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Created March 4, 2016 14:40
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PowerShell script for searching and downloading images from the Bing API
function Get-BingPics {
Process {
if(!$env:BingPicKey) {
Throw '$env:BingPicKey needs to be set'
$Base64KeyBytes = [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("ignored:$Key")
$Base64Key = [Convert]::ToBase64String($Base64KeyBytes)
$url = "`$format=json&Query='$q'"
$r=Invoke-RestMethod $url -Headers @{ 'Authorization' = "Basic $Base64Key" }
$links = $r.d.results| % {
'<a href="{1}"><img src="{0}" alt="{2}", title="{2}" /></a>' -f ($_.Thumbnail.MediaUrl),($_.MediaUrl),($_.Title)
<h1>"{0}" pictures</h1>
"@ -f $q, ($links -join ' ') | Set-Content -Encoding Ascii "c:\temp\pics.html"
Invoke-Item "c:\temp\pics.html"
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