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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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Using PowerShell Classes - works simply by visiting each cell in the grid, and choosing to carve a passage either north, or east
param($Rows=8, $Columns=8)
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing
class Cell {
$links = @{}
Hidden [Cell[]] $TheNeighbors
Cell([int]$Row, [int]$Col){
Link([Cell]$Cell,$bidi) {
$this.links[$Cell] = $true
if($bidi) {
$Cell.Link($this, $false)
UnLink([Cell]$Cell, $bidi) {
if($bidi) { $Cell.UnLink($this, $false) }
ClearNeighbors() { $this.TheNeighbors = @() }
[Cell[]] Neighbors() {
if($this.TheNeighbors.Count -eq 0) {
$this.TheNeighbors = $this.North, $this.South, $this.West, $this.East
return $this.TheNeighbors
[bool] IsLinked ([Cell]$cell) {
if($cell -eq $null) {return $false}
return $this.links.ContainsKey($cell)
[object] GetLinks() { return $this.links.keys }
[string] ToString() { return "[R{0}][C{1}]" -f $this.Row, $this.Col }
class Grid {
Grid([int]$NumberOfRows, [int]$NumberOfColumns){
$this.NumberOfRows = $NumberOfRows
$this.NumberOfColumns = $NumberOfColumns
[int] Size() { return $this.NumberOfRows*$this.NumberOfColumns}
[Cell] RandomCell() {
$row = Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum ($this.NumberOfRows-1)
$column = Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum ($this.NumberOfColumns-1)
return $this.Cells[$row,$column]
Hidden ConfigureCells(){
$this.Cells = New-Object 'object[,]' $this.NumberOfRows,$this.NumberOfColumns
for ($row = 0; $row -lt $this.NumberOfRows; $row++)
for ($col = 0; $col -lt $this.NumberOfColumns; $col++)
$this.Cells[$row,$col]=[Cell]::new($row, $col)
foreach ($cell in $this.Cells) {
$row, $col= $cell.row, $cell.Col
$cell.North = $this.Cells[($row-1), $col]
$cell.South = $this.Cells[($row+1), $col]
$cell.West = $this.Cells[$row, ($col-1)]
$cell.East = $this.Cells[$row, ($col+1)]
[string] DisplayMaze() {
$output = "+" + ("---+" * ($this.NumberOfColumns-1)) + "`n"
for ($r = 0; $r -lt $this.NumberOfRows; $r++) {
$top = "|"
$bottom = "+"
for ($c = 1; $c -lt $this.NumberOfColumns; $c++) {
[Cell]$cell = $this.Cells[$r,$c]
$body = " "
$eastBoundary = "|"
if($cell.East -And $cell.IsLinked($cell.East)) { $eastBoundary = " " }
$top += $body+$eastBoundary
$southBoundary = "---"
if($cell.South -And $cell.IsLinked($cell.South)) { $southBoundary = " " }
$corner = "+"
$bottom += $southBoundary + $corner
$output+=$top + "`n"
$output+=$bottom + "`n"
return $output
ToPng($CellSize, $FileName) {
$background = "White"
$width = $CellSize * $this.NumberOfColumns
$height = $CellSize * $this.NumberOfRows
$wall = New-Object System.Drawing.Pen 'Black', 1
$bmp = New-Object System.Drawing.Bitmap ($width+1), ($height+1)
$graphics = [System.Drawing.Graphics]::FromImage($bmp)
$graphics.Clear($background )
foreach ($cell in $this.Cells)
$x1 = $cell.Col*$CellSize
$y1 = $cell.Row*$CellSize
$x2 = ($cell.col+1)*$CellSize
$y2 = ($cell.Row+1)*$CellSize
if(!$cell.North) { $graphics.DrawLine($wall, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y1) }
if(!$cell.West) { $graphics.DrawLine($wall, $x1, $y1, $x1, $y2) }
if($cell.IsLinked($cell.East)) { $graphics.DrawLine($wall, $x2, $y1, $x2, $y2) }
if($cell.IsLinked($cell.South)) { $graphics.DrawLine($wall, $x1, $y2, $x2, $y2) }
Invoke-Item $FileName
class BinaryTree {
BinaryTree([Grid]$grid) {
$this.grid = $grid
foreach ($cell in $grid.Cells) {
if($cell.North) { $cell.TheNeighbors = $cell.North }
if($cell.East) { $cell.TheNeighbors += $cell.East }
$neighbor = $cell.TheNeighbors | Get-Random
$Grid = [Grid]::new($Rows, $Columns)
$bt = [BinaryTree]::new($Grid)
$Grid.ToPng(40, "c:\temp\test.png")
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