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Created February 17, 2022 00:50
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Try PS Profiler and show results in Excel
# Install-Module -Name Profiler
# created by: @nohwnd - twitter - Jakub Jareš
$trace = Trace-Script {
Get-Process |
Select-Object -First 5 Company,Name,handles |
Export-Excel ./tempProfiler.xlsx
Remove-Item ./tempProfiler.xlsx -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item ./traceData.xlsx -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$properties = $(
@{name = 'DurationInSeconds'; expression = { $_.Duration.TotalSeconds } }
@{name = 'AverageInSeconds'; expression = { $_.Average.TotalSeconds } }
@{name = 'SelfDurationInSeconds'; expression = { $_.SelfDuration.TotalSeconds } }
@{name = 'SelfAverageInSeconds'; expression = { $_.SelfAverage.TotalSeconds } }
$HitCountChart = New-ExcelChartDefinition -XRange Name -YRange HitCount -NoLegend -Title 'Hit Count' -Column 10
$DurationInSecondsChart = New-ExcelChartDefinition -XRange Name -YRange DurationInSeconds -NoLegend -Title 'Duration in Seconds' -Row 19 -Column 10
$xl = $trace.Top50Duration |
Select-Object -Property $properties -Skip 1 |
Export-Excel ./traceData.xlsx -AutoSize -AutoFilter -AutoNameRange -TableName traceData `
-ExcelChartDefinition $HitCountChart, $DurationInSecondsChart -PassThru
$ws = $xl.sheet1
Set-ExcelRange -Worksheet $ws -Range 'A:A' -Width 15
Set-ExcelRange -Worksheet $ws -Range DurationInSeconds -NumberFormat "#.####0"
Add-ConditionalFormatting -Worksheet $ws -Address HitCount -DataBarColor Red
Close-ExcelPackage $xl -Show
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