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Last active January 15, 2016 21:13
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  • Save dfcarpenter/fcd648c23187d9eb5fa3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dfcarpenter/fcd648c23187d9eb5fa3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Elixir service
|> elem(1)
|> Map.get("Items")
|> Poison.encode
|> elem(1)
|> File.write("/dir/users.json")
#response from dynamodb after first function
%{"Count" => 691,
"Items" => [%{"accountStatus" => %{"S" => "active"},
"createdDate" => %{"N" => "1452199374896"},
"emailAddress" => %{"S" => ""},
"fullName" => %{"S" => "Tim Madams"},
"userId" => %{"S" => "b0aaa703093deeb4b68275a801db5940"}},
%{"accountStatus" => %{"S" => "active"},
"createdDate" => %{"N" => "1452203121748"},
"emailAddress" => %{"S" => ""},
"fullName" => %{"S" => "kc"},
"userId" => %{"S" => "3dc9b67a039c4af061cfd9b505cd5bcf"}},
%{"accountStatus" => %{"S" => "active"},
"createdDate" => %{"N" => "1452204318593"},
"emailAddress" => %{"S" => ""},
"fullName" => %{"S" => "Fernando"},
"userId" => %{"S" => "91e63f80a8d7e9cb4692d1b26bce7cfd"}},
%{"accountStatus" => %{"S" => "active"},
"createdDate" => %{"N" => "1452208426812"},
"emailAddress" => %{"S" => ""}}]}}
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This should work. You are currently piping the json in as the first argument of File.write and it's trying to use the json as the file name

     json = Users.newusers
     |> elem(1)
     |> Map.get("Items")
     |> Poison.encode 
     |> elem(1)

     File.write("/dir/users.json", json)

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