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Created October 10, 2020 13:17
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Check for fresh videos in folder. A Bash script uses KDE notify-send
# This shows new Viedoclips. Script is tested with Kubuntu 20.04 and uses notify-send Popup-Window
# edit dl-folder for your needs
#It does not fail if nothing pops up. there was propably no fresh Video in the last 4 hours.
#If you want to be remembered regulary there is this line for your user crontab :
#0 * * * * XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$(id -u) /home/foo/bin/
f=$(find $dl_folder -newermt '4 hours ago' -type f -regex '.*\.\(mkv\|mp4\|wmv\|flv\|webm\|mov\)')
if [ -z "$f" ]
then exit
folder1="$(echo $dl_folder|sed "s/\//\\\\\//g")"
sedarg="sed s/$folder1/\n/g"
f1=$(echo "$f"|$sedarg)
notify-send --icon=video-x-generic "$f1": "Open folder: <a href='$dl_folder'>clips</a>"
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This Video checker is part of my FF-Youtube-dl Project

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