metabolic dx 10 E831 TRUE TRUE Accident to watercraft causing other injury
E833 metabolic dx 10 E833 TRUE TRUE Fall on stairs or ladders in water transport
E834 metabolic dx 10 E834 TRUE TRUE Other fall from one level to another in water transport
E88 metabolic dx 10 E088 TRUE FALSE
H498 metabolic dx 10 H49.8 TRUE TRUE Other paralytic strabismus
E85 metabolic dx 10 E085 TRUE FALSE
E009 metabolic dx 10 E009 TRUE TRUE Activity involving other cardiorespiratory exercise
E230 metabolic dx 10 E230 TRUE FALSE
E232 metabolic dx 10 E232 TRUE FALSE
E222 metabolic dx 10 E222 TRUE FALSE
E233 metabolic dx 10 E233 TRUE FALSE
E237 metabolic dx 10 E237 TRUE FALSE
E240 metabolic dx 10 E240 TRUE FALSE
E242 metabolic dx 10 E242 TRUE FALSE
E243 metabolic dx 10 E243 TRUE FALSE
E248 metabolic dx 10 E248 TRUE FALSE
E249 metabolic dx 10 E249 TRUE FALSE
E2681 metabolic dx 10 E268.1 TRUE FALSE
E250 metabolic dx 10 E250 TRUE FALSE
E258 metabolic dx 10 E258 TRUE FALSE
E259 metabolic dx 10 E259 TRUE FALSE
Z4681 metabolic dx 10 Z46.81 TRUE TRUE Encounter for fitting and adjustment of insulin pump
Z794 metabolic dx 10 Z79.4 TRUE TRUE Long term (current) use of insulin
Z9641 metabolic dx 10 Z96.41 TRUE TRUE Presence of insulin pump (external) (internal)
E343 congeni_genetic dx 10 E343 TRUE FALSE
K449 congeni_genetic dx 10 K44.9 TRUE TRUE Diaphragmatic hernia without obstruction or gangrene
M410 congeni_genetic dx 10 M41.0 TRUE TRUE Infantile idiopathic scoliosis
M412 congeni_genetic dx 10 M41.2 TRUE TRUE Other idiopathic scoliosis
M4130 congeni_genetic dx 10 M41.30 TRUE TRUE Thoracogenic scoliosis, site unspecified
M418 congeni_genetic dx 10 M41.8 TRUE TRUE Other forms of scoliosis
M419 congeni_genetic dx 10 M41.9 TRUE TRUE Scoliosis, unspecified
M4330 congeni_genetic dx 10 M43.30 TRUE FALSE
M965 congeni_genetic dx 10 M96.5 TRUE TRUE Postradiation scoliosis
Q722 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q72.2 TRUE TRUE Congenital absence of both lower leg and foot
Q750 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q75.0 TRUE TRUE Craniosynostosis
Q752 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q75.2 TRUE TRUE Hypertelorism
Q759 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q75.9 TRUE TRUE Congenital malformation of skull and face bones, unspecified
Q760 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q76.0 TRUE TRUE Spina bifida occulta
Q761 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q76.1 TRUE TRUE Klippel-Feil syndrome
Q762 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q76.2 TRUE TRUE Congenital spondylolisthesis
Q764 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q76.4 TRUE TRUE Other congenital malformations of spine, not associated with scoliosis
Q765 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q76.5 TRUE TRUE Cervical rib
Q766 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q76.6 TRUE TRUE Other congenital malformations of ribs
Q767 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q76.7 TRUE TRUE Congenital malformation of sternum
Q77 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q77 TRUE TRUE Osteochondrodysplasia with defects of growth of tubular bones and spine
Q780 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q78.0 TRUE TRUE Osteogenesis imperfecta
Q781 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q78.1 TRUE TRUE Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia
Q782 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q78.2 TRUE TRUE Osteopetrosis
Q783 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q78.3 TRUE TRUE Progressive diaphyseal dysplasia
Q784 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q78.4 TRUE TRUE Enchondromatosis
Q788 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q78.8 TRUE TRUE Other specified osteochondrodysplasias
Q789 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q78.9 TRUE TRUE Osteochondrodysplasia, unspecified
Q790 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q79.0 TRUE TRUE Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
Q791 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q79.1 TRUE TRUE Other congenital malformations of diaphragm
Q792 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q79.2 TRUE TRUE Exomphalos
Q793 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q79.3 TRUE TRUE Gastroschisis
Q794 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q79.4 TRUE TRUE Prune belly syndrome
Q799 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q79.9 TRUE TRUE Congenital malformation of musculoskeletal system, unspecified
Q795 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q79.5 TRUE TRUE Other congenital malformations of abdominal wall
Q8740 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q87.40 TRUE TRUE Marfan's syndrome, unspecified
Q8781 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q87.81 TRUE TRUE Alport syndrome
Q8789 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q87.89 TRUE TRUE Other specified congenital malformation syndromes, not elsewhere classified
Q897 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q89.7 TRUE TRUE Multiple congenital malformations, not elsewhere classified
Q899 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q89.9 TRUE TRUE Congenital malformation, unspecified
Q909 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q90.9 TRUE TRUE Down syndrome, unspecified
Q913 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q91.3 TRUE TRUE Trisomy 18, unspecified
Q914 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q91.4 TRUE TRUE Trisomy 13, nonmosaicism (meiotic nondisjunction)
Q917 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q91.7 TRUE TRUE Trisomy 13, unspecified
Q928 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q92.8 TRUE TRUE Other specified trisomies and partial trisomies of autosomes
Q93 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q93 TRUE TRUE Monosomies and deletions from the autosomes, not elsewhere classified
Q950 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q95.0 TRUE TRUE Balanced translocation and insertion in normal individual
Q969 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q96.9 TRUE TRUE Turner's syndrome, unspecified
Q97 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q97 TRUE TRUE Other sex chromosome abnormalities, female phenotype, not elsewhere classified
Q98 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q98 TRUE TRUE Other sex chromosome abnormalities, male phenotype, not elsewhere classified
Q992 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q99.2 TRUE TRUE Fragile X chromosome
Q998 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q99.8 TRUE TRUE Other specified chromosome abnormalities
Q999 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q99.9 TRUE TRUE Chromosomal abnormality, unspecified
Q898 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q89.8 TRUE TRUE Other specified congenital malformations
Q81 congeni_genetic dx 10 Q81 TRUE TRUE Epidermolysis bullosa
C malignancy dx 10 00C FALSE FALSE
D00 malignancy dx 10 D00 TRUE TRUE Carcinoma in situ of oral cavity, esophagus and stomach
D01 malignancy dx 10 D01 TRUE TRUE Carcinoma in situ of other and unspecified digestive organs
D02 malignancy dx 10 D02 TRUE TRUE Carcinoma in situ of middle ear and respiratory system
D03 malignancy dx 10 D03 TRUE TRUE Melanoma in situ
D04 malignancy dx 10 D04 TRUE TRUE Carcinoma in situ of skin
D05 malignancy dx 10 D05 TRUE TRUE Carcinoma in situ of breast
D06 malignancy dx 10 D06 TRUE TRUE Carcinoma in situ of cervix uteri
D07 malignancy dx 10 D07 TRUE TRUE Carcinoma in situ of other and unspecified genital organs
D08 malignancy dx 10 D08 TRUE FALSE
D09 malignancy dx 10 D09 TRUE TRUE Carcinoma in situ of other and unspecified sites
D37 malignancy dx 10 D37 TRUE TRUE Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of oral cavity and digestive organs
D38 malignancy dx 10 D38 TRUE TRUE Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of middle ear and respiratory and intrathoracic organs
D39 malignancy dx 10 D39 TRUE TRUE Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of female genital organs
D3A0 malignancy dx 10 D3A.0 TRUE TRUE Benign carcinoid tumors
D40 malignancy dx 10 D40 TRUE TRUE Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of male genital organs
D41 malignancy dx 10 D41 TRUE TRUE Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of urinary organs
D42 malignancy dx 10 D42 TRUE TRUE Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of meninges
D43 malignancy dx 10 D43 TRUE TRUE Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of brain and central nervous system
D44 malignancy dx 10 D44 TRUE TRUE Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of endocrine glands
D45 malignancy dx 10 D45 TRUE TRUE Polycythemia vera
D46 malignancy dx 10 D46 TRUE TRUE Myelodysplastic syndromes
D47 malignancy dx 10 D47 TRUE TRUE Other neoplasms of uncertain behavior of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissue
D48 malignancy dx 10 D48 TRUE TRUE Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of other and unspecified sites
D49 malignancy dx 10 D49 TRUE TRUE Neoplasms of unspecified behavior
Q850 malignancy dx 10 Q85.0 TRUE TRUE Neurofibromatosis (nonmalignant)
Z9481 malignancy dx 10 Z94.81 TRUE TRUE Bone marrow transplant status
Z9484 malignancy dx 10 Z94.84 TRUE TRUE Stem cells transplant status
T8600 malignancy dx 10 T86.00 TRUE TRUE Unspecified complication of bone marrow transplant
T8601 malignancy dx 10 T86.01 TRUE TRUE Bone marrow transplant rejection
T8602 malignancy dx 10 T86.02 TRUE TRUE Bone marrow transplant failure
T8609 malignancy dx 10 T86.09 TRUE TRUE Other complications of bone marrow transplant
P0501 neonatal dx 10 P05.01 TRUE TRUE Newborn light for gestational age, less than 500 grams
P0511 neonatal dx 10 P05.11 TRUE TRUE Newborn small for gestational age, less than 500 grams
P0502 neonatal dx 10 P05.02 TRUE TRUE Newborn light for gestational age, 500-749 grams
P0512 neonatal dx 10 P05.12 TRUE TRUE Newborn small for gestational age, 500-749 grams
P052 neonatal dx 10 P05.2 TRUE TRUE Newborn affected by fetal (intrauterine) malnutrition not light or small for gestational age
P059 neonatal dx 10 P05.9 TRUE TRUE Newborn affected by slow intrauterine growth, unspecified
P0701 neonatal dx 10 P07.01 TRUE TRUE Extremely low birth weight newborn, less than 500 grams
P0702 neonatal dx 10 P07.02 TRUE TRUE Extremely low birth weight newborn, 500-749 grams
P0721 neonatal dx 10 P07.21 TRUE TRUE Extreme immaturity of newborn, gestational age less than 23 completed weeks
P0722 neonatal dx 10 P07.22 TRUE TRUE Extreme immaturity of newborn, gestational age 23 completed weeks
P0723 neonatal dx 10 P07.23 TRUE TRUE Extreme immaturity of newborn, gestational age 24 completed weeks
P0724 neonatal dx 10 P07.24 TRUE TRUE Extreme immaturity of newborn, gestational age 25 completed weeks
P0725 neonatal dx 10 P07.25 TRUE TRUE Extreme immaturity of newborn, gestational age 26 completed weeks
P100 neonatal dx 10 P10.0 TRUE TRUE Subdural hemorrhage due to birth injury
P101 neonatal dx 10 P10.1 TRUE TRUE Cerebral hemorrhage due to birth injury
P104 neonatal dx 10 P10.4 TRUE TRUE Tentorial tear due to birth injury
P524 neonatal dx 10 P52.4 TRUE TRUE Intracerebral (nontraumatic) hemorrhage of newborn
P528 neonatal dx 10 P52.8 TRUE TRUE Other intracranial (nontraumatic) hemorrhages of newborn
P115 neonatal dx 10 P11.5 TRUE TRUE Birth injury to spine and spinal cord
P84 neonatal dx 10 P84 TRUE TRUE Other problems with newborn
P916 neonatal dx 10 P91.6 TRUE TRUE Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy [HIE]
P210 neonatal dx 10 P21.0 TRUE FALSE
P250 neonatal dx 10 P25.0 TRUE TRUE Interstitial emphysema originating in the perinatal period
P251 neonatal dx 10 P25.1 TRUE TRUE Pneumothorax originating in the perinatal period
P253 neonatal dx 10 P25.3 TRUE TRUE Pneumopericardium originating in the perinatal period
P258 neonatal dx 10 P25.8 TRUE TRUE Other conditions related to interstitial emphysema originating in the perinatal period
P219 neonatal dx 10 P21.9 TRUE FALSE
P270 neonatal dx 10 P27.0 TRUE TRUE Wilson-Mikity syndrome
P271 neonatal dx 10 P27.1 TRUE TRUE Bronchopulmonary dysplasia originating in the perinatal period
P278 neonatal dx 10 P27.8 TRUE TRUE Other chronic respiratory diseases originating in the perinatal period
P350 neonatal dx 10 P35.0 TRUE TRUE Congenital rubella syndrome
P351 neonatal dx 10 P35.1 TRUE TRUE Congenital cytomegalovirus infection
P2521 neonatal dx 10 P25.21 TRUE FALSE
P2522 neonatal dx 10 P25.22 TRUE FALSE
P560 neonatal dx 10 P56.0 TRUE TRUE Hydrops fetalis due to isoimmunization
P570 neonatal dx 10 P57.0 TRUE TRUE Kernicterus due to isoimmunization
P578 neonatal dx 10 P57.8 TRUE TRUE Other specified kernicterus
P613 neonatal dx 10 P61.3 TRUE TRUE Congenital anemia from fetal blood loss
P614 neonatal dx 10 P61.4 TRUE TRUE Other congenital anemias, not elsewhere classified
P773 neonatal dx 10 P77.3 TRUE TRUE Stage 3 necrotizing enterocolitis in newborn
P832 neonatal dx 10 P83.2 TRUE TRUE Hydrops fetalis not due to hemolytic disease
P912 neonatal dx 10 P91.2 TRUE TRUE Neonatal cerebral leukomalacia
T8509XA tech_dep dx 10 T85.09XA TRUE TRUE Other mechanical complication of ventricular intracranial (communicating) shunt, initial encounter
T85190A tech_dep dx 10 T85.190A TRUE TRUE Other mechanical complication of implanted electronic neurostimulator (electrode) of brain, initial encounter
T85192A tech_dep dx 10 T85.192A TRUE TRUE Other mechanical complication of implanted electronic neurostimulator (electrode) of spinal cord, initial encounter
T85199A tech_dep dx 10 T85.199A TRUE TRUE Other mechanical complication of other implanted electronic stimulator of nervous system, initial encounter
T8579XA tech_dep dx 10 T85.79XA TRUE TRUE Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other internal prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, initial encounter
Z982 tech_dep dx 10 Z98.2 TRUE TRUE Presence of cerebrospinal fluid drainage device
Z45441 tech_dep dx 10 Z45.441 TRUE FALSE
Z45442 tech_dep dx 10 Z45.442 TRUE FALSE
T82519A tech_dep dx 10 T82.519A TRUE TRUE Breakdown (mechanical) of unspecified cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter
T82529A tech_dep dx 10 T82.529A TRUE TRUE Displacement of unspecified cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter
T82539A tech_dep dx 10 T82.539A TRUE TRUE Leakage of unspecified cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter
T82599A tech_dep dx 10 T82.599A TRUE TRUE Other mechanical complication of unspecified cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter
T82110A tech_dep dx 10 T82.110A TRUE TRUE Breakdown (mechanical) of cardiac electrode, initial encounter
T82111A tech_dep dx 10 T82.111A TRUE TRUE Breakdown (mechanical) of cardiac pulse generator (battery), initial encounter
T82120A tech_dep dx 10 T82.120A TRUE TRUE Displacement of cardiac electrode, initial encounter
T82121A tech_dep dx 10 T82.121A TRUE TRUE Displacement of cardiac pulse generator (battery), initial encounter
T82190A tech_dep dx 10 T82.190A TRUE TRUE Other mechanical complication of cardiac electrode, initial encounter
T82191A tech_dep dx 10 T82.191A TRUE TRUE Other mechanical complication of cardiac pulse generator (battery), initial encounter
T8201XA tech_dep dx 10 T82.01XA TRUE TRUE Breakdown (mechanical) of heart valve prosthesis, initial encounter
T8202XA tech_dep dx 10 T82.02XA TRUE TRUE Displacement of heart valve prosthesis, initial encounter
T8203XA tech_dep dx 10 T82.03XA TRUE TRUE Leakage of heart valve prosthesis, initial encounter
T8209XA tech_dep dx 10 T82.09XA TRUE TRUE Other mechanical complication of heart valve prosthesis, initial encounter
T82211A tech_dep dx 10 T82.211A TRUE TRUE Breakdown (mechanical) of coronary artery bypass graft, initial encounter
T82212A tech_dep dx 10 T82.212A TRUE TRUE Displacement of coronary artery bypass graft, initial encounter
T82213A tech_dep dx 10 T82.213A TRUE TRUE Leakage of coronary artery bypass graft, initial encounter
T82218A tech_dep dx 10 T82.218A TRUE TRUE Other mechanical complication of coronary artery bypass graft, initial encounter
T82221A tech_dep dx 10 T82.221A TRUE TRUE Breakdown (mechanical) of biological heart valve graft, initial encounter
T82222A tech_dep dx 10 T82.222A TRUE TRUE Displacement of biological heart valve graft, initial encounter
T82223A tech_dep dx 10 T82.223A TRUE TRUE Leakage of biological heart valve graft, initial encounter
T82228A tech_dep dx 10 T82.228A TRUE TRUE Other mechanical complication of biological heart valve graft, initial encounter
T82518A tech_dep dx 10 T82.518A TRUE TRUE Breakdown (mechanical) of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter
T82528A tech_dep dx 10 T82.528A TRUE TRUE Displacement of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter
T82538A tech_dep dx 10 T82.538A TRUE TRUE Leakage of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter
T82598A tech_dep dx 10 T82.598A TRUE TRUE Other mechanical complication of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter
T826XXA tech_dep dx 10 T82.6XXA TRUE TRUE Infection and inflammatory reaction due to cardiac valve prosthesis, initial encounter
T827XXA tech_dep dx 10 T82.7XXA TRUE TRUE Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other cardiac and vascular devices, implants and grafts, initial encounter
Z950 tech_dep dx 10 Z95.0 TRUE TRUE Presence of cardiac pacemaker
Z952 tech_dep dx 10 Z95.2 TRUE TRUE Presence of prosthetic heart valve
Z953 tech_dep dx 10 Z95.3 TRUE TRUE Presence of xenogenic heart valve
Z95810 tech_dep dx 10 Z95.810 TRUE TRUE Presence of automatic (implantable) cardiac defibrillator
Z95811 tech_dep dx 10 Z95.811 TRUE TRUE Presence of heart assist device
Z95812 tech_dep dx 10 Z95.812 TRUE TRUE Presence of fully implantable artificial heart
Z95818 tech_dep dx 10 Z95.818 TRUE TRUE Presence of other cardiac implants and grafts
Z45010 tech_dep dx 10 Z45.010 TRUE TRUE Encounter for checking and testing of cardiac pacemaker pulse generator [battery]
Z45018 tech_dep dx 10 Z45.018 TRUE TRUE Encounter for adjustment and management of other part of cardiac pacemaker
Z4502 tech_dep dx 10 Z45.02 TRUE TRUE Encounter for adjustment and management of automatic implantable cardiac defibrillator
Z4509 tech_dep dx 10 Z45.09 TRUE TRUE Encounter for adjustment and management of other cardiac device
Z959 tech_dep dx 10 Z95.9 TRUE TRUE Presence of cardiac and vascular implant and graft, unspecified
J9500 tech_dep dx 10 J95.00 TRUE TRUE Unspecified tracheostomy complication
J9501 tech_dep dx 10 J95.01 TRUE TRUE Hemorrhage from tracheostomy stoma
J9502 tech_dep dx 10 J95.02 TRUE TRUE Infection of tracheostomy stoma
J9503 tech_dep dx 10 J95.03 TRUE TRUE Malfunction of tracheostomy stoma
J9504 tech_dep dx 10 J95.04 TRUE TRUE Tracheo-esophageal fistula following tracheostomy
J9509 tech_dep dx 10 J95.09 TRUE TRUE Other tracheostomy complication
Z430 tech_dep dx 10 Z43.0 TRUE TRUE Encounter for attention to tracheostomy
Z930 tech_dep dx 10 Z93.0 TRUE TRUE Tracheostomy status
Z942 tech_dep dx 10 Z94.2 TRUE TRUE Lung transplant status
Z990 tech_dep dx 10 Z99.0 TRUE TRUE Dependence on aspirator
J95850 tech_dep dx 10 J95.850 TRUE TRUE Mechanical complication of respirator
Z9911 tech_dep dx 10 Z99.11 TRUE TRUE Dependence on respirator [ventilator] status
Z9912 tech_dep dx 10 Z99.12 TRUE TRUE Encounter for respirator [ventilator] dependence during power failure
T8571XA tech_dep dx 10 T85.71XA TRUE TRUE Infection and inflammatory reaction due to peritoneal dialysis catheter, initial encounter
Z940 tech_dep dx 10 Z94.0 TRUE TRUE Kidney transplant status
Z9350 tech_dep dx 10 Z93.50 TRUE TRUE Unspecified cystostomy status
Z9351 tech_dep dx 10 Z93.51 TRUE TRUE Cutaneous-vesicostomy status
Z9352 tech_dep dx 10 Z93.52 TRUE TRUE Appendico-vesicostomy status
Z9359 tech_dep dx 10 Z93.59 TRUE TRUE Other cystostomy status
Z936 tech_dep dx 10 Z93.6 TRUE TRUE Other artificial openings of urinary tract status
Z9115 tech_dep dx 10 Z91.15 TRUE TRUE Patient's noncompliance with renal dialysis
Z992 tech_dep dx 10 Z99.2 TRUE TRUE Dependence on renal dialysis
Z435 tech_dep dx 10 Z43.5 TRUE TRUE Encounter for attention to cystostomy
Z436 tech_dep dx 10 Z43.6 TRUE TRUE Encounter for attention to other artificial openings of urinary tract
Z446 tech_dep dx 10 Z44.6 TRUE FALSE
K9420 tech_dep dx 10 K94.20 TRUE TRUE Gastrostomy complication, unspecified
K9422 tech_dep dx 10 K94.22 TRUE TRUE Gastrostomy infection
K9423 tech_dep dx 10 K94.23 TRUE TRUE Gastrostomy malfunction
K9429 tech_dep dx 10 K94.29 TRUE TRUE Other complications of gastrostomy
Z931 tech_dep dx 10 Z93.1 TRUE TRUE Gastrostomy status
Z932 tech_dep dx 10 Z93.2 TRUE TRUE Ileostomy status
Z933 tech_dep dx 10 Z93.3 TRUE TRUE Colostomy status
Z934 tech_dep dx 10 Z93.4 TRUE TRUE Other artificial openings of gastrointestinal tract status
Z431 tech_dep dx 10 Z43.1 TRUE TRUE Encounter for attention to gastrostomy
Z432 tech_dep dx 10 Z43.2 TRUE TRUE Encounter for attention to ileostomy
Z433 tech_dep dx 10 Z43.3 TRUE TRUE Encounter for attention to colostomy
Z434 tech_dep dx 10 Z43.4 TRUE TRUE Encounter for attention to other artificial openings of digestive tract
Z4651 tech_dep dx 10 Z46.51 TRUE TRUE Encounter for fitting and adjustment of gastric lap band
Z4659 tech_dep dx 10 Z46.59 TRUE TRUE Encounter for fitting and adjustment of other gastrointestinal appliance and device
Z4681 tech_dep dx 10 Z46.81 TRUE TRUE Encounter for fitting and adjustment of insulin pump
Z9641 tech_dep dx 10 Z96.41 TRUE TRUE Presence of insulin pump (external) (internal)
T84019A tech_dep dx 10 T84.019A TRUE TRUE Broken internal joint prosthesis, unspecified site, initial encounter
T84029A tech_dep dx 10 T84.029A TRUE TRUE Dislocation of unspecified internal joint prosthesis, initial encounter
T84039A tech_dep dx 10 T84.039A TRUE TRUE Mechanical loosening of unspecified internal prosthetic joint, initial encounter
T84049A tech_dep dx 10 T84.049A TRUE TRUE Periprosthetic fracture around unspecified internal prosthetic joint, initial encounter
T84059A tech_dep dx 10 T84.059A TRUE TRUE Periprosthetic osteolysis of unspecified internal prosthetic joint, initial encounter
T84069A tech_dep dx 10 T84.069A TRUE TRUE Wear of articular bearing surface of unspecified internal prosthetic joint, initial encounter
T84099A tech_dep dx 10 T84.099A TRUE TRUE Other mechanical complication of unspecified internal joint prosthesis, initial encounter
T84498A tech_dep dx 10 T84.498A TRUE TRUE Other mechanical complication of other internal orthopedic devices, implants and grafts, initial encounter
T84119A tech_dep dx 10 T84.119A TRUE TRUE Breakdown (mechanical) of internal fixation device of unspecified bone of limb, initial encounter
T84129A tech_dep dx 10 T84.129A TRUE TRUE Displacement of internal fixation device of unspecified bone of limb, initial encounter
T84199A tech_dep dx 10 T84.199A TRUE TRUE Other mechanical complication of internal fixation device of unspecified bone of limb, initial encounter
T84498A tech_dep dx 10 T84.498A TRUE TRUE Other mechanical complication of other internal orthopedic devices, implants and grafts, initial encounter
T8450XA tech_dep dx 10 T84.50XA TRUE TRUE Infection and inflammatory reaction due to unspecified internal joint prosthesis, initial encounter
T8460XA tech_dep dx 10 T84.60XA TRUE TRUE Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal fixation device of unspecified site, initial encounter
T847XXA tech_dep dx 10 T84.7XXA TRUE TRUE Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other internal orthopedic prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, initial encounter
T8690 tech_dep dx 10 T86.90 TRUE TRUE Unspecified complication of unspecified transplanted organ and tissue
T8691 tech_dep dx 10 T86.91 TRUE TRUE Unspecified transplanted organ and tissue rejection
T8692 tech_dep dx 10 T86.92 TRUE TRUE Unspecified transplanted organ and tissue failure
T8699 tech_dep dx 10 T86.99 TRUE TRUE Other complications of unspecified transplanted organ and tissue
T8610 tech_dep dx 10 T86.10 TRUE TRUE Unspecified complication of kidney transplant
T8611 tech_dep dx 10 T86.11 TRUE TRUE Kidney transplant rejection
T8612 tech_dep dx 10 T86.12 TRUE TRUE Kidney transplant failure
T8640 tech_dep dx 10 T86.40 TRUE TRUE Unspecified complication of liver transplant
T8641 tech_dep dx 10 T86.41 TRUE TRUE Liver transplant rejection
T8642 tech_dep dx 10 T86.42 TRUE TRUE Liver transplant failure
T8620 tech_dep dx 10 T86.20 TRUE TRUE Unspecified complication of heart transplant
T8621 tech_dep dx 10 T86.21 TRUE TRUE Heart transplant rejection
T8622 tech_dep dx 10 T86.22 TRUE TRUE Heart transplant failure
T86810 tech_dep dx 10 T86.810 TRUE TRUE Lung transplant rejection
T86811 tech_dep dx 10 T86.811 TRUE TRUE Lung transplant failure
T86819 tech_dep dx 10 T86.819 TRUE TRUE Unspecified complication of lung transplant
T8600 tech_dep dx 10 T86.00 TRUE TRUE Unspecified complication of bone marrow transplant
T8601 tech_dep dx 10 T86.01 TRUE TRUE Bone marrow transplant rejection
T8602 tech_dep dx 10 T86.02 TRUE TRUE Bone marrow transplant failure
T8609 tech_dep dx 10 T86.09 TRUE TRUE Other complications of bone marrow transplant
T86890 tech_dep dx 10 T86.890 TRUE TRUE Other transplanted tissue rejection
T86891 tech_dep dx 10 T86.891 TRUE TRUE Other transplanted tissue failure
T86899 tech_dep dx 10 T86.899 TRUE TRUE Unspecified complication of other transplanted tissue
T86850 tech_dep dx 10 T86.850 TRUE TRUE Intestine transplant rejection
T86851 tech_dep dx 10 T86.851 TRUE TRUE Intestine transplant failure
T86859 tech_dep dx 10 T86.859 TRUE TRUE Unspecified complication of intestine transplant
T865 tech_dep dx 10 T86.5 TRUE TRUE Complications of stem cell transplant
T86890 tech_dep dx 10 T86.890 TRUE TRUE Other transplanted tissue rejection
T86891 tech_dep dx 10 T86.891 TRUE TRUE Other transplanted tissue failure
T86899 tech_dep dx 10 T86.899 TRUE TRUE Unspecified complication of other transplanted tissue
T870X9 tech_dep dx 10 T87.0X9 TRUE TRUE Complications of reattached (part of) unspecified upper extremity
T871X9 tech_dep dx 10 T87.1X9 TRUE TRUE Complications of reattached (part of) unspecified lower extremity
T872 tech_dep dx 10 T87.2 TRUE TRUE Complications of other reattached body part
Y831 tech_dep dx 10 Y83.1 TRUE TRUE Surgical operation with implant of artificial internal device as the cause of abnormal reaction of the patient, or of later complication, without mention of misadventure at the time of the procedure
Y833 tech_dep dx 10 Y83.3 TRUE TRUE Surgical operation with formation of external stoma as the cause of abnormal reaction of the patient, or of later complication, without mention of misadventure at the time of the procedure
T8600 transplant dx 10 T86.00 TRUE TRUE Unspecified complication of bone marrow transplant
T8601 transplant dx 10 T86.01 TRUE TRUE Bone marrow transplant rejection
T8602 transplant dx 10 T86.02 TRUE TRUE Bone marrow transplant failure
T8609 transplant dx 10 T86.09 TRUE TRUE Other complications of bone marrow transplant
T8610 transplant dx 10 T86.10 TRUE TRUE Unspecified complication of kidney transplant
T8611 transplant dx 10 T86.11 TRUE TRUE Kidney transplant rejection
T8612 transplant dx 10 T86.12 TRUE TRUE Kidney transplant failure
T8620 transplant dx 10 T86.20 TRUE TRUE Unspecified complication of heart transplant
T8621 transplant dx 10 T86.21 TRUE TRUE Heart transplant rejection
T8622 transplant dx 10 T86.22 TRUE TRUE Heart transplant failure
T86810 transplant dx 10 T86.810 TRUE TRUE Lung transplant rejection
T86811 transplant dx 10 T86.811 TRUE TRUE Lung transplant failure
T86819 transplant dx 10 T86.819 TRUE TRUE Unspecified complication of lung transplant
T8640 transplant dx 10 T86.40 TRUE TRUE Unspecified complication of liver transplant
T8641 transplant dx 10 T86.41 TRUE TRUE Liver transplant rejection
T8642 transplant dx 10 T86.42 TRUE TRUE Liver transplant failure
T86890 transplant dx 10 T86.890 TRUE TRUE Other transplanted tissue rejection
T86891 transplant dx 10 T86.891 TRUE TRUE Other transplanted tissue failure
T86899 transplant dx 10 T86.899 TRUE TRUE Unspecified complication of other transplanted tissue
T86850 transplant dx 10 T86.850 TRUE TRUE Intestine transplant rejection
T86851 transplant dx 10 T86.851 TRUE TRUE Intestine transplant failure
T86859 transplant dx 10 T86.859 TRUE TRUE Unspecified complication of intestine transplant
T865 transplant dx 10 T86.5 TRUE TRUE Complications of stem cell transplant
T8690 transplant dx 10 T86.90 TRUE TRUE Unspecified complication of unspecified transplanted organ and tissue
T8691 transplant dx 10 T86.91 TRUE TRUE Unspecified transplanted organ and tissue rejection
T8692 transplant dx 10 T86.92 TRUE TRUE Unspecified transplanted organ and tissue failure
T8699 transplant dx 10 T86.99 TRUE TRUE Other complications of unspecified transplanted organ and tissue
T86890 transplant dx 10 T86.890 TRUE TRUE Other transplanted tissue rejection
T86891 transplant dx 10 T86.891 TRUE TRUE Other transplanted tissue failure
T86899 transplant dx 10 T86.899 TRUE TRUE Unspecified complication of other transplanted tissue
0016070 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0016071 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0016072 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0016073 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0016074 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0016075 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0016076 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0016077 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0016078 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
001607B neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00160J0 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00160J1 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00160J2 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00160J4 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00160J5 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00160J6 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00160J7 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00160J8 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00160JB neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00160K0 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00160K1 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00160K2 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00160K3 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00160K4 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00160K5 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00160K6 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00160K7 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00160K8 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00160KB neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0016370 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0016371 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0016372 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0016373 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0016374 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0016375 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0016376 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0016377 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0016378 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
001637B neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00163J0 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00163J1 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00163J2 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00163J3 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00163J4 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00163J5 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00163J6 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00163J7 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00163J8 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00163JB neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00163K0 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00163K1 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00163K2 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00163K3 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00163K4 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00163K5 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00163K6 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00163K7 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00163K8 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00163KB neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
001U074 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
001U076 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
001U077 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
001U079 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
001U0J4 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
001U0J6 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
001U0J7 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
001U0J9 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
001U0K4 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
001U0K6 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
001U0K7 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
001U0K9 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
001U374 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
001U376 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
001U377 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
001U379 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
001U3J4 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
001U3J6 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
001U3J7 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
001U3J9 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
001U3K4 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
001U3K6 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
001U3K7 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
001U3K9 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
009600Z neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
009630Z neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
009640Z neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00B70ZZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00B73ZZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00B74ZZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00H00MZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00H03MZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00H04MZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00H60MZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00H63MZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00H64MZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00HE0MZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00HE3MZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00HE4MZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00HU0MZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00HU3MZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00HU4MZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00HV0MZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00HV3MZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00HV4MZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00T70ZZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00T73ZZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00T74ZZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00W60JZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00W63JZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00W64JZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00WU0JZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
00WU3JZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
01HY0MZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
01HY3MZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0DH60MZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0DH63MZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0DH64MZ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0W110J9 neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0W110JB neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0W110JG neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0W110JJ neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
3E1Q38X neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
3E1Q38Z neuromusc pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
02170ZP cvd pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
02170ZQ cvd pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
02170ZR cvd pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
02BK0ZZ cvd pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
02H40JZ cvd pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
02H40KZ cvd pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
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0RG10ZJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG13J0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG13J1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
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0RG13K0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
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0RG13Z0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG13Z1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG13ZJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
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0RG14J1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
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0RG14K0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG14K1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG14KJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG14Z0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG14Z1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG14ZJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG40J0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
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0RG40K1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG40KJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG40Z0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG40Z1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG40ZJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG43J0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG43J1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG43JJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG43K0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG43K1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG43KJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG43Z0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG43Z1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG43ZJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG44J0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG44J1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG44JJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG44K0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG44K1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG44KJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG44Z0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG44Z1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG44ZJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG60J0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG60J1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG60JJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG60K0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG60K1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG60KJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG60Z0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG60Z1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG60ZJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG63J0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG63J1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG63JJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG63K0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG63K1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG63KJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG63Z0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG63Z1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG63ZJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG64J0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG64J1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG64JJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG64K0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG64K1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG64KJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG64Z0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG64Z1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RG64ZJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RGA0J0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RGA0J1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RGA0JJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RGA0K0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RGA0K1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RGA0KJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RGA0Z0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RGA0Z1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RGA0ZJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RGA3J0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RGA3J1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RGA3JJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RGA3K0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RGA3K1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RGA3KJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RGA3Z0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RGA3Z1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RGA3ZJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RGA4J0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RGA4J1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RGA4JJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RGA4K0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RGA4K1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RGA4KJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RGA4Z0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RGA4Z1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0RGA4ZJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0SG00J0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0SG00J1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0SG00JJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0SG00K0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0SG00K1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0SG00KJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0SG00Z0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0SG00Z1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0SG00ZJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0SG03J0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0SG03J1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0SG03JJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0SG03K0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0SG03K1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0SG03KJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0SG03Z0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0SG03Z1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0SG03ZJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0SG04J0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0SG04J1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0SG04JJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0SG04K0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0SG04K1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0SG04KJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0SG04Z0 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0SG04Z1 tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0SG04ZJ tech_dep pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
02YA0Z0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
02YA0Z1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
02YA0Z2 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0BYC0Z0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0BYC0Z1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0BYC0Z2 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0BYD0Z0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0BYD0Z1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0BYD0Z2 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0BYF0Z0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0BYF0Z1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0BYF0Z2 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0BYG0Z0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0BYG0Z1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0BYG0Z2 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0BYH0Z0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0BYH0Z1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0BYH0Z2 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0BYJ0Z0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0BYJ0Z1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0BYJ0Z2 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0BYK0Z0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0BYK0Z1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0BYK0Z2 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0BYL0Z0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0BYL0Z1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0BYL0Z2 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0BYM0Z0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0BYM0Z1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0BYM0Z2 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0TY00Z0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0TY00Z1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0TY00Z2 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0TY10Z0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0TY10Z1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0TY10Z2 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0DY80Z0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0DY80Z1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0DY80Z2 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0DYE0Z0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0DYE0Z1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0DYE0Z2 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0FY00Z0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0FY00Z1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0FY00Z2 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0FYG0Z0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0FYG0Z1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
0FYG0Z2 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
3E030U0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
3E030U1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
3E033U0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
3E033U1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
3E0J3U0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
3E0J3U1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
3E0J7U0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
3E0J7U1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
3E0J8U0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
3E0J8U1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
07YP0Z0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
07YP0Z1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
07YP0Z2 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30230AZ transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30230G0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30230G1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30230X0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30230X1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30230Y0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30230Y1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30233AZ transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30233G0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30233G1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30233X0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30233X1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30233Y0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30233Y1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30240AZ transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30240G0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30240G1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30240X0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30240X1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30240Y0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30240Y1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30243AZ transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30243G0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30243G1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30243X0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30243X1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30243Y0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30243Y1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30250G0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30250G1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30250X0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30250X1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30250Y0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30250Y1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30253G0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30253G1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30253X0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30253X1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30253Y0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30253Y1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30260G0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30260G1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30260X0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30260X1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30260Y0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30260Y1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30263G0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30263G1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30263X0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30263X1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30263Y0 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
30263Y1 transplant pc 10 NA FALSE FALSE
#' This script was built to explore the ICD codes taken from the SAS files. The
#' libraries needed are as follows:
#' Let's look at all the codes that are in the pccc::get_codes. Generate one
#' data.frame
pccc_codes <-
Map(function(x, y) data.frame(code = x, classification = y, dp = "dx", version = 9),
x = get_codes()$dx,
y = names(get_codes()$dx)),
Map(function(x, y) data.frame(code = x, classification = y, dp = "pc", version = 9),
x = get_codes()$pc,
y = names(get_codes()$pc)) ,
Map(function(x, y) data.frame(code = x, classification = y, dp = "dx", version = 10),
x = get_codes(version = 10L)$dx,
y = names(get_codes(version = 10L)$dx)),
Map(function(x, y) data.frame(code = x, classification = y, dp = "pc", version = 10),
x = get_codes(version = 10L)$pc,
y = names(get_codes(version = 10L)$pc))
) %>%
#' valid codes? This needs to be rowwise so icd::icd_is_valid will allow each
#' code to be judged correctly. Need a function icd_definition which returns
#' "" if icd::icd_explain does not return an explaination.
icd_definition <- function(x) {
out <- icd::icd_explain(x, condense = FALSE, warn = FALSE)
if (length(out)) {
} else {
pccc_codes %<>%
dplyr::rowwise() %>%
dplyr::mutate(decimal_code = icd::icd_short_to_decimal(code),
valid = icd::icd_is_valid(code),
defined = icd::icd_is_defined(code),
definition = icd_definition(code)
) %>%
#' The table below shows the codes as copied form the SAS code. The ICD9
#' Versions seem to be in good order, the ICD 10 versions do not.
pccc_codes %>% kable
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