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Last active January 6, 2016 21:30
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The truth about dynlangs
#!/usr/bin/env lein-exec
(println (group-by (fn [e] (if e true false)) [true, false, -1, 0, 1, 2, nil, (new Object), [], #{}, '(), [(new Object)], {}, {:foo, (new Object)}]))
;;{true [true -1 0 1 2 #<Object java.lang.Object@4d8ce14a> [] #{} () [#<Object java.lang.Object@48ff4cf>] {} {:foo #<Object java.lang.Object@7114460>}], false [false nil]}
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
class CustomTruth {
def value
def asBoolean() { value }
println([true, false, -1, 0, 1, 2, null, new Object(), [], [new Object()], [:], [foo: new Object()], new CustomTruth(value: true), new CustomTruth(value: false)].groupBy { it ? true : false })
//[true:[true, -1, 1, 2, java.lang.Object@2e716cb7, [java.lang.Object@18987a33], [foo:java.lang.Object@427eb6e2], CustomTruth(true)], false:[false, 0, null, [], [:], CustomTruth(false)]]
#!/usr/bin/env python
from collections import defaultdict
from operator import truth
def returning(a, do):
return a
def group_by(key, iterable):
return dict(reduce(lambda a, e: returning(a, lambda x: x[key(e)].append(e)), iterable, defaultdict(list)))
class MethodStub:
def __init__(self, val): self.val = val
def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.val)
class LenTruth(MethodStub):
def __len__(self): return self.val
class NonZeroTruth(MethodStub):
def __nonzero__(self): return self.val
def integers_upto(n):
while n > 0:
yield n
n = n - 1
print group_by(truth, [True, False, -1, 0, 1, 2, None, object(), '', (), [], (i for i in range(0)), integers_upto(0), 'a string', (object()), [object()], (i for i in range(2)), integers_upto(2), {}, {'foo': object()}, LenTruth(0), NonZeroTruth(False), LenTruth(1), NonZeroTruth(True)])
#{False: [False, 0, None, '', (), [], {}, LenTruth(0), NonZeroTruth(False)], True: [True, -1, 1, 2, <object object at 0x7fc96b9f4090>, <generator object <genexpr> at 0x7fc96ba13780>, <generator object integers_upto at 0x7fc96ba135f0>, 'a string', <object object at 0x7fc96b9f40a0>, [<object object at 0x7fc96b9f40b0>], <generator object <genexpr> at 0x7fc96ba134b0>, <generator object integers_upto at 0x7fc96ba135a0>, {'foo': <object object at 0x7fc96b9f40c0>}, LenTruth(1), NonZeroTruth(True)]}
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
p [true, false, -1, 0, 1, 2, nil,, [], [], {}, {:foo=>}].group_by { |e| e ? true : false }
#{true=>[true, -1, 0, 1, 2, #<Object:0x9931579>, [], [#<Object:0x5abd09e8>], {}, {:foo=>#<Object:0x1414627a>}], false=>[false, nil]}
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An alternative implementation of (fundamentally just the group_by implementation) can be found at courtesy of @dnene

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Personally I was kind'a disappointed at Groovy's truth coersion being so lenient. I really liked Ruby and Clojure's strict rule of false and nil being the only falsy values.

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