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Forked from gisikw/final.ks
Last active February 29, 2020 01:03
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// Final Launch Script
// My version - Diego
function main {
until apoapsis > 100000 {
set mapview to true.
set mapview to false.
wait until false.
function doCircularization {
local circ is list(0).
set circ to improveConverge(circ, eccentricityScore@).
wait until altitude > 70000.
executeManeuver(list(time:seconds + eta:apoapsis, 0, 0, circ[0])).
function protectFromPast {
parameter originalFunction.
local replacementFunction is {
parameter data.
if data[0] < time:seconds + 15 {
return 2^64.
} else {
return originalFunction(data).
return replacementFunction@.
function doTransfer {
local startSearchTime is ternarySearch(
time:seconds + 30,
time:seconds + 30 + orbit:period,
local transfer is list(startSearchTime, 0, 0, 0).
set transfer to improveConverge(transfer, protectFromPast(munTransferScore@)).
wait 1.
warpto(time:seconds + obt:nextPatchEta - 5).
wait until body = Mun.
wait 1.
function angleToMun {
parameter t.
return vectorAngle(
Kerbin:position - positionAt(ship, t),
Kerbin:position - positionAt(Mun, t)
function munTransferScore {
parameter data.
local mnv is node(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3]).
local result is 0.
if mnv:orbit:hasNextPatch {
set result to mnv:orbit:nextPatch:periapsis.
} else {
set result to distanceToMunAtApoapsis(mnv).
return result.
function distanceToMunAtApoapsis {
parameter mnv.
local apoapsisTime is ternarySearch(
time:seconds + mnv:eta,
time:seconds + mnv:eta + (mnv:orbit:period / 2),
return (positionAt(ship, apoapsisTime) - positionAt(Mun, apoapsisTime)):mag.
function altitudeAt {
parameter t.
return Kerbin:altitudeOf(positionAt(ship, t)).
function ternarySearch {
parameter f, left, right, absolutePrecision.
until false {
if abs(right - left) < absolutePrecision {
return (left + right) / 2.
local leftThird is left + (right - left) / 3.
local rightThird is right - (right - left) / 3.
if f(leftThird) < f(rightThird) {
set left to leftThird.
} else {
set right to rightThird.
function eccentricityScore {
parameter data.
local mnv is node(time:seconds + eta:apoapsis, 0, 0, data[0]).
local result is mnv:orbit:eccentricity.
return result.
function improveConverge {
parameter data, scoreFunction.
for stepSize in list(100, 10, 1) {
until false {
local oldScore is scoreFunction(data).
set data to improve(data, stepSize, scoreFunction).
if oldScore <= scoreFunction(data) {
return data.
function improve {
parameter data, stepSize, scoreFunction.
local scoreToBeat is scoreFunction(data).
local bestCandidate is data.
local candidates is list().
local index is 0.
until index >= data:length {
local incCandidate is data:copy().
local decCandidate is data:copy().
set incCandidate[index] to incCandidate[index] + stepSize.
set decCandidate[index] to decCandidate[index] - stepSize.
set index to index + 1.
for candidate in candidates {
local candidateScore is scoreFunction(candidate).
if candidateScore < scoreToBeat {
set scoreToBeat to candidateScore.
set bestCandidate to candidate.
return bestCandidate.
function executeManeuver {
parameter mList.
local mnv is node(mList[0], mList[1], mList[2], mList[3]).
local startTime is calculateStartTime(mnv).
warpto(startTime - 15).
wait until time:seconds > startTime - 10.
wait until time:seconds > startTime.
lock throttle to 1.
until isManeuverComplete(mnv) {
lock throttle to 0.
unlock steering.
function addManeuverToFlightPlan {
parameter mnv.
add mnv.
function calculateStartTime {
parameter mnv.
return time:seconds + mnv:eta - maneuverBurnTime(mnv) / 2.
function maneuverBurnTime {
parameter mnv.
local dV is mnv:deltaV:mag.
local g0 is 9.80665.
local isp is 0.
list engines in myEngines.
for en in myEngines {
if en:ignition and not en:flameout {
set isp to isp + (en:isp * (en:availableThrust / ship:availableThrust)).
local mf is ship:mass / constant():e^(dV / (isp * g0)).
local fuelFlow is ship:availableThrust / (isp * g0).
local t is (ship:mass - mf) / fuelFlow.
return t.
function lockSteeringAtManeuverTarget {
parameter mnv.
lock steering to mnv:burnvector.
function isManeuverComplete {
parameter mnv.
if not(defined originalVector) or originalVector = -1 {
declare global originalVector to mnv:burnvector.
if vang(originalVector, mnv:burnvector) > 90 {
declare global originalVector to -1.
return true.
return false.
function removeManeuverFromFlightPlan {
parameter mnv.
remove mnv.
function doLaunch {
lock throttle to 1.
function doAscent {
lock targetPitch to 88.963 - 1.03287 * alt:radar^0.409511.
set targetDirection to 90.
lock steering to heading(targetDirection, targetPitch).
function doAutoStage {
if not(defined oldThrust) {
global oldThrust is ship:availablethrust.
if ship:availablethrust < (oldThrust - 10) {
until false {
doSafeStage(). wait 1.
if ship:availableThrust > 0 {
global oldThrust is ship:availablethrust.
function doShutdown {
lock throttle to 0.
lock steering to prograde.
function doSafeStage {
wait until stage:ready.
function doHoverslam {
lock steering to srfRetrograde.
lock pct to stoppingDistance() / distanceToGround().
set warp to 4.
wait until pct > 0.1.
set warp to 3.
wait until pct > 0.4.
set warp to 0.
wait until pct > 1.
lock throttle to pct.
when distanceToGround() < 500 then { gear on. }
wait until ship:verticalSpeed > 0.
lock throttle to 0.
lock steering to groundSlope().
wait 30.
unlock steering.
function distanceToGround {
return altitude - body:geopositionOf(ship:position):terrainHeight - 4.7.
function stoppingDistance {
local grav is constant():g * (body:mass / body:radius^2).
local maxDeceleration is (ship:availableThrust / ship:mass) - grav.
return ship:verticalSpeed^2 / (2 * maxDeceleration).
function groundSlope {
local east is vectorCrossProduct(north:vector, up:vector).
local center is ship:position.
local a is body:geopositionOf(center + 5 * north:vector).
local b is body:geopositionOf(center - 3 * north:vector + 4 * east).
local c is body:geopositionOf(center - 3 * north:vector - 4 * east).
local a_vec is a:altitudePosition(a:terrainHeight).
local b_vec is b:altitudePosition(b:terrainHeight).
local c_vec is c:altitudePosition(c:terrainHeight).
return vectorCrossProduct(c_vec - a_vec, b_vec - a_vec):normalized.
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