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dfkaye / script-api.js
Last active December 10, 2017 19:31
serviceable javascript api for loading, caching, remove, refreshing and batching script tags asynchronously in the DOM
* 2012-12-11
* @dfkaye, david.kaye
* serviceable api for loading script tags asynchronously in the DOM
* 2013-02-28
* sketched this pretty fast in a notebook in Oct 2012
* some ideas from controlJs lingered for months, finally arrived here
* others come from previous implementations over the years
dfkaye / sublime-text-2-cheat-win
Last active December 16, 2015 08:38
Sublime Text 2 cheat sheet for Windows - ST2 is amazing
These are my own commands, shortcuts, configurations for sublime text 2 on windows
There's also a really good one at
sublime text 2 documentation at
dfkaye /
Last active December 17, 2015 03:09
In Defense of John Sonmez: "Why JavaScript is Doomed"

In Defense of John Sonmez

Why JavaScript is Doomed

John Sonmez, @jsonmez, argues in his post Why JavaScript is Doomed that JavaScript will be replaced some day. Here is the last line of his post:

I don’t know when this will happen with JavaScript, but I am pretty sure it will happen.

Several commenters and retweeters apparently did not read that far, as they have belted out the "troll post" tag and are taking him to task for something he did not say. Some of them are quite uncomprehending:

dfkaye / simple-event-source.js
Last active December 17, 2015 11:59
javascript event source - quick & dirty - depends on Array#forEach, tested in FF and Chrome, *not* tested in IE (any version)
* 18 MAY 2013 ~ responded to a tweet
* quick and dirty event source module
* add, remove methods accept config object with context and callback properties
* fire method accepts data object
* a listener may be added only once
* last rev 2 JULY 2013
dfkaye /
Last active December 17, 2015 18:29
anti-require-amd screed

AMD is an anti-pattern. CommonJS contains mistakes that AMD amplifies.

RequireJS is a well-written and maintained implementation of AMD - exposing the flaws of AMD, but making them harder to combat.

RequireJS comes with r.js which does a good job of concat-min.

RequireJS supports the loader-plugin concept so that you can use the single require() call to load css, html, text, or other file types. That part's pretty good.

RequireJS also supports loading standalone JavaScript which doesn't participate in the module system (backbone, underscore, jquery, jasmine, e.g.). That's pretty good, too, if you don't want to change the way you're doing things now.

dfkaye /
Last active December 18, 2015 00:49
How well does TDD work when testers are writing the tests?

The point of agile is lost when teams fixate on roles and responsibilities. Fixed roles ("dev", "qa") harm you in the long run - and the long run is always up sooner than you think.

That's a noisy prelude to my answer to the question: Should QA Write Unit Tests?

Now, I've never run into this - usually it's Dev & QA siloing themselves away from each other - then writing all their own tests, which duplicates some effort - IF dev writes tests at all - with QA running their own tests late in the cycle, finding issues late, etc.

I'm way into TDD, but prefer to work rather than compete with QA. Dev should do some ATDD along with QA anyway. So, if QA wants to - or must - write unit tests in code and hand them over to Dev, they've actually done some thinking for me - stuff I can correct and hand back to them with actual working code. I can see that leading to much better collaboration over time, as long as Dev doesn't mean just coding and QA or test doesn't mean just run scripts

Whatever you're

dfkaye / simple-graph.js
Last active December 18, 2015 02:09
simple-graph - first happy cut with test/suite
// source:
module.exports = Graph;
* Graph constructor (new is optional)
* param string id - required
function Graph(id) {
dfkaye / simple-graph-visitor.js
Last active December 18, 2015 02:09
simple-graph-visitor - iteration methods (evict, fanIn, find, resolve) updated so that visit() method performs the subgraph descent internally.
module.exports = Graph;
* Graph constructor (new is optional)
* param string id - required
function Graph(id) {
if (!(this instanceof Graph)) {
return new Graph(id);
dfkaye / revised-simple-graph-visitor.js
Last active December 18, 2015 03:09
revised simple-graph using visitor.callback - big fixture test at end
module.exports = Graph;
* Graph constructor (new is optional)
* param string id - required
function Graph(id) {
if (!(this instanceof Graph)) {
return new Graph(id);
dfkaye / define-import-config.js
Last active December 18, 2015 20:39
modules should be easy - configuration should be localized to each file - each file should make its own imports call *separately* from factory definition
// last update 12 JUL 2013
// previous update 27 JUN 2013
// started 22 JUN 2013
// more to come but here's the snapshot
// in JavaScript, I'd like to import a dependency via an alias
module.require('my alias')