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dexX7 / Mastercoin dust collector
Created February 22, 2014 00:43
An inefficient way to collect dust from Mastercoin mutlisig transactions.
// Uses BitcoinRpcSharp
public struct TxOutput
public string Address;
public string TxId;
public string Type;
public int N;
public double Value;
Say, you want to buy some Mastercoins, but you are not sure, if the seller wants to scam you.
Step 1: The Seller prepares a signed "send" transaction and tells the buyer the transaction hash.
Step 2: The Buyer prepares a signed transaction for the payment and uses the "send" transaction's hash as input.
The buyer then sends the seller the raw transaction and the seller broadcasts both.
If the seller invalidates the "send" transaction, his payment is also invalidated.
"txid": "98419d8b3056ce50aa63d1f464555e038ae517996ac6ec13bfd8c26689f5bece",
"data": [{
"datahex": "000000000001000000012a05f200",
"version": 0,
"type": "Simple Send (0)",
"input": "1NqkqJkGCA7HJkBQqJrRvJCDCLAnQndw7",
"reference": "1MaStErt4XsYHPwfrN9TpgdURLhHTdMenH",
"currency": "Mastercoin (1)",
"amount": 50.0
dexX7 / 1KHfLixa2idRnZXMUfEisBati1vpywaH6E.csv
Created April 25, 2014 01:36
Display transactions which send Bitcoin to a specific address
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: No commas found in this CSV file in line 0.
Full data:
Embedded proof of verification
Current situation:
- Mastercoin is balance based
- Advanced system states exist (ongoing crowdsales, accepted orders, ...)
- Clients reconstruct the view of system by verifying all transactions
starting at Exodus according to a client side set of rules
- Mastercoin transactions are a subset of all Bitcoin transactions
dexX7 / gist:b46f0fea46b9ea881142
Last active June 24, 2020 07:19
Master Core: Gitian build instructions for Windows
dexX7 /
Created October 5, 2014 00:03
Using Master Core to create a P2SH multisig wallet and send some tokens
- create a 1-of-3 script hash wallet with wallet keys
- send some tokens to the p2sh wallet
- send some tokens back
// let's see which addresses are availabel at all:
mastercore-cli listaddressgroupings
dexX7 /
Created November 2, 2014 23:46
Python LevelDB debug dumper
#!/usr/bin/env python
import binascii
import sys
import leveldb
def b2x(b):
"""Convert bytes to a hex string"""
if sys.version > '3':
return binascii.hexlify(b).decode('utf8')
dexX7 / 20141116-InvalidMetaDexTransactionsTest
Created November 16, 2014 14:48
mastercore-rpc-tests: InvalidMetaDexTransactionsTest
Tested with:
Amounts in "offering ..." info is shown as divisible amount, even if it's indivisible.
~/mastercore/qa/mastercore-rpc-tests$ python --omitstdout --verbose
Initializing test directory /tmp/testnZvutM
Sending 0E-8 BTC from muNn3rHPfxtxiwiGvdk7wZeRVYSQP1Wize to muNn3rHPfxtxiwiGvdk7wZeRVYSQP1Wize with a fee of 0.00010000 BTC
Sending 50.00000000 BTC from muNn3rHPfxtxiwiGvdk7wZeRVYSQP1Wize to mkbWxtzhJzPRUrZ8ZfdQtLS6ARDPb2Gce2 with a fee of 0.00010000 BTC
dexX7 / 20141119-MetaDexPlanTest
Created November 19, 2014 02:16
mastercore-rpc-tests: MetaDexPlanTest
Tested with:
Amounts in "offering ..." info is shown as divisible amount, even if it's indivisible.
~/mastercore/qa/mastercore-rpc-tests$ python --omitstdout --verbose
Initializing test directory /tmp/test_cHgB7
Sending 0E-8 BTC from msnGTKSNLSqBwRz655bqsbUeELfStzSEa2 to msnGTKSNLSqBwRz655bqsbUeELfStzSEa2 with a fee of 0.00010000 BTC
Sending 50.00000000 BTC from msnGTKSNLSqBwRz655bqsbUeELfStzSEa2 to msoeKwK1pHYsxTomiSw843fR8AdPmskaGc with a fee of 0.00010000 BTC