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Created April 26, 2010 09:09
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# $Id: safetynet,v 1.10 2001/01/19 17:42:02 syntec Exp $
# Author : Evan Borgstrom ($Author: syntec $) at
# Created : 2000/10/13
# Purpose : Keep things running without complicated init scripts.
# Modified: $Date: 2001/01/19 17:42:02 $
# - safetynet -
# safetynet [--cron] [-h|--help]
# this is backwards compatible with the old file format, there is
# however a new config file format.
# see the README file for more details.
require 5.000;
use POSIX;
use Getopt::Long;
use Fcntl;
use FileHandle;
## config variable ###############################################
# edit if nessesary
$conf_file = "/etc/safetynet.conf";
# this should be updated if mail is not what you use to send a mail
# message.
$mail_prog = "/bin/mail";
# if you have any special options to pass to the mail command you
# may do so here
$mail_opts = "";
# who should the mail goto?
$mail_to = "board";
# mail subject
$mail_subject = "Safetynet Report: Dead process found.";
# if for instance you need to change how we list all running processes
# do so here
$pscmd = "ps wx";
#$pscmd = "ps -Af";
# you shouldn't need to edit anything below here.
# remove the $'s from the revision
$snv = '$Revision: 1.10 $';
$snver = substr($snv,1,-2);
# the general help string
$helpstr = "
Safetynet ($snver) - system process checker
safetynet [--cron [--nomail]] [--config <file>] [-h|--help]
--cron : will not output general diagnostic messages
unless there is a dead process.
--nomail : will not send mail when run in cron mode.
--config : will use <file> as opposed to the file defined in
the script.
# get the options
GetOptions("h!", "help!", "cron!", "nomail!", "config=s", "debug!") or die "GetOptions: $!";
$helpflag = 0;
$cronflag = 0;
$debug = 0;
$nomail = 0;
if (defined($opt_debug)) { $debug = 1; }
if (defined($opt_cron)) { $cronflag = 1; }
if (defined($opt_nomail)) { $nomail = 1; }
if (defined($opt_config)) { $conf_file = $opt_config; }
if (defined($opt_h) or defined($opt_help)) { die $helpstr; }
# lets do this
$passed = 1;
$cron_buffer = "";
out("Safetynet: Process checker. ($snver)\n");
out("Reading config file...");
out(" done! \n" );
out("Found $cjob jobs.\n\n");
$status = 0;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $cjob; $i++) {
out(sprintf("Checking: %-40s", "$jobs[$i][0]:"));
$jobstatus = checkproc($jobs[$i][1]);
if ($jobstatus == 1) {
# it's running
} else {
# it's dead, we need to restart it.
out("\tDead! Trying to recover... ");
# try and restart it...
$jobstatus = checkproc($jobs[$i][1]);
if ($jobstatus == 1) {
out("Recovered! ");
# do we need to do something?
if (length($jobs[$i][4]) > 0) {
system("$jobs[$i][4] 2>&1 > /dev/null");
} else {
out("Failure ");
# do we need to do something
if (length($jobs[$i][3]) > 0) {
system("$jobs[$i][3] 2>&1 > /dev/null");
# set our failure flag
$passed = 0;
out("\nCheck done.\n");
if (($passed == 0) and ($cronflag == 1)) {
if (! $nomail) {
$tmpfile = "/tmp/safetynet.$$";
open(TMPFILE, ">$tmpfile") or die "Couldn't open tmp file for writing!\n";
print TMPFILE "Return-Path: </dev/null>\nFrom: Safetynet <safety\@localhost>\nSubject: $mail_subject\n\n";
print TMPFILE $cron_buffer;
$mailcmd = "cat $tmpfile | $mail_prog $mail_opts $mail_to";
unlink $tmpfile;
## out(str) ####################################################
# send text out to STDOUT, or if the cron flag is set create
# a buffer and only display it if there was a dead proc.
sub out {
if ($cronflag == 0) {
print STDOUT $_[0];
} else {
$cron_buffer .= $_[0];
## trim(str) ###################################################
# remove begining & trailing whitespace from a scalar
sub trim { for ($_[0]) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; } }
## checkproc(procname) #########################################
# see if a process is running
sub checkproc {
my $proc = $_[0];
my $pflag = 0;
open(PROC, "$pscmd | grep $proc |") or die "Can't check proc!: $!\npscmd ($pscmd) failed\n";
local $_;
while (<PROC>) {
# while it's pretty much in the bag that it's running
# since we are here it never hurts to double check.
if (index(lc($_),"grep") != -1) { next; }
$pflag = 1;
return $pflag;
## readconfig() #######################################
# read our config file.
sub readconfig {
open(CONFIG, "<$conf_file") or die "Couldn't read config file: $conf_file: $!\n";
$workstr = "";
$wstr = "";
$jobs[0][0] = "";
$cjob = 0;
$getjob = 0;
while (<CONFIG>) {
# remove comments.
($wstr,$dummy) = split(/#/); # like this one
# skip empty lines.
if (length($wstr) == 0) { next; }
# find job defines.
if (index($_,"job") == 0) {
$workstr = "";
$getjob = 1;
# if were trying to fill a job.
if ($getjob == 1) {
$workstr .= $wstr;
if (index($wstr,"}") != -1) {
$getjob = 0;
# at this point the job define will all be on one line.
# job <name> {<param>;<restart>;<failed>;<passed>}
($jobstr,$jobparam) = split(/{/,$workstr);
($dummy, $jobstr) = split(/ /,$jobstr);
($jobparam,$dummy) = split(/}/,$jobparam);
($jobps,$jobcmd,$failcmd,$passcmd) = split(/;/,$jobparam);
if ($debug) { out("jobstr: $jobstr - ps: $jobps, cmd: $jobcmd, fail: $failcmd, pass: $passcmd\n"); }
# fillup a job
$jobs[$cjob][0] = $jobstr;
$jobs[$cjob][1] = $jobps;
$jobs[$cjob][2] = $jobcmd;
$jobs[$cjob][3] = $failcmd;
$jobs[$cjob][4] = $passcmd;
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