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Last active August 27, 2016 03:34
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* adapted from example @
* Get And Put Principle (From Java Generics and Collections)
* It states,
* use an extends wildcard when you only get values out of a structure
* use a super wildcard when you only put values into a structure
* **** and don’t use a wildcard when you both get and put. ***
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class TestContraVariance {
List list = new ArrayList<>();
* Example for an upper bound wildcard We can not safely add, because we may
* have `List<Circle>`, `List<Square>`and List<Rectangle>.
public void testCoVariance(List<? extends Shape> list) {
// list.add(new Shape()); // does not compile
// list.add(new Circle()); // does not compile
// list.add(new Square()); // does not compile
// list.add(new Rectangle()); // does not compile
Shape shape = list.get(0);// compiles -> o.draw()); // does not compile
* Example for a lower bound wildcard We can not safely get, because we may
* have `List<Circle>`, `List<Square>`and List<Rectangle>.
public void testContraVariance() {
list.add(new Shape());// compiles
list.add(new Circle());// compiles
list.add(new Square());// compiles
list.add(new Rectangle());// compiles
// Shape shape = list.get(0); // does not compile
// -> o.draw() ); // does not compile
public static void main(String[] args) {
TestContraVariance o = new TestContraVariance();
o = null;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder;
public class Square extends Shape {
private static String description = "square\n"
+ "skwer/\n"
+ "noun\n"
+ "1a. plane figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles.\n"
+ "2. the product of a number multiplied by itself.\n"
+ "\"a circle's area is proportional to the square of its radius\"\n"
+ "1. having the shape or approximate shape of a square.\n"
+ "\"a square table\n"
+"synonyms: quadrilateral, rectangular, oblong, right-angled, at right angles, perpendicular; More\n"
+ "2. denoting a unit of measurement equal to the area of a square whose side is of the unit specified.\n"
+ "\"30,000 square feet of new gallery space\"\n"
+ "1. directly; straight.\n"
+ "\"it hit me square in the forehead\"\n"
+ "verb\n"
+ "1. make square or rectangular; give a square or rectangular cross section to.\n"
+ "\"you can square off the other edge\"\n"
+ "2. multiply (a number) by itself.\n"
+ "\"5 squared equals 25\n";
public void draw() {
System.out.printf("%s\n%s", this.getClass().getName(), description);
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringStyle;
public class Shape {
private static String description = "shape\n"
+ "SHāp/Submit\n"
+ "noun\n"
+ "1. the external form or appearance characteristic of someone or something; the outline of an area or figure.\n"
+ "\"she liked the shape of his nose\"\n"
+ "synonyms: form, appearance, configuration, formation, structure; More\n"
+ "2. the particular condition or state of someone or something.\n"
+ "\"he was in no shape to drive\"\n"
+ "synonyms: condition, health, fettle, order\n"
+ "\"you're in pretty good shape\"\n"
+ "verb\n"
+ "1. give a particular shape or form to.\n"
+ "\"most caves are shaped by the flow of water through limestone\"\n"
+ "synonyms: form, fashion, make, mold, model, cast; More\n";
public void draw() {
System.out.printf("%s\n%s", this.getClass().getName(), description );
public String toString() {
return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this);
public class Rectangle extends Shape {
private static String description = "rec·tan·gle\n"
+ "ˈrekˌtaNGɡəl/\n"
+ "noun\n"
+ "a plane figure with four straight sides and four right angles, especially one with unequal adjacent sides, in contrast to a square.";
public void draw() {
System.out.printf("%s\n%s", this.getClass().getName(), description);
}public class Circle extends Shape {
private static String description = "cir·cle"
+ "ˈsərk(ə)l/\n"
+ "noun\n"
+ "1a. round plane figure whose boundary (the circumference) consists of points equidistant from a fixed point (the center).\n"
+ "2. a group of people with shared professions, interests, or acquaintances.\n"
+ "\"she did not normally move in such exalted circles\n"
+ "synonyms: group, set, company, coterie, clique; More \n"
+ "verb\n"
+ "1. move all the way around (someone or something), especially more than once. \n"
+ "\"the two dogs circle each other with hackles raised\n"
+"synonyms: wheel, move around, revolve, rotate, whirl, spiral\n";
public void draw() {
System.out.printf("%s\n%s", this.getClass().getName(), description );
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