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Created June 25, 2019 05:05
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Anagrams challenge for 332
(ns unicode-anagrams.core
(defn normalize-string
"Normalize a string `s` before computing anagram information"
(-> s
(.replaceAll "\\s" "")))
;; I was curious about how hard it could be to match some variants of a letter
;; with the neutral version (eg. match a Ç with the letter C) and the following
;; function was good enough for all the *latin* char variants I could think of.
(defn letter-name
"Return a vector of a size up to 4 representing the characters unicode name,
causing latin letter variants to be equal, i.e.:
(letter-name \"Ç\") ;; => [\"LATIN\" \"CAPITAL\" \"LETTER\" \"C\"]
(let [fullname-parts (-> c str
(Character/codePointAt 0)
(clojure.string/split #"\s+"))]
(vec (take 4 fullname-parts))))
(defn latin-index [s]
(->> s normalize-string (map letter-name) frequencies))
(defn ascii-index [s]
(->> s normalize-string frequencies))
(defn anagrams?
"Checks if two given strings have the same frequencies of latin letter names"
[s1 s2]
(let [f1 (latin-index s1)
f2 (latin-index s2)]
(= f1 f2)))
;; A few tests...
(mapv letter-name (normalize-string "Édúçâtìön"))
(anagrams? "EDUCATION" "Édúçâtìön")
(anagrams? "Acrid Avid Jam Shred" "Richard David James")
(anagrams? "Wax The Nip" "Aphex Twin")
(defonce words
(->> (slurp "")
(remove clojure.string/blank?)))
(defn anagrams-in [xs]
(let [indexer latin-index ;; or `ascii-index` for ascii-only, but faster
groups (group-by indexer xs)]
(->> (vals groups)
(remove #(= 1 (count %)))))) ;; remove groups of one word, those are not anagrams
;; (count (anagrams-in words)) ;; => 1303
;; (last (sort-by count (anagrams-in words))) ;; => ["angel" "angle" "galen" "glean" "lange"]
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