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Created July 2, 2011 04:20
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* This file is part of the Nette Framework (
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2011 David Grudl (
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the file license.txt that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Nette;
use Nette;
* Nette\Object is the common trait for all instantiable classes.
* It defines some handful methods and enhances object core of PHP:
* - access to undeclared members throws exceptions
* - support for conventional properties with getters and setters
* - support for event raising functionality
* - ability to add new methods to class (extension methods)
* Properties is a syntactic sugar which allows access public getter and setter
* methods as normal object variables. A property is defined by a getter method
* or setter method (no setter method means read-only property).
* <code>
* $val = $obj->label; // equivalent to $val = $obj->getLabel();
* $obj->label = 'Nette'; // equivalent to $obj->setLabel('Nette');
* </code>
* Property names are case-sensitive, and they are written in the camelCaps
* or PascalCaps.
* Event functionality is provided by declaration of property named 'on{Something}'
* Multiple handlers are allowed.
* <code>
* public $onClick; // declaration in class
* $this->onClick[] = 'callback'; // attaching event handler
* if (!empty($this->onClick)) ... // are there any handlers?
* $this->onClick($sender, $arg); // raises the event with arguments
* </code>
* Adding method to class (i.e. to all instances) works similar to JavaScript
* prototype property. The syntax for adding a new method is:
* <code>
* MyClass::extensionMethod('newMethod', function(MyClass $obj, $arg, ...) { ... });
* $obj = new MyClass;
* $obj->newMethod($x);
* </code>
* @author David Grudl
* @property-read string $class
* @property-read Nette\Reflection\ClassType $reflection
trait ObjectTrait
/** @var array */
private static $methods;
* Access to reflection.
* @return Nette\Reflection\ClassType
public /**/static/**/ function getReflection()
return new Reflection\ClassType(/*5.2*$this*//**/get_called_class()/**/);
* Call to undefined method.
* @param string method name
* @param array arguments
* @return mixed
* @throws MemberAccessException
public function __call($name, $args)
$class = new Reflection\ClassType($this);
if ($name === '') {
throw new MemberAccessException("Call to class '$class->name' method without name.");
// event functionality
if ($class->hasEventProperty($name)) {
if (is_array($list = $this->$name) || $list instanceof \Traversable) {
foreach ($list as $handler) {
return NULL;
// extension methods
if ($cb = $class->getExtensionMethod($name)) {
array_unshift($args, $this);
return $cb->invokeArgs($args);
throw new MemberAccessException("Call to undefined method $class->name::$name().");
* Call to undefined static method.
* @param string method name (in lower case!)
* @param array arguments
* @return mixed
* @throws MemberAccessException
public static function __callStatic($name, $args)
throw new MemberAccessException("Call to undefined static method $class::$name().");
* Adding method to class.
* @param string method name
* @param mixed callback or closure
* @return mixed
public static function extensionMethod($name, $callback = NULL)
if (strpos($name, '::') === FALSE) {
$class = get_called_class();
} else {
list($class, $name) = explode('::', $name);
$class = new Reflection\ClassType($class);
if ($callback === NULL) {
return $class->getExtensionMethod($name);
} else {
$class->setExtensionMethod($name, $callback);
* Returns property value. Do not call directly.
* @param string property name
* @return mixed property value
* @throws MemberAccessException if the property is not defined.
public function &__get($name)
$class = get_class($this);
if ($name === '') {
throw new MemberAccessException("Cannot read a class '$class' property without name.");
if (!isset(self::$methods[$class])) {
// get_class_methods returns ONLY PUBLIC methods of objects
// but returns static methods too (nothing doing...)
// and is much faster than reflection
// (works good since 5.0.4)
self::$methods[$class] = array_flip(get_class_methods($class));
// property getter support
$name[0] = $name[0] & "\xDF"; // case-sensitive checking, capitalize first character
$m = 'get' . $name;
if (isset(self::$methods[$class][$m])) {
// ampersands:
// - uses &__get() because declaration should be forward compatible (e.g. with Nette\Utils\Html)
// - doesn't call &$this->$m because user could bypass property setter by: $x = & $obj->property; $x = 'new value';
$val = $this->$m();
return $val;
$m = 'is' . $name;
if (isset(self::$methods[$class][$m])) {
$val = $this->$m();
return $val;
$type = isset(self::$methods[$class]['set' . $name]) ? 'a write-only' : 'an undeclared';
$name = func_get_arg(1);
throw new MemberAccessException("Cannot read $type property $class::\$$name.");
* Sets value of a property. Do not call directly.
* @param string property name
* @param mixed property value
* @return void
* @throws MemberAccessException if the property is not defined or is read-only
public function __set($name, $value)
$class = get_class($this);
if ($name === '') {
throw new MemberAccessException("Cannot write to a class '$class' property without name.");
if (!isset(self::$methods[$class])) {
self::$methods[$class] = array_flip(get_class_methods($class));
// property setter support
$name[0] = $name[0] & "\xDF"; // case-sensitive checking, capitalize first character
$m = 'set' . $name;
if (isset(self::$methods[$class][$m])) {
$type = isset(self::$methods[$class]['get' . $name]) || isset(self::$methods[$class]['is' . $name])
? 'a read-only' : 'an undeclared';
$name = func_get_arg(1);
throw new MemberAccessException("Cannot write to $type property $class::\$$name.");
* Is property defined?
* @param string property name
* @return bool
public function __isset($name)
if ($name === '') {
return FALSE;
$class = get_class($this);
if (!isset(self::$methods[$class])) {
self::$methods[$class] = array_flip(get_class_methods($class));
$name[0] = $name[0] & "\xDF";
return isset(self::$methods[$class]['get' . $name]) || isset(self::$methods[$class]['is' . $name]);
* Access to undeclared property.
* @param string property name
* @return void
* @throws MemberAccessException
public function __unset($name)
$class = get_class($this);
throw new MemberAccessException("Cannot unset the property $class::\$$name.");
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Majkl578 commented Jul 2, 2011

Špatně jsem se vyjádřil, měl jsem na mysli právě třeba traity přímo v Nette.

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dg commented Jul 3, 2011

Až nadejde správný čas.

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karmi commented Jul 5, 2011

Properties is a syntactic sugar which allows access public getter and setter methods as normal object variables.

LOL! Mně skutečně fascinuje, jak se jedna část PHP komunity snaží udělat z PHP Ruby, a druhá bastardní Javu :)

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dg commented Jul 15, 2011

Chtěl jsi říct Delphi (property) a .NET (extension method), ne?

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karmi commented Jul 15, 2011

Ne, mně to spíš evokovalo attr_accessor (

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dg commented Jul 15, 2011

Jasně, existuje to v každém druhém jazyce.

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