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Forked from danielmoore/New-PieChart.ps1
Created May 28, 2011 23:37
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Creates a new pie chart using WPK
ipmo wpk
function Get-Color{
[Windows.Media.Brushes] |
Get-Member -Static -MemberType Property |
ForEach { [Windows.Media.Brushes]::$($_.Name) }
function Get-Brightness {
param (
Process {
$sum = 0
foreach($channel in 'R','G','B') {
$sum += $Brush.Color.$channel
$Brush |
Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty Brightness ($sum / 255 / 3)
function Get-Palette {
Get-Color |
Get-Brightness |
Where { $_.Brightness -gt 0.5 -And $_.Brightness -lt 0.75 }
function Get-Total {
param (
Begin { $sum = 0 }
Process { $sum += $Record.$CountPropertyName }
End { $sum }
function New-PieItem {
param($Name, $Count)
New-Object PSObject -Property @{
Count = $Count
Name = $Name
function script:New-LegendItems {
param (
Process {
ForEach($script:record in $Records) {
New-StackPanel -Orientation Horizontal -Margin 5 {
New-Border -Background $record.Brush -BorderThickness 1 -BorderBrush Black -Width 10 -Height 10 -Margin 5 -VerticalAlignment Center
New-TextBlock -Text $record.$CountProperty -VerticalAlignment Center -Margin 5
New-TextBlock -Text $record.Percentage.ToString("P0") -VerticalAlignment Center -Margin 5
New-TextBlock -Text $record.$NameProperty.ToString("N") -VerticalAlignment Center -Margin 5
function Get-PieChart {
param (
$script:total = $TargetData | Get-Total
$Palette = Get-Palette
for($idx = 0; $idx -lt $TargetData.Count; $idx += 1) {
$TargetData[$idx] |
Add-Member -PassThru ScriptProperty Percentage {$this.Count / $total} -Force |
Add-Member NoteProperty Brush $Palette[$idx] -Force
New-Object PSObject |
Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty Window $Window |
Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty TargetData $TargetData |
Add-Member -PassThru ScriptProperty Legend {
ForEach($script:record in $this.TargetData) {
New-StackPanel -Orientation Horizontal -Margin 5 {
New-Border -Background $record.Brush -BorderThickness 1 -BorderBrush Black -Width 10 -Height 10 -Margin 5 -VerticalAlignment Center
New-TextBlock -Text $record.Name -VerticalAlignment Center -Margin 5
New-TextBlock -Text $record.Count -VerticalAlignment Center -Margin 5
New-TextBlock -Text "$($record.Percentage*100)%" -VerticalAlignment Center -Margin 5
} |
Add-Member -PassThru ScriptProperty PieSlices {
function New-Point ($x, $y) { New-Object -TypeName 'System.Windows.Point' -ArgumentList $x, $y }
$size = [Math]::Min($this.Window.ActualWidth, $this.Window.ActualHeight) * .6
$arcSize = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Windows.Size' -ArgumentList ($size / 2), ($size /2)
$origin = New-Point 150 150
$radius = $size / 2
function Convert-ToCartesian($r, $theta) {
$thetaRadians = $theta * 2 * [Math]::PI
$x = $origin.X + $r * [Math]::Sin($thetaRadians)
$y = $origin.Y - $r * [Math]::Cos($thetaRadians)
return New-Point $x $y
$theta = 0.0
$previousRadial = New-Point $origin.X ($origin.Y - $arcSize.Height)
foreach($item in $this.TargetData) {
$theta += $item.Percentage
$nextRadial = Convert-ToCartesian $radius $theta
$isLargeArc = $item.Percentage -gt 0.5
$geom = New-StreamGeometry
$ctx = $geom.Open()
try {
$ctx.BeginFigure($origin, $true, $true)
$ctx.LineTo($previousRadial, $true, $false)
$ctx.ArcTo($nextRadial, $arcSize, 0, $isLargeArc, 'Clockwise', $true, $false)
$ctx.LineTo($origin, $true, $false)
} finally { $ctx.Close() }
New-Path -Data $geom -Fill $item.Brush -Stroke Black -StrokeThickness 1
$previousRadial = $nextRadial
} |
Add-Member -PassThru ScriptProperty Chart {
$rdp = New-DockPanel -Dock
$canvas = New-Canvas -Margin 40
$script:legend = $this.Legend
$this.PieSlices | % { $canvas.Children.Add($_) | Out-Null }
$rdp.Children.Add((New-StackPanel {$legend})) | Out-Null
New-DockPanel -Children ($rdp, $canvas)
function Update-Chart {
param($window, $name)
$target = $window | Get-ChildControl $name
$target.Children.Add((Get-PieChart $data $target).Chart)
$style = @{
WindowStartupLocation = 'CenterScreen'
Width = 450
Height = 400
$data = $(
New-PieItem 'Total Space' 10
New-PieItem 'Free Space' 70
New-PieItem 'Unused Space' 20
New-Window @style -Show -On_SizeChanged { Update-Chart $window PieChart } {
New-StackPanel -Name PieChart
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