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Created August 16, 2012 03:15
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PHP Environment class
class Environment {
* Current environment
* @var string
static protected $env;
* Known environments
* @var array
static protected $environments = array();
* Strict environments (only allow known environments to be used)
* @var bool
static protected $strict = false;
* Strict environments (only allow known environments to be used)
* @var string
static protected $htaccess_env = 'ENGINE_ENV';
* Default environment name
* @var string
static protected $default_env = 'production';
* Magic method for testing environment. Does not work in PHP < 5.3. Causes fatal error
* ex: Environment::isLocal() === Environment::is('local')
* @param $name
* @param $arguments
* @return bool
static public function __callStatic($name, $arguments) {
if (substr($name, 0, 2) == 'is') {
$env = strtolower(substr($name, 2));
$url = isset($arguments[0]) ? $arguments[0] : null;
return self::is($env, $url);
* Set environment(s)
* @param array|string $env
* @param string $regex
* @return bool
static public function init($env = array(), $regex = '') {
return self::add($env, $regex);
* Add environment(s)
* @param array|string $env
* @param string $regex
* @return bool
static public function add($env = array(), $regex = '') {
// Array of environments
if (is_array($env)) {
array_change_key_case($env, CASE_LOWER);
// Single environment
else {
$env = array(
strtolower($env) => $regex
// Combine the existing environments with the newly defined ones
self::$environments = array_merge(self::$environments, $env);
return true;
* Strict environment
* @param null|bool $strict
* @return bool
static public function strict($strict = null) {
// Value not set. Return the strict value
if (is_null($strict)) {
return self::$strict;
// Value set. If it is a boolean, set it. Otherwise, skip it
if (is_bool($strict)) {
self::$strict = $strict;
return self::$strict;
* Environment var key from .htaccess file
* @param string $var
* @return string
static public function envVarKey($var = null) {
// Value not set. Return the .htaccess environment var
if (is_null($var)) {
return self::$htaccess_env;
// Value set. If it is not empty, set it. Otherwise, skip it
if ( ! empty($var)) {
self::$htaccess_env = $var;
return self::$htaccess_env;
* Environment var value from .htaccess file
* @param mixed $default
* @return bool
static public function envVar($default = null) {
return (getenv(self::$htaccess_env)) ? strtolower(getenv(self::$htaccess_env)) : $default;
* Get current environment
* @param string $url
* @return string
static public function get($url = null) {
// .htaccess environment variable is set. Make that the current environment
if ($getenv = self::envVar()) {
return self::_setEnv($getenv);
$host = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
// Prep the URL
$url = self::_prepUrl($url);
// URL is defined. Test environment against this URL instead of current URL
if (self::_isUrl($url)) {
$host = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST);
foreach (self::$environments as $env => $regex) {
if (preg_match($regex, $host)) {
return self::_setEnv($env);
return self::_setEnv(self::$default_env);
* Check is specific environment
* @param string $env
* @param string $url
* @return bool
static public function is($env = null, $url = null) {
// Current environment
$current = self::get($url);
// Environment to check for
$env = strtolower($env);
// Are they the same?
return ($current === $env) ? true : false;
* Is running through command line
* @return bool
static public function isCLI() {
if ((defined('PHP_SAPI') && PHP_SAPI == 'cli') || (isset($_SERVER['argc']) && $_SERVER['argc'] >= 1)) {
return true;
return false;
* Is running on web (not command line )
* @return bool
static public function isWeb() {
return ! self::isCLI();
* Set environment
* @param string $env
* @return string
static private function _setEnv($env = null) {
// Strict mode is on. Must be one of the known environments
if ($env != self::$default_env && self::$strict && ! in_array($env, array_keys(self::$environments))) {
$valid = array_merge((array) self::$default_env, (array) array_keys(self::$environments));
die('Unable to get environment. Environment must be one of the following: '.implode(', ', $valid));
return $env;
* Check if valid URL
* @param string $url
* @return bool
static private function _isUrl($url = '') {
return (filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) ? true : false;
* Prepare the URL in case it's not an actual URL
* @param string $url
* @return string
static private function _prepUrl($url = '') {
$url = trim($url);
if ($url) {
if ( ! preg_match('/^https?:\/\//i', $url)) {
$url = 'http://'.$url;
return $url;
// Environments
$environments = array(
'local' => '/\.[local(host)?|dev|10?]+$/i',
'staging' => '/\w\.(staging|branch)\.mywebsite\.com$/i'
// Initialize environments
var_dump( Environment::is('production') );
var_dump( Environment::is('staging') );
var_dump( Environment::is('foo') );
//var_dump( Environment::isProduction() ); // Does not work in PHP < 5.3. Causes fatal error
//var_dump( Environment::isLocal() ); // Does not work in PHP < 5.3. Causes fatal error
//var_dump( Environment::isFoo() ); // Does not work in PHP < 5.3. Causes fatal error
var_dump( Environment::is('production', '') );
var_dump( Environment::is('production', '') );
var_dump( Environment::is('foo', '') );
var_dump( Environment::is('foo', '') );
//var_dump( Environment::isProduction('') ); // Does not work in PHP < 5.3. Causes fatal error
//var_dump( Environment::isProduction('') ); // Does not work in PHP < 5.3. Causes fatal error
//var_dump( Environment::isFoo('') ); // Does not work in PHP < 5.3. Causes fatal error
//var_dump( Environment::isFoo('') ); // Does not work in PHP < 5.3. Causes fatal error
var_dump( Environment::envVarKey() );
var_dump( Environment::envVar() );
var_dump( Environment::strict() );
var_dump( Environment::strict(true) );
var_dump( Environment::strict(false) );
var_dump( Environment::get() );
var_dump( Environment::isCLI() );
var_dump( Environment::isWeb() );
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