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Created December 2, 2016 20:41
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import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
type Vector = (Int, Int)
type Point = Vector
type VectorZipper = ([Vector], [Vector])
data Instruction = Instruction {
rotation :: Char,
stepCount :: Int
directions :: VectorZipper
directions = (dirs, [])
dirs = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)]
goLeft :: VectorZipper -> VectorZipper
goLeft (xs, []) = ([last xs], reverse $ init xs)
goLeft (xs, y:ys) = (y:xs, ys)
goRight :: VectorZipper -> VectorZipper
goRight (x:[], ys) = ((reverse ys) ++ [x], [])
goRight (x:xs, ys) = (xs, x:ys)
doOneMove :: Point -> VectorZipper -> Int -> Point
doOneMove (x, y) ((dx, dy):_, _) steps = (doOneMove' x dx, doOneMove' y dy)
doOneMove' start delta = start + (delta * steps)
doAllMoves :: [Instruction] -> Point
doAllMoves = fst . (foldl doInstruction ((0, 0), directions))
doInstruction (p, vz) (Instruction rot sc) =
let rotated = rotate rot vz in
(doOneMove p rotated sc, rotated)
rotate 'L' = goLeft
rotate 'R' = goRight
parseInstructions :: T.Text -> [Instruction]
parseInstructions = (map parseOneIns) . (T.splitOn (T.pack ", "))
parseOneIns t = Instruction (T.head t) (read $ T.unpack $ T.tail t)
solve :: T.Text -> Int
solve = taxicab . doAllMoves . parseInstructions
taxicab (x, y) = (abs x) + (abs y)
main = ((show . solve) <$> T.getLine) >>= putStrLn
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