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Created November 4, 2014 06:50
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vCAC: Dynamically execute Scripts in ExternalWFStubs Workflows with PowerShell (2)
# Machine is the currently processed virtual machine
# Path is a default path where the scripts are located
# ScriptName is the name of the PowerShell script passed from the custom properties
# htScriptParam is a hastable containing parameter name and raw expression
$ScriptName = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath $ScriptName;
if( !(Test-Path -Path $ScriptName) ) {
Write-Error ("ScriptName '{0}' does not exist." -f $ScriptName);
return $null;
} # if
$Cmd = Get-Command $ScriptName;
$ScriptParams = '';
foreach($k in $htScriptParam.Keys) {
if(!$Cmd.Parameters.ContainsKey($k)) {
Write-Error ("'{0}' does not contain specified parameter '{1}'. Skipping ..." -f
$ScriptName, $k);
} # if
$ScriptParam = $htScriptParam.$k;
$ScriptParam = $ScriptParam.Replace('#Machine', '$Machine');
if($ScriptParam -match "#Properties\.'([^\']+)'") {
$p = $Machine.VirtualMachineProperties |? PropertyName -eq $Matches[1];
if(!$p) {
Write-Error ("Resolving '{0}' with ScriptParam '{1}' [{2}] FAILED." -f
$ScriptName, $k, $ScriptParam);
} # if
$ScriptParam = $p.PropertyValue;
} # if
if($ScriptParam.StartsWith('$')) {
Write-Debug ("ScriptParam in Invoke-Expression: '{0}'." -f $ScriptParam)
$ScriptParam = Invoke-Expression -Command $ScriptParam;
} # if
$ScriptParams = "{0} -{1} '{2}'" -f $ScriptParams, $k, $ScriptParam;
} # foreach
$ScriptCommandline = "{0}{1}" -f $ScriptName, $ScriptParams;
PS > $ScriptCommandline;
C:\data\scripts\Set-VcacVirtualMachineName.ps1 -Name 'myNewVMName' -Fqdn ''
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