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Created July 3, 2018 19:29
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Quick and dirty MPR generation from a 3D volume array
public enum Orientation
public static class MprGenerator<TPixel>
// generates an MPR from a volume given an orientation
// and a slice position in pixel distance
public static TPixel[,]
GenerateMpr(TPixel[,,] inputVolume,
Orientation orientation,
float slicePosition)
var mprSize =
CalculateSize(inputVolume, orientation);
(int) Math.Round(slicePosition));
// calculates the size of the MPR, given orientation and volume dimensions
static Tuple<int,int>
CalculateSize(TPixel[,,] uiv,
Orientation orientation)
switch (orientation)
case Orientation.Transverse:
return Tuple.Create(uiv.GetLength(0), uiv.GetLength(1));
case Orientation.Coronal:
return Tuple.Create(uiv.GetLength(0), uiv.GetLength(2));
case Orientation.Sagittal:
return Tuple.Create(uiv.GetLength(1), uiv.GetLength(2));
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid orientation");
// allocates and calculates the actual MPR slice
static TPixel[,]
UpdatePixelsFromVolume(TPixel[,,] uiv,
Orientation orientation,
Tuple<int, int> mprSize,
int slice)
var pixels = new TPixel[mprSize.Item1, mprSize.Item2];
// check for bounds based on the orientation
switch (orientation)
case Orientation.Transverse:
slice += uiv.GetLength(2) / 2;
if (slice < 0 || slice >= uiv.GetLength(2))
return null;
case Orientation.Coronal:
slice += uiv.GetLength(1) / 2;
if (slice < 0 || slice >= uiv.GetLength(1))
return null;
case Orientation.Sagittal:
slice += uiv.GetLength(0) / 2;
if (slice < 0 || slice >= uiv.GetLength(0))
return null;
// now update based on the orientation
switch (orientation)
case Orientation.Transverse:
for (int y = 0; y < pixels.GetLength(0); y++)
for (int x = 0; x < pixels.GetLength(1); x++)
pixels[y, x] = uiv[slice, y, x];
case Orientation.Coronal:
for (int y = 0; y < pixels.GetLength(0); y++)
for (int x = 0; x < pixels.GetLength(1); x++)
pixels[y, x] = uiv[y, slice, x];
case Orientation.Sagittal:
for (int y = 0; y < pixels.GetLength(0); y++)
for (int x = 0; x < pixels.GetLength(1); x++)
pixels[y, x] = uiv[y, x, slice];
return pixels;
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