// TypeScript Version: 3.5 |
declare module 'ember-cli-mirage' { |
import Schema from 'ember-cli-mirage/orm/schema'; |
import Server from 'ember-cli-mirage/server'; |
import { ModelDefinition, ModelInstance, FactoryDefinition } from 'ember-cli-mirage/-types'; |
export { Registry, ModelInstance } from 'ember-cli-mirage/-types'; |
/** |
* A fake HTTP request |
*/ |
export class Request { |
/** The request body, if defined */ |
public readonly requestBody: string | File; |
/** The URL of the request */ |
public readonly url: string; |
/** Any headers associated with the request, with downcased names */ |
public readonly requestHeaders: Record<string, string>; |
/** Any parameter specified via dynamic route segments */ |
public readonly params: Record<string, string>; |
/** Any query parameters associated with the request */ |
public readonly queryParams: Record<string, string>; |
} |
/** |
* A fake HTTP response. May be returned from a Mirage route |
* handler for finer-grained control over the response behavior. |
*/ |
export class Response { |
/** |
* @param code The HTTP status code for this response |
* @param headers Any custom headers to set in this response |
* @param body Data to send in the response body |
*/ |
public constructor(code: number, headers: Record<string, string>, body: string); |
} |
/** |
* The base definition for Mirage models. |
* |
* Use `Model.extend({ ... })` to define a model's relationships |
* (via `belongsTo()` and `hasMany()`) and any static default |
* attribute values. |
*/ |
export const Model: ModelDefinition; |
/** |
* The base definition for Mirage factories. |
* |
* Use `Factory.extend({ ... })` to define methods that |
* will generate default attribute values when `server.create` |
* or the corresponding `schema` method is called for this |
* type. |
*/ |
export const Factory: FactoryDefinition; |
/** |
* A collection of zero or more Mirage model instances. |
*/ |
export class Collection<T> { |
public length: number; |
public modelName: string; |
public models: Array<T>; |
} |
export type RelationshipOptions = { |
inverse?: string | null; |
polymorphic?: boolean; |
}; |
/** The registry-aware type of Mirage's `belongsTo` function */ |
// prettier-ignore |
export type BelongsTo<Registry> = |
& (<K extends keyof Registry>(key?: K, options?: RelationshipOptions) => () => Registry[K] | undefined) |
& (<K extends keyof Registry>(options: RelationshipOptions & { polymorphic: true }) => () => Registry[K] | undefined); |
/** Declares a one-to-one relationship to another Mirage model type. */ |
export function belongsTo<T = ModelInstance>(key?: string, options?: RelationshipOptions): () => T | undefined; |
export function belongsTo<T = ModelInstance>(options?: RelationshipOptions): () => T | undefined; |
/** The registry-aware type of Mirage's `hasMany` function */ |
// prettier-ignore |
export type HasMany<Registry> = |
& (<K extends keyof Registry>(key?: K, options?: RelationshipOptions) => () => Collection<Registry[K]>) |
& (<K extends keyof Registry>(options: RelationshipOptions & { polymorphic: true }) => () => Collection<Registry[K]>); |
/** Declares a one-to-many relationship to another Mirage model type. */ |
export function hasMany<T = ModelInstance>(key?: string, options?: RelationshipOptions): () => Collection<T>; |
export function hasMany<T = ModelInstance>(options?: RelationshipOptions): () => Collection<T>; |
} |
declare module 'ember-cli-mirage/-types' { |
import { Collection } from 'ember-cli-mirage'; |
// Captures the result of a `Model.extend()` call |
const ModelData: unique symbol; |
type ModelDefinition<Data = {}> = { |
extend<NewData>(data: NewData): ModelDefinition<Assign<Data, NewData>>; |
[ModelData]: Data; |
}; |
// Captures the result of a `Factory.extend()` call |
const FactoryData: unique symbol; |
type FactoryDefinition<Data = {}> = { |
extend<NewData>(data: NewData): FactoryDefinition<Assign<Data, NewData>>; |
[FactoryData]: Data; |
}; |
// The type-level equivalent of `Object.assign` |
type Assign<T, U> = U & Omit<T, keyof U>; |
// Extract relationship values from a model definiton |
type FlattenRelationships<T> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends (() => infer Value) ? Value : T[K] }; |
// Extract factory method return values from a factory definition |
type FlattenFactoryMethods<T> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends (n: number) => infer V ? V : T[K] }; |
// Extracts model definition info for the given key, if a correesponding model is defined |
type ExtractModelData<Models, K> = K extends keyof Models |
? Models[K] extends ModelDefinition<infer Data> |
? FlattenRelationships<Data> |
: {} |
: {}; |
// Extracts factory definition info for the given key, if a correesponding factory is defined |
type ExtractFactoryData<Factories, K> = K extends keyof Factories |
? Factories[K] extends FactoryDefinition<infer Data> |
? FlattenFactoryMethods<Data> |
: {} |
: {}; |
/** |
* Models all available information about a given set of model and |
* factory definitions, determining the behavior of ORM methods on |
* a `Server` and its corresponding `Schema` instance. |
*/ |
export type Registry< |
Models extends Record<string, ModelDefinition>, |
Factories extends Record<string, FactoryDefinition> |
> = { |
[K in keyof Models | keyof Factories]: ModelInstance< |
ExtractModelData<Models, K> & ExtractFactoryData<Factories, K> |
>; |
}; |
/** Represents the type of an instantiated Mirage model. */ |
export type ModelInstance<Data = {}> = Data & { |
id?: string; |
attrs: Record<string, unknown>; |
modelName: string; |
/** Persists any updates on this model back to the Mirage database. */ |
save(): void; |
/** Updates and immediately persists a single attr on this model. */ |
update<K extends keyof Data>(key: K, value: Data[K]): void; |
/** Removes this model from the Mirage database. */ |
destroy(): void; |
/** Reloads this model's data from the Mirage database. */ |
reload(): void; |
}; |
} |
declare module 'ember-cli-mirage/server' { |
import Schema from 'ember-cli-mirage/orm/schema'; |
import Db from 'ember-cli-mirage/db'; |
import { Request, Response, Collection } from 'ember-cli-mirage'; |
import { ModelInstance } from 'ember-cli-mirage/-types'; |
type MaybePromise<T> = T | PromiseLike<T>; |
/** A callback that will be invoked when a given Mirage route is hit. */ |
export type RouteHandler<Registry> = { |
(schema: Schema<Registry>, request: Request): MaybePromise<ModelInstance | Response | object | void>; |
}; |
export type HandlerOptions = { |
/** A number of ms to artifically delay responses to this route. */ |
timing?: number; |
}; |
export default class Server<Registry = Record<string, ModelInstance>> { |
/** The underlying in-memory database instance for this server. */ |
public readonly db: Db; |
/** An interface to the Mirage ORM that allows for querying and creating records. */ |
public readonly schema: Schema<Registry>; |
/** Creates a model of the given type. */ |
public readonly create: Schema<Registry>['create']; |
/** Creaetes multiple models of the given type. */ |
public createList<K extends keyof Registry, Init extends Registry[K], Data extends Partial<Init>>( |
modelName: K, |
count: number, |
data?: Data |
): Array<Init & Data>; |
/** Whether or not Mirage should log all requests/response cycles. */ |
public logging: boolean; |
/** A default number of ms to artifically delay responses for all routes. */ |
public timing: number; |
/** A default prefix applied to all subsequent route definitions. */ |
public namespace: string; |
/** Handle a GET request to the given path. */ |
public get(path: string, handler?: RouteHandler<Registry>, options?: HandlerOptions): void; |
/** Handle a POST request to the given path. */ |
public post(path: string, handler?: RouteHandler<Registry>, options?: HandlerOptions): void; |
/** Handle a PUT request to the given path. */ |
public put(path: string, handler?: RouteHandler<Registry>, options?: HandlerOptions): void; |
/** Handle a PATCH request to the given path. */ |
public patch(path: string, handler?: RouteHandler<Registry>, options?: HandlerOptions): void; |
/** Handle a DELETE request to the given path. */ |
public del(path: string, handler?: RouteHandler<Registry>, options?: HandlerOptions): void; |
/** Pass through one or more URLs to make real requests. */ |
public passthrough(...urls: Array<string>): void; |
/** Load all available fixture data matching the given name(s). */ |
public loadFixtures(...names: Array<string>): void; |
} |
} |
declare module 'ember-cli-mirage/db' { |
/** The in-memory database containing all currently active data keyed by collection name. */ |
export default class Db { |
[key: string]: unknown; |
} |
} |
declare module 'ember-cli-mirage/orm/schema' { |
import Db from 'ember-cli-mirage/db'; |
import { ModelInstance, Collection } from 'ember-cli-mirage'; |
type ModelInitializer<Data> = { |
[K in keyof Data]: Data[K] extends Collection<infer M> ? Collection<M> | Array<M> : Data[K]; |
}; |
/** |
* An interface to the Mirage ORM that allows for querying and creating records. |
*/ |
export default class Schema<Registry = Record<string, ModelInstance>> { |
/** Mirage's in-memory database */ |
public readonly db: Db; |
/** |
* Creates a model of the given type. |
* @param modelName The type of model to instantiate |
* @param data Optional initial values for model attributes/relationships |
*/ |
public create<K extends keyof Registry, Init extends Registry[K], Data extends Partial<ModelInitializer<Init>>>( |
modelName: K, |
data?: Data |
): Init & { [K in keyof Init & keyof Data]: Exclude<Init[K], undefined> }; |
/** Locates one or more existing models of the given type by ID(s). */ |
public find<K extends keyof Registry>(type: K, id: string): Registry[K] | null; |
public find<K extends keyof Registry>(type: K, ids: Array<string>): Collection<Registry[K]>; |
/** Locates an existing model of the given type by attribute value(s), if one exists. */ |
public findBy<K extends keyof Registry>(type: K, attributes: Partial<Registry[K]>): Registry[K] | null; |
/** Locates an existing model of the given type by attribute value(s), creating one if it doesn't exist. */ |
public findOrCreateBy<K extends keyof Registry>(type: K, attributes: Partial<Registry[K]>): Registry[K]; |
/** Locates an existing model of the given type by attribute value(s), if one exists. */ |
public where<K extends keyof Registry>(type: K, attributes: Partial<Registry[K]>): Collection<Registry[K]>; |
public where<K extends keyof Registry>(type: K, test: (item: Registry[K]) => unknown): Collection<Registry[K]>; |
/** Returns a collection of all known records of the given type */ |
public all<K extends keyof Registry>(type: K): Collection<Registry[K]>; |
/** Returns an empty collection of the given type */ |
public none<K extends keyof Registry>(type: K): Collection<Registry[K]>; |
/** Returns the first model instance found of the given type */ |
public first<K extends keyof Registry>(type: K): Registry[K] | null; |
} |
} |
declare module 'ember-cli-mirage/test-support/setup-mirage' { |
/** Enables Mirage in the current test scope. */ |
export default function setupMirage(hooks: { beforeEach: Function; afterEach: Function }): void; |
} |