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dewomser/ Secret

Last active November 16, 2020 09:28
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Gnuplot Corona Worms
# Corona in Worms
# Requires data files "test.csv" from this directory,
set title 'An Corona Erkrankte in Worms'
set yrange [1:31]
set xrange [0:700]
set xlabel 'Anzahl der Erkrankten absolut'
set ylabel 'Tage des Monats 1-30(31)'
set label "März 2020" at 1,2
set label "April 2020" at 100,2
set label "Oktober 2020" at 350,2
set label "November 2020" at 550,2
set terminal png size 1400,600 enhanced font "Helvetica,20"
set output 'output.png'
set datafile separator ','
plot "test.csv" using 37:1 with lines
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Beispiel für ein einfaches Gnuplotscript

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