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Last active January 22, 2024 00:58
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Generate animated transit maps using GTFS feeds. See
##### Setup #####
# Load the necessary libraries
library(tidytransit) # Parse GTFS feeds
library(gganimate) # Animate the ggplot + tween between frames
library(ggspatial) # Add map tiles
library(stinepack) # Interpolate between stop times
# Set some simple parameters for the script
feed <- "CTA GTFS" # Feed list can be found at tidytransit::feedlist
transit_type = 1 # See tidytransit::route_type_names
# Geographic area to plot. See for tool
bbox <- c(-87.736558, 41.807137, -87.556657, 41.943711)
# Trip departure date and times. Note that these are local time
dep_date = lubridate::today() - days(1)
min_dep_time = "08:00:00"
max_arv_time = "09:00:00"
# Animation length scalar. Smaller = shorter animation
# A value of 1 means 1 minute of animation per hour depending on fps
min_to_hour_ratio = 0.25
# Animation FPS. Higher values = smoother anim. but bigger file
frames_per_second = 60
##### Get GTFS feed #####
# Download a GTFS feed and parse it with tidytransit
gtfs <- tidytransit::feedlist %>%
filter(t == feed) %>%
pull(url_d) %>%
# Keep only the routes (and corresponding trips and stops) specified
route_ids <- gtfs$routes %>%
filter(route_type == transit_type) %>%
trip_ids <- gtfs$trips %>%
filter(route_id %in% route_ids) %>%
stop_ids <- gtfs$stop_times %>%
filter(trip_id %in% trip_ids) %>%
pull(stop_id) %>%
# Load the static shapes of the routes and stops
gtfs_sf <- gtfs %>%
route_shapes <- gtfs_sf %>%
get_route_geometry(route_ids) %>%
left_join(gtfs$routes, by = "route_id") %>%
mutate(route_color = paste0("#", route_color))
stop_shapes <- gtfs_sf$stops %>%
filter(stop_id %in% stop_ids)
##### Get interpolated trips #####
# Each route is actually a series of points (held in the shapes
# section of the feed) that are joined into a line. We can use
# these points to define the waypoints that vehicles need to follow
route_waypoints <- gtfs$trips %>%
filter(route_id %in% route_ids) %>%
distinct(route_id, shape_id) %>%
left_join(gtfs$shapes, by = "shape_id") %>%
select(-shape_pt_sequence) %>%
lat = shape_pt_lat,
lon = shape_pt_lon,
dist = shape_dist_traveled
# Create a data frame of stops with time stopped and geographic
# location. Only include trips within the time boundaries
# specified at top of script
stops_df <- gtfs$trips %>%
filter(route_id %in% route_ids) %>%
filter_stop_times(gtfs, dep_date, min_dep_time, max_arv_time),
by = "trip_id"
) %>%
inner_join(gtfs$stops, by = "stop_id") %>%
route_id, shape_id, trip_id, arrival_time,
lat = stop_lat, lon = stop_lon, dist = shape_dist_traveled
# For each trip, get ALL the waypoints along the route
# (basically the points between each stop for each trip)
waypoints_df <- stops_df %>%
distinct(trip_id, shape_id) %>%
inner_join(route_waypoints, by = "shape_id")
# Combine the known stop times with the unknown waypoint times,
# then fill in the missing waypoint data with time-series
# imputation based on the distance column
final_df <- stops_df %>%
bind_rows(waypoints_df) %>%
group_by(trip_id) %>%
filter(sum(! > 1) %>%
time = as.POSIXct(
as.character(arrival_time), format = "%H:%M:%S",
tz = gtfs$agency$agency_timezone
) - days(1)
) %>%
arrange(trip_id, dist) %>%
group_by(trip_id, dist) %>%
filter(row_number() == 1) %>%
group_by(trip_id) %>%
time = as.POSIXct(
along = dist,
na.rm = FALSE
origin = "1970-01-01",
tz = gtfs$agency$agency_timezone
) %>%
ungroup() %>%
##### Create animation #####
# If bounding box is not set, will use bbox of routes
if (!exists("bbox")) bbox <- st_bbox(route_shapes)
# Create a plot object to animate. Removing annotation_map_tile() will
# signficantly speed up drawing each frame
p <- ggplot(route_shapes) +
annotation_map_tile(type = "cartolight", zoomin = 0, progress = "none") +
geom_sf(data = route_shapes, aes(color = route_color), size = 1.5) +
data = stop_shapes, stroke = 1.5,
size = 4, shape = 21,
color = "#000000", fill = "#ffffff"
) +
coord_sf(xlim = c(bbox[1], bbox[3]), ylim = c(bbox[2], bbox[4])) +
data = final_df,
aes(x = lon, y = lat, group = trip_id),
size = 2.5,
shape = 15
) +
scale_color_identity() +
transition_components(time) +
ease_aes("sine-in-out") +
theme_void() +
title = gtfs$agency$agency_name,
subtitle = "{frame_time}") +
legend.position = "none",
plot.title = element_text(face = "bold", size = 24),
plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 18)
# Create the actual frames of animation
frames <- as.numeric(hms(max_arv_time) - hms(min_dep_time)) * min_to_hour_ratio
plot_mg <- animate(
plot = p, nframes = frames, fps = frames_per_second,
width = 800, height = 800,
device = "png",
renderer = file_renderer(dir = ".", overwrite = TRUE)
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TLDuhamel commented Nov 13, 2023

@dfsnow I can now share the published animation, which was launched on Facebook:

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