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Created December 5, 2015 14:45
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  • Save dexafree/b821ea1a29898bbcee36 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dexafree/b821ea1a29898bbcee36 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import groovy.json.*
class Node {
def links = []
def timeOff
def timeOn
def id
def period
Node(int timeOff, int timeOn, int id){
this.timeOff = timeOff
this.timeOn = timeOn = id
this.period = timeOff + timeOn
int getTimeUntilOpen(int initial){
return ((initial % period) > timeOff) ? 0 : timeOff - (initial % period)
public String toString(){
return "ID: $id OFF: $timeOff ON: $timeOn"
public boolean equals(Object obj){ == ((Node)obj).id
class Link {
def duration
Node next
Link(def duration, Node next){
this.duration = duration; = next
int getTimeUntilNextHop(int initial){
//println "Calculate time until next: INITIAL: $initial, DURATION: $duration"
return (duration + next.getTimeUntilOpen(initial+duration))
public String toString(){
return "DURATION: $duration, NEXT: ${}"
class Graph {
def nodesMap = [:]
Solution bestSolution = null
static Graph fromFile(String filename){
def text = new File(filename).text
def parsed = new JsonSlurper().parseText(text)
def nodes = parsed.nodes
def relationships = parsed.relationships
Graph graph = new Graph()
nodes.each {
def node = new Node(it.timeOff, it.timeOn,
//println "Created node ${} OFF: ${node.timeOff} ON: ${node.timeOn}"
graph.nodesMap[] = node
relationships.each {
Node destination = graph.nodesMap[it.destination]
def link = new Link(it.duration, destination)
graph.nodesMap[it.origin].links << link
//println "Created link from ${it.origin} to ${it.destination} with time ${it.duration}"
Node origin = graph.nodesMap[it.origin]
def secondLink = new Link(it.duration, origin)
graph.nodesMap[it.destination].links << secondLink
//println "Created link from ${it.destination} to ${it.origin} with time ${it.duration}"
//println graph.nodesMap[3].links
return graph
void bestPathFromTo(Node start, Node destination, int time, List<Node> path){
//println "FROM: ${} TO: ${} WITH TIME $time"
if(start == destination){
if (bestSolution == null || bestSolution.duration > time){
bestSolution = new Solution()
bestSolution.duration = time
} else {
start.links.each { link ->
int newTime = link.getTimeUntilNextHop(time)
//println "With time $time, from $ to $ newTime = $newTime"
path <<
bestPathFromTo(, destination, time+newTime, path)
} else {
//println "REPEATED! PATH: $path NOW: ${} TO: ${}"
void bestPathFromTo(int from, int to){
Node starting = nodesMap[from]
Node destination = nodesMap[to]
int startTime = starting.timeOff
//println "START WITH ${} GOING TO ${} AND TIME $startTime"
bestPathFromTo(starting, destination, startTime, [] << starting)
class Solution {
List<Node> path = []
int duration
public String toString(){
def initial = "Duration: $duration | Hops: ${path.size - 1}\n"
path.eachWithIndex { it, index ->
if(index > 0) initial += ","
initial += "${}"
return initial
def graph = Graph.fromFile('semaphors2.json')
graph.bestPathFromTo(1, 7)
println "SOLUTION"
println graph.bestSolution
"nodes": [
"timeOn": 4,
"timeOff": 1,
"id": 1
"timeOn": 5,
"timeOff": 3,
"id": 2
"timeOn": 4,
"timeOff": 3,
"id": 3
"relationships": [
"origin": 1,
"destination": 2,
"duration": 2
"origin": 1,
"destination": 3,
"duration": 20
"origin": 2,
"destination": 3,
"duration": 1
"nodes": [
"timeOn": 7,
"timeOff": 2,
"id": 1
"timeOn": 1,
"timeOff": 1,
"id": 2
"timeOn": 2,
"timeOff": 1,
"id": 3
"timeOn": 1,
"timeOff": 9,
"id": 4
"timeOn": 5,
"timeOff": 7,
"id": 5
"timeOn": 8,
"timeOff": 2,
"id": 6
"timeOn": 7,
"timeOff": 7,
"id": 7
"relationships": [
"origin": 1,
"destination": 2,
"duration": 5
"origin": 1,
"destination": 3,
"duration": 4
"origin": 2,
"destination": 4,
"duration": 1
"origin": 3,
"destination": 4,
"duration": 7
"origin": 4,
"destination": 6,
"duration": 1
"origin": 4,
"destination": 5,
"duration": 10
"origin": 6,
"destination": 7,
"duration": 1
"origin": 5,
"destination": 7,
"duration": 20
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