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Last active April 15, 2019 19:18
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Daniel Falbel 4/13/2019


In in python the api for iterating over the elements of a dataset is the following:

for x in ds_tensors:

This works as expected since ds_tensors is already an iterator. In a more complete example the iteration appears like this:

for x, y in train_dataset:
    # Optimize the model
    loss_value, grads = grad(model, x, y)
    optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, model.trainable_variables),

    # Track progress
    epoch_loss_avg(loss_value)  # add current batch loss
    if (loss < 1)
    # compare predicted label to actual label
    epoch_accuracy(tf.argmax(model(x), axis=1, output_type=tf.int32), y)

Before Eager Execution, the recommended way in python was something like:

iter = dataset.make_initializable_iterator()
el = iter.get_next()
with tf.Session() as sess:

How can we do it in R?

Before Eager execution the API was very similar to python’s:


dataset <- range_dataset(from = 1, to = 100) %>% 
  dataset_shuffle(20) %>% 

iter <- make_iterator_one_shot(dataset)
next_batch <- iterator_get_next(iter)

sess <- tf$compat$v1$Session()


With the introduction of Eager execution we implemente the until_out_of_range function that works likes this:

dataset <- range_dataset(from = 1, to = 100) %>% 
  dataset_shuffle(20) %>% 
# make_iterator_one_shot is deprecated in 2.0 and
# the dataset as already an iterator.
iter <- make_iterator_one_shot(dataset) 

  batch <- iterator_get_next(iter)
  x[[i]] <- batch

There are 3 issues with this approach:

  1. In large code chunks it can be hard to find out what iterator is running.
  2. We have to define the iterator before, and also get the next element inside the loop. It’s easy to make mistakes.
  3. Does not allow destructuring assignment, which allows very elegant code.
dataset <- range_dataset(from = 1, to = 100) %>% 
  dataset_shuffle(20) %>% 

iter <- make_iterator_one_shot(dataset)
x <- list()
i <- 1
  batch <- iterator_get_next(iter)
  x[[i]] <- batch
  i <- i + 1


for_each_batch solves 2 issues with until_out_of_range:

  1. The first argument is the dataset you are iterating in.
  2. The iterator is advanced and created inside the function.
for_each_batch <- function(x, expr) {
  break_error <- tryCatch(eval(parse(text = "break")), error = function(e) e)
  it <- reticulate::as_iterator(x)
  nxt <- reticulate::iter_next(it)
  en_expr <- rlang::enquo(expr)
    while (!is.null(nxt)) {
      if (is.list(nxt) && (!is.null(names(nxt)) && all(!sapply(names(nxt), is.null))))
        nxt <- append(nxt, list(.x = nxt))
        nxt <- list(.x = nxt)
      rlang::env_bind(rlang::get_env(en_expr), !!!nxt)
      eval(rlang::get_expr(en_expr), rlang::get_env(en_expr))
      nxt <- reticulate::iter_next(it)
  error = function(e) {
    if (!identical(e$message, break_error$message))

d <- range_dataset(from = 1, to = 100) %>% 
  dataset_shuffle(100) %>% 

d1 <- tf$data$Dataset$zip(list(x = d, y = d))
d2 <- tf$data$Dataset$zip(reticulate::tuple(d, d))

# refer to variables by name (if the dataset is named)
for_each_batch(d1, {
  print(x + y)
## tf.Tensor(
## [ 74  52 110 188  14  46   4 154 146 152 124 178  80 192 130  42 138 150
##   26 102 184  62 196 106 120], shape=(25,), dtype=int64)
## tf.Tensor(
## [144 136  50  70 132 186  54 140  44  92 182  18  76  30   2  12  20  34
##  170 116   6 134 168  16 194], shape=(25,), dtype=int64)
## tf.Tensor(
## [180  28 158 174 118  96  10 198 176  36 108  84  40  86 172 156  66 100
##   82 128  48  60  32 114 126], shape=(25,), dtype=int64)
## tf.Tensor(
## [190 142 164 122 104   8  78  22  38  90  58 112  72 162  88  98  64  24
##  166  56  94  68 160 148], shape=(24,), dtype=int64)
# refer to next batch by .x
for_each_batch(d1, {
  print(.x$x + .x$y)
## tf.Tensor(
## [ 74  52 110 188  14  46   4 154 146 152 124 178  80 192 130  42 138 150
##   26 102 184  62 196 106 120], shape=(25,), dtype=int64)
## tf.Tensor(
## [144 136  50  70 132 186  54 140  44  92 182  18  76  30   2  12  20  34
##  170 116   6 134 168  16 194], shape=(25,), dtype=int64)
## tf.Tensor(
## [180  28 158 174 118  96  10 198 176  36 108  84  40  86 172 156  66 100
##   82 128  48  60  32 114 126], shape=(25,), dtype=int64)
## tf.Tensor(
## [190 142 164 122 104   8  78  22  38  90  58 112  72 162  88  98  64  24
##  166  56  94  68 160 148], shape=(24,), dtype=int64)
# refer to next batch by .x if unnamed
for_each_batch(d2, {
  print(.x[[1]] + .x[[2]])
## tf.Tensor(
## [ 74  52 110 188  14  46   4 154 146 152 124 178  80 192 130  42 138 150
##   26 102 184  62 196 106 120], shape=(25,), dtype=int64)
## tf.Tensor(
## [144 136  50  70 132 186  54 140  44  92 182  18  76  30   2  12  20  34
##  170 116   6 134 168  16 194], shape=(25,), dtype=int64)
## tf.Tensor(
## [180  28 158 174 118  96  10 198 176  36 108  84  40  86 172 156  66 100
##   82 128  48  60  32 114 126], shape=(25,), dtype=int64)
## tf.Tensor(
## [190 142 164 122 104   8  78  22  38  90  58 112  72 162  88  98  64  24
##  166  56  94  68 160 148], shape=(24,), dtype=int64)
# we can create local variables from inside
i <- 1
for_each_batch(d2, {
  print(.x[[1]] + .x[[2]])
  i <- i + 1
## tf.Tensor(
## [ 74  52 110 188  14  46   4 154 146 152 124 178  80 192 130  42 138 150
##   26 102 184  62 196 106 120], shape=(25,), dtype=int64)
## tf.Tensor(
## [144 136  50  70 132 186  54 140  44  92 182  18  76  30   2  12  20  34
##  170 116   6 134 168  16 194], shape=(25,), dtype=int64)
## tf.Tensor(
## [180  28 158 174 118  96  10 198 176  36 108  84  40  86 172 156  66 100
##   82 128  48  60  32 114 126], shape=(25,), dtype=int64)
## tf.Tensor(
## [190 142 164 122 104   8  78  22  38  90  58 112  72 162  88  98  64  24
##  166  56  94  68 160 148], shape=(24,), dtype=int64)
## [1] 5


# devtools::install_github("lionel-/flowery")
d <- range_dataset(from = 1, to = 100) %>% 
  dataset_shuffle(100) %>% 

d1 <- tf$data$Dataset$zip(list(x = d, y = d))
d2 <- tf$data$Dataset$zip(reticulate::tuple(d, d))

as_iterator <- function(x) {
    it <- reticulate::as_iterator(x)
    nxt <- reticulate::iter_next(it)
    while (!is.null(nxt)) {
      nxt <- reticulate::iter_next(it)

# use for syntax to iterate over the dataset
iter <- as_iterator(d1)
iterate(for(x in iter) {
  print(x$x + x$y)
## tf.Tensor(
## [ 90 140 114 138  10 152 130   6 188  82 162 142 146 182  60 124  54  56
##   94  74   4  66 136 134 194], shape=(25,), dtype=int64)
## tf.Tensor(
## [ 72 110 184 148 100  14 178  34  36 160  62  28 164  22  30  20 106 168
##   76 176 172  32  50  42 180], shape=(25,), dtype=int64)
## tf.Tensor(
## [ 58  44  84  46  92  38  96 186 120 154 102  40  70 116 126  12 170 196
##  156  68   2 108  64  88  86], shape=(25,), dtype=int64)
## tf.Tensor(
## [190 158 144 198 166 174  24  80 132  26  48  98 112 118 150  16   8 104
##  192  52  18 128  78 122], shape=(24,), dtype=int64)

# get variables by name
iter <- as_iterator(d1)
iterate(for(x in iter) {
  print(x[[1]] + x[[2]])
## tf.Tensor(
## [ 90 140 114 138  10 152 130   6 188  82 162 142 146 182  60 124  54  56
##   94  74   4  66 136 134 194], shape=(25,), dtype=int64)
## tf.Tensor(
## [ 72 110 184 148 100  14 178  34  36 160  62  28 164  22  30  20 106 168
##   76 176 172  32  50  42 180], shape=(25,), dtype=int64)
## tf.Tensor(
## [ 58  44  84  46  92  38  96 186 120 154 102  40  70 116 126  12 170 196
##  156  68   2 108  64  88  86], shape=(25,), dtype=int64)
## tf.Tensor(
## [190 158 144 198 166 174  24  80 132  26  48  98 112 118 150  16   8 104
##  192  52  18 128  78 122], shape=(24,), dtype=int64)

# can create outside local variables
i <- 1
iter <- as_iterator(d1)
iterate(for(x in iter) {
  print(x[[1]] + x[[2]])
  i <- i + 1
## tf.Tensor(
## [ 90 140 114 138  10 152 130   6 188  82 162 142 146 182  60 124  54  56
##   94  74   4  66 136 134 194], shape=(25,), dtype=int64)
## tf.Tensor(
## [ 72 110 184 148 100  14 178  34  36 160  62  28 164  22  30  20 106 168
##   76 176 172  32  50  42 180], shape=(25,), dtype=int64)
## tf.Tensor(
## [ 58  44  84  46  92  38  96 186 120 154 102  40  70 116 126  12 170 196
##  156  68   2 108  64  88  86], shape=(25,), dtype=int64)
## tf.Tensor(
## [190 158 144 198 166 174  24  80 132  26  48  98 112 118 150  16   8 104
##  192  52  18 128  78 122], shape=(24,), dtype=int64)

## [1] 5
# allows more low level control
iter <- as_iterator(d1)
i <- 1
while (TRUE) {
  if (i %% 2 == 0) {}
    next_batch <- iter()
  if (i > 10 || is.null(next_batch))
  i <- i + 1
## $y
## tf.Tensor(
## [45 70 57 69  5 76 65  3 94 41 81 71 73 91 30 62 27 28 47 37  2 33 68 67
##  97], shape=(25,), dtype=int64)
## $x
## tf.Tensor(
## [45 70 57 69  5 76 65  3 94 41 81 71 73 91 30 62 27 28 47 37  2 33 68 67
##  97], shape=(25,), dtype=int64)
## $y
## tf.Tensor(
## [36 55 92 74 50  7 89 17 18 80 31 14 82 11 15 10 53 84 38 88 86 16 25 21
##  90], shape=(25,), dtype=int64)
## $x
## tf.Tensor(
## [36 55 92 74 50  7 89 17 18 80 31 14 82 11 15 10 53 84 38 88 86 16 25 21
##  90], shape=(25,), dtype=int64)
## $y
## tf.Tensor(
## [29 22 42 23 46 19 48 93 60 77 51 20 35 58 63  6 85 98 78 34  1 54 32 44
##  43], shape=(25,), dtype=int64)
## $x
## tf.Tensor(
## [29 22 42 23 46 19 48 93 60 77 51 20 35 58 63  6 85 98 78 34  1 54 32 44
##  43], shape=(25,), dtype=int64)
## $y
## tf.Tensor([95 79 72 99 83 87 12 40 66 13 24 49 56 59 75  8  4 52 96 26  9 64 39 61], shape=(24,), dtype=int64)
## $x
## tf.Tensor([95 79 72 99 83 87 12 40 66 13 24 49 56 59 75  8  4 52 96 26  9 64 39 61], shape=(24,), dtype=int64)
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