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Last active January 5, 2016 16:29
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  • Save dfeng/c52b72f3f217d802f270 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dfeng/c52b72f3f217d802f270 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# ----------------------------
# | Masters Application Script |
# \ __________________________ /
# \ ^__^
# \ (oo)\_______
# (__)\ )\/\
# ||----w |
# || ||
# Here's my folder structure:
# Masters Application/
# Pass1.csv
# this_script.R
# Names_01_03/
# bla_bla_1.pdf
# ...
# Set the WD to the containing folder, in my case `Masters Application`
setwd("/Users/dfeng/Documents/Work/Current/Masters Application")
library(dplyr) # DON'T TELL JAY!
# ========================== #
# ========================== #
USER <- "Derek" # Your Name
FOLDER <- "Names_01_03" # Folder with pdfs
FILE <- "Pass1.csv" # Filename for csv
# ===================== #
# === Reading CSV === #
# ===================== #
x <- read.csv(FILE)
x <- x %>%
filter(pass1 == USER) # x now contains only you
# ====================== #
# === Moving Files === #
# ====================== #
# To make things easier, we create a new folder called
# $USER (`Derek` in my case), and copy your responsibilites
# to that folder (prepending the row number to the file name)
files <- x %>%
mutate(name = paste(Applicant.Last.Name,
gsub(" ","",Applicant.First.Name),
Applicant.Client.ID, sep="_")
) %>%
for (i in 1:nrow(files)) {
paste0(FOLDER, "/", files[i,], ".pdf"),
paste0(USER, "/",i,"_", files[i,], ".pdf")
# ========================== #
# === Helper Functions === #
# ========================== #
Add <- function(x, i, score, comment) {
x$SCORE_0_10[i] <- score
x$COMMENT[i] <- comment
Summarize <- function(x, i) {
person <- x[i,]
udate1 <- strptime(x$Prior.University.1.Attend.Date, "%m/%d/%y", tz="EST")
udate2 <- strptime(x$Prior.University.2.Attend.Date, "%m/%d/%y", tz="EST") <- pmax(udate1, udate2, na.rm=TRUE)
# ==================================== #
# === Adding Stuff to the Matrix === #
# ==================================== #
x <- x %>%
Add(57, 8, "From industry. Lots of experience.") %>%
Add(33, 0, "Poor recommendations. Nothing spectacular.") %>%
Add(43, 5, "FINANCE. WHY?") %>%
Add(44, 8, "Good grades. Top in class?") %>%
Add(53, 1, "TOEFL = 100. Not particularly good grades.") %>%
Add(1, 4, "Nothing really special") %>%
Add(2, 1, "Ummm...Interesting backstory, but really not strong background, and it seems like the masters is really just for one project.") %>%
Add(3, 0, "Wow this guy is really into MOOCs. It says he's applying for the MA, but his reference says Ph.D. Probably because he already did on at Columbia...What the point??") %>%
Add(4, , "")
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