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Created September 22, 2020 03:51
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Thue-Mirr esolang Interpreter

Thue-Mirr interpreter,

usage: [-h] [--debug] [--char] [--num NUM] file

Thue-Mirr Interpreter v1.0 by Salpynx. 2019 CC0

positional arguments:
  file               source file to process

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --debug, -d        turn on debug output
  --char, -c         character output for valid Unicode codepoints, number
  --num NUM, -n NUM  number of output lines to return (code does not terminate
                     naturally. Set to 0 for experimental auto-terminate on
                     no-output fn.)

Example usage for the included examples:

Hello World:

./ --char -n12

A "Stretching-the-Truth"-machine in Thue-Mirr

/ *\0

All numbers in this program are 3 bit little-endian 'words'

Hence * is either '' for zero, or 10 for 1

  • 0 = b0
  • 1 = b100

Let's pretend the \ marks the most significant bit.


The zero program:

/ \0

The one program:

/ 10\0

Output is in 3-bit little-endian 'words'.

  • Input b\0 > 000 (then infinte loop with no output. Since the language has no halt, assume loop with no possibility of output is halt.)

  • Input b10\0 > 100 repeating

    # Run the included 0 input version:
    ./ -n0
    # Run the included 1 input version:
    ./ -n0
    # for the first 4 cycles of truth-machine1:
    ./ -n12
x x x\
/ x \ \/
\x x x\
/ /
\ \ \ x\\\\\\\\\\\\\y\
\/ \x x x /
#!/usr/bin/env python3
desc = """
Interpreter v1.0 by Salpynx. 2019 CC0
import argparse
class ThueMirrField():
unit_field = [] # the original source code unit tile which is repeated infinitely
unit_w = 0
gx = gy = 0 # global x,y coords of the current code tile
x = y = 0 # x,y coords within the current tile
facing = [1, 0]
hits = {} # dict to store flip counts of every mirror that gets hit, key = current_key() 'hash'
lines_output = 0
max_output = None
last_output = 0 # cycles since last output
max_nooutput = None
def __init__(self, source_file, max_output=None):
with open(source_file, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip("\n")
if len(line) > self.unit_w:
self.unit_w = len(line)
self.max_output = max_output
self.unit_h = len(self.unit_field)
if max_output == 0: # experimental feature: set max_output to zero to auto terminate if a threshold f(h, w) of cycles pass without any output.
GRID_SIZE_FACTOR = 2 # has to be greater than 1.875 Have found 15 cycles between output from a 4x2 grid.
self.max_output = None
self.max_nooutput = self.unit_h * self.unit_w * GRID_SIZE_FACTOR
print("Max cycles to allow without output: ", self.max_nooutput)
def active(self):
"""Returns False on interpreter specific halt conditions, True otherwise."""
return (self.max_output is None and self.max_nooutput is None) or \
(self.max_output and self.lines_output < self.max_output) or \
(self.max_nooutput and self.last_output < self.max_nooutput)
def current_key(self):
"""Returns a unique key for the current command mirror.
Currently str 'x|y', but could be any hash."""
return "%d|%d" % (self.gx * self.unit_w + self.x, * self.unit_h + self.y)
def mirror_flipped(self):
"""Check if we have a hit count for this mirror, returns Truthy if mirror is flipped from original."""
hits = self.hits.get(self.current_key(), 0)
return bin(hits).count('1') & 1
def get_command(self):
c = self.unit_field[self.y][self.x]
except IndexError: # source lines don't have to be unit_w long, this in effect fills them with ' '
c = ' '
if c in '\\/':
if self.mirror_flipped():
c = chr((~ord(c) & 17) * 3 + 44)
self.hits[self.current_key()] += 1
except KeyError:
self.hits[self.current_key()] = 1
return c
def process(self, c):
self.last_output += 1
if c == '\\':
self.facing = self.facing[::-1]
if c == '/':
self.facing = self.facing[::-1]
self.facing[0] = -self.facing[0]
self.facing[1] = -self.facing[1]
if c == 'x':
self.tm_print(self.gx * self.unit_w + self.x)
if c == 'y':
self.tm_print( * self.unit_h + self.y)
if c in '0123456789':
self.tm_print(c, num=True)
def tm_print(self, c, num=False):
"""All program output goes though here."""
self.last_output = 0 # reset last output counter
if CHAR and not num:
print(chr(c), end='')
if c == 10: # newline
self.lines_output += 1
except ValueError:
self.lines_output += 1
def advance(self):
self.x += self.facing[0]
self.y += self.facing[1]
if self.y >= self.unit_h:
self.y = 0 += 1
if self.x >= self.unit_w:
self.x = 0
self.gx += 1
if self.y < 0:
self.y = self.unit_h - 1 -= 1
if self.x < 0:
self.x = self.unit_w - 1
self.gx -= 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc, allow_abbrev=True)
parser.add_argument('--debug', '-d', help='turn on debug output', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--char', '-c', help='character output for valid Unicode codepoints, number otherwise', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--num', '-n', help='number of output lines to return (code does not terminate naturally. Set to 0 for experimental auto-terminate on no-output fn.)', type=int)
parser.add_argument('file', help='source file to process')
args = parser.parse_args()
DEBUG = args.debug
CHAR = args.char
source_file = args.file
f = ThueMirrField(source_file, max_output=args.num)
[print(line) for line in f.unit_field]
print("UNIT FIELD: %d x %d\n" % (f.unit_w, f.unit_h))
c = f.get_command()
if DEBUG and c != ' ':
k = f.current_key() # key, with current abs coords
print("G:%d, %d " % (f.gx,, end='') # global coords of tile
print("L:%d, %d " % (f.x, f.y), end='') # local coords in current tile
print("[%s] '%s' %s" % (k, c, f.hits.get(k, ''))) # num hits _including_ this one
#print(" LAST OUTPUT:", f.last_output)
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