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Last active February 26, 2023 14:33
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(defn how-not-to-factorial [x]
(condp #(< %2 %1) x
1 (throw (IllegalArgumentException.))
3 x
(loop [acc (bigint x) prev (dec x)]
(if (= prev 2) (* acc 2) (recur (* acc prev) (dec prev))))))
;; when you want to factorial...
(defn just-factorial [n] (apply * (range 1N (inc n))))
(require '[clojure.string :as s])
(defn- fn-name [f]
(-> f
(s/split #"\$")
(doseq [fac [how-not-to-factorial just-factorial]]
(let [n 65 bench-cycles 10000]
(println (s/join [(fn-name fac) "(" n ")"]))
(println (s/join (repeat 25 "=")))
(print "Single run: ")
(time (fac n))
(print " Benchmark: ")
(time (dotimes [_ bench-cycles] (fac n)))
(print " Result: ")
(println (fac n))
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