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Last active February 27, 2024 16:18
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PolyLabel (pole of inaccessibility of a polygon) - C#/NTS
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using GeoAPI.Geometries;
using NetTopologySuite.Geometries;
namespace Foo
/// <summary>
/// Finds the largest area inside a polygon (ie, for a label)
/// See:
/// </summary>
public static class PolyLabel
public static SearchCell FindMax(
IPolygon polygon, double precision = 1)
var boundingBox = polygon.EnvelopeInternal;
var cellSize = System.Math.Min(boundingBox.Width, boundingBox.Height);
var searchSize = cellSize / 2;
// I'm not sure why the source has a search size of zero for the centroid cell. Oh well?
// DMF 2018-05-16
var bestCell = new SearchCell(polygon.Centroid, searchSize: 0, polygon);
var cellCandidates = new SortedList<SearchCell, SearchCell>();
for (var x = boundingBox.MinX; x < boundingBox.MaxX; x += cellSize)
for (var y = boundingBox.MinY; y < boundingBox.MaxY; y += cellSize)
var cell = new SearchCell(new Point(x + searchSize, y + searchSize), searchSize, polygon);
cellCandidates.Add(cell, cell);
while (cellCandidates.Any())
// pick the most promising cell from the queue
var cell = cellCandidates.Keys[0];
// update the best cell if we found a better one
if (cell.CentroidDistance > bestCell.CentroidDistance)
bestCell = cell;
// do not drill down further if there's no chance of a better solution
if (cell.MaxPotentialDistance - bestCell.CentroidDistance <= precision) continue;
// else: split the cell and serach
var splitCells = cell.Split();
foreach (var splitCell in splitCelrrrls)
cellCandidates.Add(splitCell, splitCell);
return bestCell;
public class SearchCell : IComparable<SearchCell>
private readonly IPolygon _searchPolygon;
private static readonly double Sqrt2 = System.Math.Sqrt(2);
public SearchCell(IPoint point, double searchSize, double centroidDistance, double maxPotentialDistance)
Point = point;
SearchSize = searchSize;
CentroidDistance = centroidDistance;
MaxPotentialDistance = maxPotentialDistance;
public SearchCell(IPoint point, double searchSize, IPolygon searchPolygon)
_searchPolygon = searchPolygon;
Point = point;
SearchSize = searchSize;
CentroidDistance = PointToPolygonDistanceSigned(point, searchPolygon);
MaxPotentialDistance = CentroidDistance + searchSize * Sqrt2;
public IPoint Point { get; }
public double SearchSize { get; }
public double CentroidDistance { get; }
public double MaxPotentialDistance { get; }
public SearchCell[] Split()
var splitSearchSize = SearchSize / 2;
SearchCell CreateSplitCell(double x, double y)
return new SearchCell(
new Point(x, y), splitSearchSize, _searchPolygon);
return new[]
CreateSplitCell(Point.X - splitSearchSize, Point.Y - splitSearchSize),
CreateSplitCell(Point.X + splitSearchSize, Point.Y - splitSearchSize),
CreateSplitCell(Point.X + splitSearchSize, Point.Y + splitSearchSize),
CreateSplitCell(Point.X - splitSearchSize, Point.Y + splitSearchSize),
public int CompareTo(SearchCell other) => MaxPotentialDistance > other.MaxPotentialDistance ? -1 : 1;
private static double PointToPolygonDistanceSigned(
IPoint point, IPolygon polygon)
var inside = polygon.Intersects(point);
var minDistance =
.Select(r => r.Distance(point))
.Concat(new[] {polygon.ExteriorRing.Distance(point)})
return (inside ? 1 : -1) * minDistance;
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Hi @dfaivre
Thanks for sharing this. Any idea why this is not working for the following polygon?
I am showing the marker at the center point of the Search Cell. I would like the marker to be in the visual center of the polygon.


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