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Created January 5, 2012 11:31
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Save dexterous/1564892 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Groovy function to generate Excel style column names from column a column index
final def alphabet = ('A'..'Z')
def column(n) {
n = n as Integer
return (n < alphabet.size()) ?
alphabet[n] : //first 'digit' is 1-based
column((n / 26) - 1) + column(n % 26) //0-based from now on, so reduce 1
assert column( 0) == 'A'
assert column( 1) == 'B'
assert column( 9) == 'J'
assert column( 25) == 'Z'
assert column( 26) == 'AA'
assert column( 27) == 'AB'
assert column( 28) == 'AC'
assert column( 35) == 'AJ'
assert column( 51) == 'AZ'
assert column( 52) == 'BA'
assert column(702) == 'AAA'
def ABBA = 0
[1, 2, 2, 0].reverse().eachWithIndex { e, i -> ABBA += e * 26**i }
assert column(ABBA) == 'ABBA'
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