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Created May 4, 2018 13:31
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A collection of functions to interact with the Meraki API. This version is designed to work with a VueJS project.
/* Meraki Dashboard API endpoint service for VueJS
A collection of functions to interact with the Meraki API.
This version is designed to work with a VueJS project.
It is easy to duplicate any of the methods to and modify them for new API endpoints.
The service will leverage an event HUB to broadcast messages while scripts are running. This is helfpul
to get notifications for loading status and other feedback from the scripts.
The service requires a few dependencies, which must be installed.
npm install axios json-bigint --save
Use VueJS example:
// eventhub.js
import Vue from 'vue'
export const eventHub = new Vue();
// main.js
import MerakiService from "./services/meraki-service.class";
Vue.prototype.$meraki = new MerakiService('', '/api', eventHub);
// app.vue
<ul><li v-for="c in clients"><b>MAC Address:</b> {{c.mac}}</li></ul>
import { eventHub } from "./eventhub";
export default {
data: function() {
return {
clients: []]
created: function() {
this.$meraki.apiKey = this.apiKey;
methods: function() {
onGetClientsForNetwork() {
this.$meraki.getClientsForNetwork(this.netId, 86400, eventHub).then(res => {
this.clients = res;
const axios = require("axios");
const JSONbig = require("json-bigint");
// Meraki Error Handler (parses the error message within responses)
function _handleError(e) {
console.log("error in Meraki API call: ", e);
if (e.message) { e = e.message }
if (e.response) {
if ( {
// Meraki specific error message
if ( {
e =[0];
} else {
e = e.response;
} else {
return e;
export default class merakiService {
constructor(apiKey, baseUrl, eventHub) {
this._apiKey = apiKey;
this._baseUrl = baseUrl;
this._eventHub = eventHub;
// *************
// Intialize API
// *************
initMeraki() {
this.meraki = axios.create({
baseURL: this._baseUrl,
headers: { 'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key': this._apiKey }
this.meraki.interceptors.request.use((config) => {
this._eventHub.$emit('meraki-loading', true);
return config;
res => {
this._eventHub.$emit('meraki-loading', false);
//console.log('interceptor response', res)
if (res.config.method == 'put') {
this._eventHub.$emit('meraki-success-put', "Network Updated");
if (res.config.method == 'post') {
this._eventHub.$emit('meraki-success-post', "Network Updated");
if (res.config.method == 'delete') {
this._eventHub.$emit('meraki-success-delete', "Network Updated");
return res;
error => {
this._eventHub.$emit('meraki-error', _handleError(error));
return _handleError(error);
// *********
// Getters & Setters for Global API Options
// *********
get apiKey() {
return this._apiKey;
set apiKey(apiKey) {
this._apiKey = apiKey;
get baseUrl() {
return this._baseUrl;
set baseUrl(baseUrl) {
this._baseUrl = baseUrl;
get loading() {
return this._loading;
// ********
// Organizations
// ********
// GET Organizations
async getOrganizations() {
let data = await this.meraki.get('/organizations', { transformResponse: [data => data] })
.then(res => { return JSONbig.parse( });
return data;
// GET Inventory for an organization
async getInventory(orgId) {
return await this.meraki.get('/organizations/' + orgId + '/inventory').then((res) => { return });
// GET Licenses for an organization
async getLicenseState(orgId) {
return await this.meraki.get('/organizations/' + orgId + '/licenseState').then((res) => { return });
// ********
// Networks
// ********
// GET Networks for an organization
async getNetwork(netId) {
return await this.meraki.get('/networks/' + netId).then((res) => { return });
// GET Networks for an organization
async getNetworks(orgId) {
return await this.meraki.get('/organizations/' + orgId + '/networks').then((res) => { return });
// GET Networks for an organization
async createNetwork(orgId, data) {
return await'/organizations/' + orgId + '/networks', data).then((res) => { return });
// GET Networks for an organization
async deleteNetwork(netId) {
return await this.meraki.delete('/networks/' + netId).then((res) => { return });
// GET SSIDs for an organization
async getSsids(netId) {
return await this.meraki.get('/networks/' + netId + '/ssids').then((res) => { return });
// GET SSIDs for an organization
async getSsid(netId, ssidNum) {
return await this.meraki.get('/networks/' + netId + '/ssids/' + ssidNum).then((res) => { return });
// PUT Update SSID
async updateSsid(netId, number, data) {
return await this.meraki.put('/networks/' + netId + '/ssids/' + number, data).then((res) => { return });
// GET Networks for an organization
async getOrgDevices(orgId) {
return await this.meraki.get('/organizations/' + orgId + '/deviceStatuses').then((res) => { return });
// GET Group Policies for a Network
async getPolicies(netId) {
return await this.meraki.get('/networks/' + netId + '/groupPolicies').then((res) => { return });
// GET Traffic for a network
async getTraffic(netId, timespan) {
return await this.meraki.get('/networks/' + netId + '/traffic?timespan=' + timespan).then((res) => { return });
// GET Devices for a network
async getDevices(netId) {
return await this.meraki.get('/networks/' + netId + '/devices').then((res) => { return });
// GET a single Device in a network
async getDevice(netId, serial) {
return await this.meraki.get('/networks/' + netId + '/devices/' + serial).then((res) => { return });
// GET Cliets for a Meraki device serial for a given timespan in seconds
async getClients(serial, timespan) {
return await this.meraki.get('/devices/' + serial + '/clients?timespan=' + timespan).then((res) => { return });
// GET Policies for a Client in a Network
async getClientPolicy(netId, clientMac, timespan) {
return await this.meraki.get('/networks/' + netId + '/clients/' + clientMac + '/policy?timespan=' + timespan).then((res) => { return });
// PUT Policies for a Client in a Network
async updateClientPolicy(netId, clientMac, timespan, data) {
return await this.meraki.put('/networks/' + netId + '/clients/' + clientMac + '/policy?timespan=' + timespan, data).then((res) => { return });
// *********
// Templates
// *********
// GET Config templates for an organization
async getConfigTemplates(orgId) {
return await this.meraki.get('/organizations/' + orgId + '/configTemplates').then((res) => { return });
// DELETE a Configuration Template
async removeConfigTemplate(orgId, templateId) {
return await this.meraki.delete('/organizations/' + orgId + '/configTemplates/' + templateId).then((res) => { return });
// POST bind Network to Template
async bindTemplate(netId, data) {
return await'/networks/' + netId + '/bind', data).then((res) => { return });
// POST unbind Network from Template
async unbindTemplate(netId, data) {
return await'/networks/' + netId + '/unbind', data).then((res) => { return });
// **************
// Custom Scripts
// **************
Many of the API calls will return a single item. For scenarios that require multiple results or inputs, custom functions have been
written to handle this.
async getClientsForDevices(devices, timespan, type) {
// where type = "MR" MV MX MS MC
console.log("Running Clients for Devices script...");
let allClients = [];
// get clients
for (let d of devices) {
if (!d.serial) { return }
if (!d.model.includes(type)) { continue }
let clients = [] = await this.getClients(d.serial, timespan);
for (let c of clients) {
c.device = d;
console.log("\n Client Name: " + c.dhcpHostname + "\n MAC: " + c.mac + "\n Device Serial: " + c.device.serial + "\n Device Type: " + c.device.model);
allClients = clients.concat(allClients);
return allClients;
async getClientsForNetworks(nets, timespan, type) {
// where type = "MR" MV MX MS MC
console.log("Running Clients for Networks script...");
let allClients = [];
// get clients for a network
for (let n of nets) {
if (! { return }
let clients = [] = await this.getClientsForNetwork(, timespan, type);
allClients = clients.concat(allClients);
return allClients;
async getClientsForOrg(orgId, timespan, type) {
// where type = "MR" MV MX MS MC
console.log("Running Clients for Org script...");
// get networks
let nets = [] = await this.getNetworks(orgId);
// get clients for each network
let allClients = await this.getClientsForNetworks(nets, timespan, type);
return allClients;
async getClientPolicyForClients(clients, netId, timespan) {
console.log("Running Client Policy for Clients script...");
console.log('clients:', clients);
console.log('netId: ', netId);
for (let c of clients) {
console.log("\n Client Name: " + c.dhcpHostname + "\n MAC: " + c.mac);
try {
const policy = await this.getClientPolicy(netId, c.mac, timespan);
//console.log("policy: ", policy);
if (!policy) { return }
console.log(" - Policy Type " + policy.type);
if (policy.groupPolicyId) {
console.log(" - ID: " + policy.groupPolicyId);
c.policy = policy;
} catch (e) {
console.log('error getting client policy', e);
return clients;
// Synchronous script to traverse the Meraki API and display the clients and their policies
async getClientsForNetwork(netId, timespan, type) {
console.log("Running Clients for Network script...");
try {
// GET Devices for a Network
const devices = [] = await this.getDevices(netId);
//console.log("Devices: ", devices);
// GET Clients for each Device
let clients = [] = await this.getClientsForDevices(devices, timespan, type);
console.log('clients for network: ', netId, clients);
return clients;
} catch (e) {
console.log("error getClientsForNetwork")
return _handleError(e);
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  • this was written for the Meraki Dashboard API v0, which has now been sunset.

Please checkout for more information.

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