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Last active July 3, 2024 17:24
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PowerShell script using the Template Method pattern to generate financial reports in plain text and HTML formats. Extensible and flexible.
class ReportTemplate {
hidden $data
GenerateReport() {
RetrieveFinancialData() {
# Pull the data
$ = $(
[PSCustomObject]@{Region = 'North'; 'Product' = 'Pear'; Cost = .75 }
[PSCustomObject]@{Region = 'South'; 'Product' = 'Banana'; Cost = .35 }
[PSCustomObject]@{Region = 'East'; 'Product' = 'Lime'; Cost = .85 }
[PSCustomObject]@{Region = 'West'; 'Product' = 'Apple'; Cost = .15 }
FormatReport() {
throw "FormatReport Not Implemented"
SendToStakeholders() {
"Sending email" | out-host
'' | out-host
class TextReport : ReportTemplate {
FormatReport() {
$r = @("[Plain Text] Report as of $((Get-Date).ToShortDateString())")
$r += $
$r | out-host
class HtmlReport : ReportTemplate {
FormatReport() {
$r = @("<h2>[Html] Report as of $((Get-Date).ToShortDateString()) </h2>")
$r += "<ul>"
$r += $ | ForEach-Object { "<li>{0} {1} {2}</li>" -f $_.Region, $_.Product, $_.Cost }
$r += "</ul>"
$r += ""
$r | out-host
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dfinke commented Jun 6, 2024

[Plain Text] Report as of Thu 06 06 2024

Region Product Cost
------ ------- ----
North  Pear    0.75
South  Banana  0.35
East   Lime    0.85
West   Apple   0.15

Sending email

<h2>[Html] Report as of Thu 06 06 2024 </h2>
<li>North Pear 0.75</li>
<li>South Banana 0.35</li>
<li>East Lime 0.85</li>
<li>West Apple 0.15</li>

Sending email

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