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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Save dfarrell07/4abfa3f910345ea1fabb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Trying to start a server in test mode in the Vagrant environment using the latest code from the pilot_dev branch fails with:

vagrant@packer-debian-7:~/bot/bot$ ./ -Tsc
Using simulated hardware
Starting server | __init__ | 91 | INFO | CtrlServer running in test mode | __init__ | 64 | ERROR | Unable to create front IR array | __init__ | 64 | ERROR | Unable to create right IR array | __init__ | 64 | ERROR | Unable to create back IR array | __init__ | 64 | ERROR | Unable to create left IR array
Could not open I2C bus 1: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./bot/server/", line 324, in <module>
Starting CLI
    server = CtrlServer(sys.argv[1])
  File "./bot/server/", line 116, in __init__ = self.assign_subsystems()
  File "./bot/server/", line 135, in assign_subsystems
    self.follower = Follower()
  File "/home/vagrant/bot/bot/follower/", line 39, in __init__
    self.driver = mec_driver_mod.MecDriver()
  File "/home/vagrant/bot/bot/driver/", line 35, in __init__
    self.motors = DMCCMotorSet(motor_config)
  File "/home/vagrant/bot/bot/hardware/", line 36, in __init__
    dmccs = pyDMCC.autodetect()
  File "/home/vagrant/src/pydmcc/pyDMCC/", line 22, in autodetect
    cape = DMCC(i, verify=True)
  File "/home/vagrant/src/pydmcc/pyDMCC/", line 66, in __init__
    if verify and not self.verify():
  File "/home/vagrant/src/pydmcc/pyDMCC/", line 79, in verify
    cape_str = self.i2c.registers['CapeId'].read()
  File "/home/vagrant/src/i2c-device/i2c_device/", line 15, in read
    value += chr(self.read_byte(byte=i))
  File "/home/vagrant/src/i2c-device/i2c_device/", line 11, in <lambda>
    self.read_byte = lambda byte=0: device.read_byte(self.address+byte)
  File "/home/vagrant/src/i2c-device/i2c_device/", line 72, in read_byte
    data = self.bus.read_byte_data(self.address, comm)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'read_byte_data'

It looks like the testing flags aren't being set correctly or aren't being honored.

We're seeing the arg checked correctly in (Using simulated hardware is in the output above).

# Run on simulated hardware, or not
lib.set_testing(args.test_mode, "config.yaml")
if args.test_mode:
    print "Using simulated hardware"

It's passed to CtrlServer correctly (Starting server is in the output):

    print "Starting server"
    # Need to have process start from root of repo for imports to work
    cwd = str(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), ".."))
    process_description = ["./bot/server/", str(args.test_mode)]
    server = Popen(process_description, preexec_fn=preexec_fn, cwd=cwd)
    # Give server a chance to get up and running

The CtrlServer is using the lib.set_testing helper to set the mode to True, as expected.

# From the ./ -Tsc output above | __init__ | 91 | INFO | CtrlServer running in test mode
        # Testing flag will cause objects to run on simulated hardware
        if testing is True or testing == "True":
  "CtrlServer running in test mode")
        elif testing is None:
                "Defaulting to config testing flag: {}".format(
  "CtrlServer running in non-test mode")

The lib.set_testing helper sets a testing value in the config dict to True.

    # Update config with new testing state
    config["testing"] = state

Which updates the in-memory config.

def write_config(new_config):
    """Write an updated version of config to global _config.

    :param new_config: Updated version of config to write.
    :type new_config: dict

    global _config
    _config = new_config

The tests (tox -epy27 in the Vagrant env of same branch) fail for various reasons. I've started fixing errors, but haven't fixed enough to get useful results so far.

GLOB sdist-make: /home/vagrant/bot/
py27 inst-nodeps: /home/vagrant/bot/.tox/dist/
py27 runtests: PYTHONHASHSEED='816699555'
py27 runtests: commands[0] | python test
running test
running egg_info
writing dependency_links to bot.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
writing requirements to bot.egg-info/requires.txt
writing bot.egg-info/PKG-INFO
writing top-level names to bot.egg-info/top_level.txt
writing dependency_links to bot.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
writing requirements to bot.egg-info/requires.txt
writing bot.egg-info/PKG-INFO
writing top-level names to bot.egg-info/top_level.txt
reading manifest file 'bot.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
writing manifest file 'bot.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
running build_ext | pypruss | 14 | INFO | Using fake pypruss module
test_manual_confirm (tests.test_ir.TestSelectedUnitVal)
Use the getter then confirm using simulated hardware. ... ERROR
test_invalid (tests.test_lib.TestGetConfig)
Test proper failure for fake config file. ... ERROR
test_type (tests.test_lib.TestGetConfig)
Confirm that type of config is a dict. ... ERROR
test_type (tests.test_lib.TestGetLogger)
Test that object returned is of proper type. ... ERROR
test_invalid_config (tests.test_lib.TestSetTesting)
Test passing an invalid path to the config file. ... ERROR
test_invalid_state (tests.test_lib.TestSetTesting)
Test passing a non-boolean value for state param. ... ERROR
test_same (tests.test_lib.TestSetTesting)
Test writing the current value of testing flag. ... ERROR
test_modify_log_file (tests.test_lib.TestWriteConfig)
Test writing a new log file then reverting that change. ... ERROR
test_same (tests.test_lib.TestWriteConfig)
Confirm that writing without changes produces no change. ... ERROR
test_forward (tests.test_motor.TestDirection)
Test motor in forward direction using text and int syntax. ... ERROR
test_invalid (tests.test_motor.TestDirection)
Test a series of invalid directions. ... ERROR
test_reverse (tests.test_motor.TestDirection)
Test motor in reverse direction using text and int syntax. ... ERROR
test_get_dir (tests.test_motor.TestNoDirection)
Get direction for a motor that should have no direction. ... ERROR
test_set_dir (tests.test_motor.TestNoDirection)
Test setting a direction for a motor that should have no direction. ... ERROR
test_vol (tests.test_motor.TestNoDirection)
Get velocity for a motor that has no direction. ... ERROR
test_accel (tests.test_motor.TestSpeed)
Test a series of increasing speeds. ... ERROR
test_full (tests.test_motor.TestSpeed)
Test turning the motor to 100% duty cycle. ... ERROR
test_half (tests.test_motor.TestSpeed)
Test the motor at half speed. ... ERROR
test_manually_confirm (tests.test_motor.TestSpeed)
Test a series of random speeds, read the simulated HW to confirm. ... ERROR
test_off (tests.test_motor.TestSpeed)
Test turning the motor off. ... ERROR
test_over_max (tests.test_motor.TestSpeed)
Test speed over max speed. Should use maximum. ... ERROR
test_under_min (tests.test_motor.TestSpeed)
Test speed under minimum speed. Should use minimum. ... ERROR
test_0 (tests.test_servo.TestPosition)
Test setting servo position to max in zero direction. ... ERROR
test_180 (tests.test_servo.TestPosition)
Test setting servo position to max in 180 direction. ... ERROR
test_manually_confirm (tests.test_servo.TestPosition)
Test a series of random positions, read simulated HW to confirm. ... ERROR
test_middle (tests.test_servo.TestPosition)
Test the servo at middle position. ... ERROR
test_over_max (tests.test_servo.TestPosition)
Test position over max position. Should use maximum. ... ERROR
test_series (tests.test_servo.TestPosition)
Test a series of positions. ... ERROR
test_under_min (tests.test_servo.TestPosition)
Test position under minimum position. Should use minimum. ... ERROR
test_direction (tests.test_solenoid.TestDirection)
Confirm that the solenoid's GPIO is set to output. ... skipped 'No solenoids configured (not being used on bot)'
test_extended (tests.test_solenoid.TestState)
Test extending solenoid. ... skipped 'No solenoids configured (not being used on bot)'
test_manually_confirm (tests.test_solenoid.TestState)
Test extending and retracting, read the simulated HW to confirm. ... skipped 'No solenoids configured (not being used on bot)'
test_retracted (tests.test_solenoid.TestState)
Test retracting solenoid. ... skipped 'No solenoids configured (not being used on bot)'
test_series (tests.test_solenoid.TestState)
Randomly extend and retract the solenoid. ... skipped 'No solenoids configured (not being used on bot)'
test_get_voltage (tests.test_dmcc_motor.TestDMCCMotor)
Test getting the supply voltage for a motor ... | setUp | 51 | INFO | Running test_get_voltage()
test_instantiate (tests.test_dmcc_motor.TestDMCCMotor) ... | setUp | 51 | INFO | Running test_instantiate()
test_power_invert (tests.test_dmcc_motor.TestDMCCMotor)
Test the effect of setting inverted power mode ... | setUp | 51 | INFO | Running test_power_invert()
test_set_power (tests.test_dmcc_motor.TestDMCCMotor)
Test setting the motor power ... | setUp | 51 | INFO | Running test_set_power()
test_set_velocity (tests.test_dmcc_motor.TestDMCCMotor)
Test setting the motor velocity ... | setUp | 51 | INFO | Running test_set_velocity()
test_set_velocity_no_PID (tests.test_dmcc_motor.TestDMCCMotor)
Test setting the motor velocity ... | setUp | 51 | INFO | Running test_set_velocity_no_PID()
test_bad_config (tests.test_dmcc_motor.TestDMCCMotorSet) ... | setUp | 21 | INFO | Running test_bad_config()
test_instantiate (tests.test_dmcc_motor.TestDMCCMotorSet) ... | setUp | 21 | INFO | Running test_instantiate()
test_multiple_config (tests.test_dmcc_motor.TestDMCCMotorSet) ... | setUp | 21 | INFO | Running test_multiple_config()
test_assign_states (tests.test_follower.TestFollower) ... ERROR
test_determine_states (tests.test_follower.TestFollower) ... ERROR
test_get_state_lr_errors (tests.test_follower.TestFollower)
Test cases for get position left right for error throws. ... ERROR
test_get_state_rl_errors (tests.test_follower.TestFollower)
Test cases for get position left right for error throws. ... ERROR
test_aim (tests.test_gunner.TestAim) ... ERROR
test_fire (tests.test_gunner.TestFire)
Simply execute the fire method. ... ERROR
test_dumb_localizer (tests.test_gunner.TestLocalize) ... ERROR
test_localize (tests.test_gunner.TestLocalize) ... ERROR
test_ratio_localizer (tests.test_gunner.TestLocalize) ... ERROR
test_ratio_localizer_angles (tests.test_gunner.TestLocalize) ... ERROR
test_ratio_localizer_short_left (tests.test_gunner.TestLocalize) ... ERROR
test_ratio_localizer_too_short_front (tests.test_gunner.TestLocalize) ... ERROR
test_valid (tests.test_gunner.TestLocalize) ... ERROR
testStructure (tests.test_ir_hub.TestReadAll)
Confirm structure of reading is as expected. ... ERROR
testSeries (tests.test_ir_hub.TestReadCached)
Test caching behavior with a series of reads over time. ... ERROR
testStructure (tests.test_ir_hub.TestReadCached)
Confirm structure of returned result is as expected. ... ERROR
testTime (tests.test_ir_hub.TestReadCached)
Test that time value is reasonable. ... ERROR
test_all_valid_n (tests.test_ir_hub.TestReadNthUnits)
Loop over and read every valid value for n. ... ERROR
test_n_max (tests.test_ir_hub.TestReadNthUnits)
Confirm that values at max are accepted. ... ERROR
test_n_min (tests.test_ir_hub.TestReadNthUnits)
Confirm that values at min are accepted. ... ERROR
test_n_over_max (tests.test_ir_hub.TestReadNthUnits)
Confirm that values over max are rejected. ... ERROR
test_n_under_min (tests.test_ir_hub.TestReadNthUnits)
Confirm that values under min are rejected. ... ERROR
test_all_valid_n (tests.test_ir_hub.TestSelectNthUnits)
Loop over every valid value for n. ... ERROR
test_n_max (tests.test_ir_hub.TestSelectNthUnits)
Confirm that values at max are accepted. ... ERROR
test_n_min (tests.test_ir_hub.TestSelectNthUnits)
Confirm that values at min are accepted. ... ERROR
test_n_over_max (tests.test_ir_hub.TestSelectNthUnits)
Confirm that values over max are rejected. ... ERROR
test_n_under_min (tests.test_ir_hub.TestSelectNthUnits)
Confirm that values under min are rejected. ... ERROR
test_compound_move (tests.test_mec_driver.TestRotate) ... ERROR
test_move (tests.test_mec_driver.TestRotate) ... ERROR
test_move_forward_strafe (tests.test_mec_driver.TestRotate) ... ERROR
test_move_zero (tests.test_mec_driver.TestRotate) ... ERROR
test_rotate (tests.test_mec_driver.TestRotate) ... ERROR
test_rotate_motor_dirs (tests.test_mec_driver.TestRotate) ... ERROR
test_rotate_motor_vals (tests.test_mec_driver.TestRotate) ... ERROR
test_pid_kd (tests.test_pid.TestPID)
Test the funtionaty of pid ... ERROR
test_pid_kp (tests.test_pid.TestPID)
Test the funtionaty of pid ... ERROR
test_getFiringSolution (tests.test_targeting_solver.TestTargetingSolver) ... | setUp | 17 | INFO | Running test_getFiringSolution()
test_getFiringSolution_bad_velocity (tests.test_targeting_solver.TestTargetingSolver) ... | setUp | 17 | INFO | Running test_getFiringSolution_bad_velocity() | getFiringSolution | 107 | ERROR | Velocity too low, must be greater than 1
test_getHorizLaunchAngle (tests.test_targeting_solver.TestTargetingSolver) ... | setUp | 17 | INFO | Running test_getHorizLaunchAngle()
test_getMinElevationAngle (tests.test_targeting_solver.TestTargetingSolver) ... | setUp | 17 | INFO | Running test_getMinElevationAngle()
test_getServoAngle (tests.test_targeting_solver.TestTargetingSolver) ... | setUp | 17 | INFO | Running test_getServoAngle()
test_getTargetDistance (tests.test_targeting_solver.TestTargetingSolver) ... | setUp | 17 | INFO | Running test_getTargetDistance()
test_pitch_good_angle (tests.test_turret.TestAngle)
Test setting the pitch angle to min value. ... ERROR
test_pitch_over_max (tests.test_turret.TestAngle)
Test setting the pitch angle to greater than the max value. ... ERROR
test_pitch_under_min (tests.test_turret.TestAngle)
Test setting the pitch angle to less than the min value. ... ERROR
test_yaw_good_angle (tests.test_turret.TestAngle)
Test setting the yaw angle to middle value. ... ERROR
test_yaw_over_max (tests.test_turret.TestAngle)
Test setting the yaw angle to greater than the max value. ... ERROR
test_yaw_under_min (tests.test_turret.TestAngle)
Test setting the yaw angle to less than the min value. ... ERROR
test_dists (tests.test_ultrasonic.TestUltrasonic) ... | setUp | 23 | INFO | Using test config: /home/vagrant/bot/tests/test_config.yaml | setUp | 24 | INFO | Running test_dists() | __init__ | 66 | WARNING | Could not open /dev/mem: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/dev/mem'
test_inches (tests.test_ultrasonic.TestUltrasonic) ... | setUp | 23 | INFO | Using test config: /home/vagrant/bot/tests/test_config.yaml | setUp | 24 | INFO | Running test_inches() | __init__ | 66 | WARNING | Could not open /dev/mem: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/dev/mem'
test_meters (tests.test_ultrasonic.TestUltrasonic) ... | setUp | 23 | INFO | Using test config: /home/vagrant/bot/tests/test_config.yaml | setUp | 24 | INFO | Running test_meters() | __init__ | 66 | WARNING | Could not open /dev/mem: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/dev/mem'
test_read (tests.test_ultrasonic.TestUltrasonic) ... | setUp | 23 | INFO | Using test config: /home/vagrant/bot/tests/test_config.yaml | setUp | 24 | INFO | Running test_read() | __init__ | 66 | WARNING | Could not open /dev/mem: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/dev/mem'
test_dart_velocity_sane (tests.test_wheel_gun.TestDartVelocity)
Test that reasonable wheel speeds produce reasonable velocities. ... ERROR
test_fire_invalid_delay (tests.test_wheel_gun.TestFire)
Test invalid delay (between advancing/retracting trigger). ... ERROR
test_fire_invalid_trigger_duration (tests.test_wheel_gun.TestFire)
Test invalid time to advance/retract trigger. ... ERROR
test_fire_normal (tests.test_wheel_gun.TestFire)
Test firing function with default params. ... ERROR
test_laser_invalid (tests.test_wheel_gun.TestLaser)
Set laser to invalid value. ... ERROR
test_laser_off (tests.test_wheel_gun.TestLaser)
Turn laser off, check result. ... ERROR
test_laser_on (tests.test_wheel_gun.TestLaser)
Turn laser on, check result. ... ERROR
test_power_over_max (tests.test_wheel_gun.TestWheelSpeed)
Test power over max power. Should use maximum. ... ERROR
test_power_under_min (tests.test_wheel_gun.TestWheelSpeed)
Test power under minimum power. Should use minimum. ... ERROR
test_set_good_power (tests.test_wheel_gun.TestWheelSpeed)
Test the wheels at a reasonable speed. ... ERROR
test_spin_up (tests.test_wheel_gun.TestWheelSpeed)
Test turning the wheels to 100% duty cycle. ... ERROR
test_stop (tests.test_wheel_gun.TestWheelSpeed)
Test stopping wheel rotation. ... ERROR
test_set_wheel_velocity (tests.test_wheel_gun.TestWheelVelocity) ... ERROR
test_read (tests.test_ADC.TestADC)
Tests reading of all adc's ... ERROR
ERROR: test_manual_confirm (tests.test_ir.TestSelectedUnitVal)
Use the getter then confirm using simulated hardware.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 15, in setUp
super(TestSelectedUnitVal, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_invalid (tests.test_lib.TestGetConfig)
Test proper failure for fake config file.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_type (tests.test_lib.TestGetConfig)
Confirm that type of config is a dict.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_type (tests.test_lib.TestGetLogger)
Test that object returned is of proper type.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_invalid_config (tests.test_lib.TestSetTesting)
Test passing an invalid path to the config file.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 72, in tearDown
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_invalid_state (tests.test_lib.TestSetTesting)
Test passing a non-boolean value for state param.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 72, in tearDown
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_same (tests.test_lib.TestSetTesting)
Test writing the current value of testing flag.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 76, in test_same
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_same (tests.test_lib.TestSetTesting)
Test writing the current value of testing flag.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 72, in tearDown
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_modify_log_file (tests.test_lib.TestWriteConfig)
Test writing a new log file then reverting that change.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_same (tests.test_lib.TestWriteConfig)
Confirm that writing without changes produces no change.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_forward (tests.test_motor.TestDirection)
Test motor in forward direction using text and int syntax.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 93, in setUp
self.motor = m_mod.Motor(self.pwm_num, self.gpio_num)
File "/home/vagrant/bot/bot/hardware/", line 51, in __init__
if config["test_mode"]["motor"]:
KeyError: 'test_mode'
ERROR: test_invalid (tests.test_motor.TestDirection)
Test a series of invalid directions.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 93, in setUp
self.motor = m_mod.Motor(self.pwm_num, self.gpio_num)
File "/home/vagrant/bot/bot/hardware/", line 51, in __init__
if config["test_mode"]["motor"]:
KeyError: 'test_mode'
ERROR: test_reverse (tests.test_motor.TestDirection)
Test motor in reverse direction using text and int syntax.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 93, in setUp
self.motor = m_mod.Motor(self.pwm_num, self.gpio_num)
File "/home/vagrant/bot/bot/hardware/", line 51, in __init__
if config["test_mode"]["motor"]:
KeyError: 'test_mode'
ERROR: test_get_dir (tests.test_motor.TestNoDirection)
Get direction for a motor that should have no direction.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 138, in setUp
self.motor = m_mod.Motor(self.pwm_num)
File "/home/vagrant/bot/bot/hardware/", line 51, in __init__
if config["test_mode"]["motor"]:
KeyError: 'test_mode'
ERROR: test_set_dir (tests.test_motor.TestNoDirection)
Test setting a direction for a motor that should have no direction.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 138, in setUp
self.motor = m_mod.Motor(self.pwm_num)
File "/home/vagrant/bot/bot/hardware/", line 51, in __init__
if config["test_mode"]["motor"]:
KeyError: 'test_mode'
ERROR: test_vol (tests.test_motor.TestNoDirection)
Get velocity for a motor that has no direction.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 138, in setUp
self.motor = m_mod.Motor(self.pwm_num)
File "/home/vagrant/bot/bot/hardware/", line 51, in __init__
if config["test_mode"]["motor"]:
KeyError: 'test_mode'
ERROR: test_accel (tests.test_motor.TestSpeed)
Test a series of increasing speeds.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 27, in setUp
self.motor = m_mod.Motor(self.pwm_num, self.gpio_num)
File "/home/vagrant/bot/bot/hardware/", line 51, in __init__
if config["test_mode"]["motor"]:
KeyError: 'test_mode'
ERROR: test_full (tests.test_motor.TestSpeed)
Test turning the motor to 100% duty cycle.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 27, in setUp
self.motor = m_mod.Motor(self.pwm_num, self.gpio_num)
File "/home/vagrant/bot/bot/hardware/", line 51, in __init__
if config["test_mode"]["motor"]:
KeyError: 'test_mode'
ERROR: test_half (tests.test_motor.TestSpeed)
Test the motor at half speed.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 27, in setUp
self.motor = m_mod.Motor(self.pwm_num, self.gpio_num)
File "/home/vagrant/bot/bot/hardware/", line 51, in __init__
if config["test_mode"]["motor"]:
KeyError: 'test_mode'
ERROR: test_manually_confirm (tests.test_motor.TestSpeed)
Test a series of random speeds, read the simulated HW to confirm.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 27, in setUp
self.motor = m_mod.Motor(self.pwm_num, self.gpio_num)
File "/home/vagrant/bot/bot/hardware/", line 51, in __init__
if config["test_mode"]["motor"]:
KeyError: 'test_mode'
ERROR: test_off (tests.test_motor.TestSpeed)
Test turning the motor off.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 27, in setUp
self.motor = m_mod.Motor(self.pwm_num, self.gpio_num)
File "/home/vagrant/bot/bot/hardware/", line 51, in __init__
if config["test_mode"]["motor"]:
KeyError: 'test_mode'
ERROR: test_over_max (tests.test_motor.TestSpeed)
Test speed over max speed. Should use maximum.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 27, in setUp
self.motor = m_mod.Motor(self.pwm_num, self.gpio_num)
File "/home/vagrant/bot/bot/hardware/", line 51, in __init__
if config["test_mode"]["motor"]:
KeyError: 'test_mode'
ERROR: test_under_min (tests.test_motor.TestSpeed)
Test speed under minimum speed. Should use minimum.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 27, in setUp
self.motor = m_mod.Motor(self.pwm_num, self.gpio_num)
File "/home/vagrant/bot/bot/hardware/", line 51, in __init__
if config["test_mode"]["motor"]:
KeyError: 'test_mode'
ERROR: test_0 (tests.test_servo.TestPosition)
Test setting servo position to max in zero direction.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 17, in setUp
super(TestPosition, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_180 (tests.test_servo.TestPosition)
Test setting servo position to max in 180 direction.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 17, in setUp
super(TestPosition, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_manually_confirm (tests.test_servo.TestPosition)
Test a series of random positions, read simulated HW to confirm.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 17, in setUp
super(TestPosition, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_middle (tests.test_servo.TestPosition)
Test the servo at middle position.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 17, in setUp
super(TestPosition, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_over_max (tests.test_servo.TestPosition)
Test position over max position. Should use maximum.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 17, in setUp
super(TestPosition, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_series (tests.test_servo.TestPosition)
Test a series of positions.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 17, in setUp
super(TestPosition, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_under_min (tests.test_servo.TestPosition)
Test position under minimum position. Should use minimum.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 17, in setUp
super(TestPosition, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_get_voltage (tests.test_dmcc_motor.TestDMCCMotor)
Test getting the supply voltage for a motor
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 53, in setUp
self.motor_set = DMCCMotorSet(motor_conf)
File "/home/vagrant/bot/bot/hardware/", line 25, in __init__
self.is_testing = self.config["test_mode"]["DMCC"]
KeyError: 'test_mode'
ERROR: test_instantiate (tests.test_dmcc_motor.TestDMCCMotor)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 53, in setUp
self.motor_set = DMCCMotorSet(motor_conf)
File "/home/vagrant/bot/bot/hardware/", line 25, in __init__
self.is_testing = self.config["test_mode"]["DMCC"]
KeyError: 'test_mode'
ERROR: test_power_invert (tests.test_dmcc_motor.TestDMCCMotor)
Test the effect of setting inverted power mode
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 53, in setUp
self.motor_set = DMCCMotorSet(motor_conf)
File "/home/vagrant/bot/bot/hardware/", line 25, in __init__
self.is_testing = self.config["test_mode"]["DMCC"]
KeyError: 'test_mode'
ERROR: test_set_power (tests.test_dmcc_motor.TestDMCCMotor)
Test setting the motor power
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 53, in setUp
self.motor_set = DMCCMotorSet(motor_conf)
File "/home/vagrant/bot/bot/hardware/", line 25, in __init__
self.is_testing = self.config["test_mode"]["DMCC"]
KeyError: 'test_mode'
ERROR: test_set_velocity (tests.test_dmcc_motor.TestDMCCMotor)
Test setting the motor velocity
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 53, in setUp
self.motor_set = DMCCMotorSet(motor_conf)
File "/home/vagrant/bot/bot/hardware/", line 25, in __init__
self.is_testing = self.config["test_mode"]["DMCC"]
KeyError: 'test_mode'
ERROR: test_set_velocity_no_PID (tests.test_dmcc_motor.TestDMCCMotor)
Test setting the motor velocity
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 53, in setUp
self.motor_set = DMCCMotorSet(motor_conf)
File "/home/vagrant/bot/bot/hardware/", line 25, in __init__
self.is_testing = self.config["test_mode"]["DMCC"]
KeyError: 'test_mode'
ERROR: test_instantiate (tests.test_dmcc_motor.TestDMCCMotorSet)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in test_instantiate
motor_set = DMCCMotorSet(conf)
File "/home/vagrant/bot/bot/hardware/", line 25, in __init__
self.is_testing = self.config["test_mode"]["DMCC"]
KeyError: 'test_mode'
ERROR: test_multiple_config (tests.test_dmcc_motor.TestDMCCMotorSet)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 30, in test_multiple_config
drive_motor_set = DMCCMotorSet(drive_conf)
File "/home/vagrant/bot/bot/hardware/", line 25, in __init__
self.is_testing = self.config["test_mode"]["DMCC"]
KeyError: 'test_mode'
ERROR: test_assign_states (tests.test_follower.TestFollower)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 18, in setUp
super(TestFollower, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_determine_states (tests.test_follower.TestFollower)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 18, in setUp
super(TestFollower, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_get_state_lr_errors (tests.test_follower.TestFollower)
Test cases for get position left right for error throws.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 18, in setUp
super(TestFollower, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_get_state_rl_errors (tests.test_follower.TestFollower)
Test cases for get position left right for error throws.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 18, in setUp
super(TestFollower, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_aim (tests.test_gunner.TestAim)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 17, in setUp
super(TestAim, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_fire (tests.test_gunner.TestFire)
Simply execute the fire method.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 41, in setUp
super(TestFire, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_dumb_localizer (tests.test_gunner.TestLocalize)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 64, in setUp
super(TestLocalize, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_localize (tests.test_gunner.TestLocalize)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 64, in setUp
super(TestLocalize, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_ratio_localizer (tests.test_gunner.TestLocalize)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 64, in setUp
super(TestLocalize, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_ratio_localizer_angles (tests.test_gunner.TestLocalize)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 64, in setUp
super(TestLocalize, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_ratio_localizer_short_left (tests.test_gunner.TestLocalize)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 64, in setUp
super(TestLocalize, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_ratio_localizer_too_short_front (tests.test_gunner.TestLocalize)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 64, in setUp
super(TestLocalize, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_valid (tests.test_gunner.TestLocalize)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 64, in setUp
super(TestLocalize, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: testStructure (tests.test_ir_hub.TestReadAll)
Confirm structure of reading is as expected.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 132, in setUp
super(TestReadAll, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: testSeries (tests.test_ir_hub.TestReadCached)
Test caching behavior with a series of reads over time.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 161, in setUp
super(TestReadCached, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: testStructure (tests.test_ir_hub.TestReadCached)
Confirm structure of returned result is as expected.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 161, in setUp
super(TestReadCached, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: testTime (tests.test_ir_hub.TestReadCached)
Test that time value is reasonable.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 161, in setUp
super(TestReadCached, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_all_valid_n (tests.test_ir_hub.TestReadNthUnits)
Loop over and read every valid value for n.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 68, in setUp
super(TestReadNthUnits, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_n_max (tests.test_ir_hub.TestReadNthUnits)
Confirm that values at max are accepted.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 68, in setUp
super(TestReadNthUnits, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_n_min (tests.test_ir_hub.TestReadNthUnits)
Confirm that values at min are accepted.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 68, in setUp
super(TestReadNthUnits, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_n_over_max (tests.test_ir_hub.TestReadNthUnits)
Confirm that values over max are rejected.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 68, in setUp
super(TestReadNthUnits, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_n_under_min (tests.test_ir_hub.TestReadNthUnits)
Confirm that values under min are rejected.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 68, in setUp
super(TestReadNthUnits, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_all_valid_n (tests.test_ir_hub.TestSelectNthUnits)
Loop over every valid value for n.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 19, in setUp
super(TestSelectNthUnits, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_n_max (tests.test_ir_hub.TestSelectNthUnits)
Confirm that values at max are accepted.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 19, in setUp
super(TestSelectNthUnits, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_n_min (tests.test_ir_hub.TestSelectNthUnits)
Confirm that values at min are accepted.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 19, in setUp
super(TestSelectNthUnits, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_n_over_max (tests.test_ir_hub.TestSelectNthUnits)
Confirm that values over max are rejected.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 19, in setUp
super(TestSelectNthUnits, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_n_under_min (tests.test_ir_hub.TestSelectNthUnits)
Confirm that values under min are rejected.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 19, in setUp
super(TestSelectNthUnits, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_compound_move (tests.test_mec_driver.TestRotate)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 17, in setUp
super(TestRotate, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_move (tests.test_mec_driver.TestRotate)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 17, in setUp
super(TestRotate, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_move_forward_strafe (tests.test_mec_driver.TestRotate)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 17, in setUp
super(TestRotate, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_move_zero (tests.test_mec_driver.TestRotate)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 17, in setUp
super(TestRotate, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_rotate (tests.test_mec_driver.TestRotate)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 17, in setUp
super(TestRotate, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_rotate_motor_dirs (tests.test_mec_driver.TestRotate)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 17, in setUp
super(TestRotate, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_rotate_motor_vals (tests.test_mec_driver.TestRotate)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 17, in setUp
super(TestRotate, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_pid_kd (tests.test_pid.TestPID)
Test the funtionaty of pid
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 21, in setUp
super(TestPID, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_pid_kp (tests.test_pid.TestPID)
Test the funtionaty of pid
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 21, in setUp
super(TestPID, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_pitch_good_angle (tests.test_turret.TestAngle)
Test setting the pitch angle to min value.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 17, in setUp
super(TestAngle, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_pitch_over_max (tests.test_turret.TestAngle)
Test setting the pitch angle to greater than the max value.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 17, in setUp
super(TestAngle, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_pitch_under_min (tests.test_turret.TestAngle)
Test setting the pitch angle to less than the min value.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 17, in setUp
super(TestAngle, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_yaw_good_angle (tests.test_turret.TestAngle)
Test setting the yaw angle to middle value.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 17, in setUp
super(TestAngle, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_yaw_over_max (tests.test_turret.TestAngle)
Test setting the yaw angle to greater than the max value.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 17, in setUp
super(TestAngle, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_yaw_under_min (tests.test_turret.TestAngle)
Test setting the yaw angle to less than the min value.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 17, in setUp
super(TestAngle, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_dart_velocity_sane (tests.test_wheel_gun.TestDartVelocity)
Test that reasonable wheel speeds produce reasonable velocities.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 236, in setUp
super(TestDartVelocity, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_fire_invalid_delay (tests.test_wheel_gun.TestFire)
Test invalid delay (between advancing/retracting trigger).
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 109, in setUp
super(TestFire, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 26, in setUp
super(TestWheelGun, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_fire_invalid_trigger_duration (tests.test_wheel_gun.TestFire)
Test invalid time to advance/retract trigger.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 109, in setUp
super(TestFire, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 26, in setUp
super(TestWheelGun, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_fire_normal (tests.test_wheel_gun.TestFire)
Test firing function with default params.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 109, in setUp
super(TestFire, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 26, in setUp
super(TestWheelGun, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_laser_invalid (tests.test_wheel_gun.TestLaser)
Set laser to invalid value.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 51, in setUp
super(TestLaser, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 26, in setUp
super(TestWheelGun, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_laser_off (tests.test_wheel_gun.TestLaser)
Turn laser off, check result.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 51, in setUp
super(TestLaser, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 26, in setUp
super(TestWheelGun, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_laser_on (tests.test_wheel_gun.TestLaser)
Turn laser on, check result.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 51, in setUp
super(TestLaser, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 26, in setUp
super(TestWheelGun, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_power_over_max (tests.test_wheel_gun.TestWheelSpeed)
Test power over max power. Should use maximum.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 174, in setUp
super(TestWheelSpeed, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_power_under_min (tests.test_wheel_gun.TestWheelSpeed)
Test power under minimum power. Should use minimum.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 174, in setUp
super(TestWheelSpeed, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_set_good_power (tests.test_wheel_gun.TestWheelSpeed)
Test the wheels at a reasonable speed.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 174, in setUp
super(TestWheelSpeed, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_spin_up (tests.test_wheel_gun.TestWheelSpeed)
Test turning the wheels to 100% duty cycle.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 174, in setUp
super(TestWheelSpeed, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_stop (tests.test_wheel_gun.TestWheelSpeed)
Test stopping wheel rotation.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 174, in setUp
super(TestWheelSpeed, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_set_wheel_velocity (tests.test_wheel_gun.TestWheelVelocity)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 217, in setUp
super(TestWheelVelocity, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
ERROR: test_read (tests.test_ADC.TestADC)
Tests reading of all adc's
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 23, in setUp
super(TestADC, self).setUp()
File "/home/vagrant/bot/tests/", line 25, in setUp
self.orig_test_state = self.config["testing"]
KeyError: 'testing'
Ran 109 tests in 0.472s
FAILED (errors=94, skipped=5)
ERROR: InvocationError: '/home/vagrant/bot/.tox/py27/bin/python test'
___________________________________ summary ____________________________________
ERROR: py27: commands failed
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