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Last active January 10, 2019 23:57
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# This is the setup for Impala. Impala client connect to load_balancer_host:21000.
# HAProxy will balance connections among the list of servers listed below.
# The list of Impalad is listening at port 21000 for beeswax (impala-shell) or original ODBC driver.
# For JDBC or ODBC version 2.x driver, use port 21050 instead of 21000.
listen impala :21000
mode tcp
option tcplog
balance leastconn
server bigdataserver-5-impalas bigdataserver-5:21000 check
server bigdataserver-6-impalas bigdataserver-6:21000 check
server bigdataserver-7-impalas bigdataserver-7:21000 check
server bigdataserver-8-impalas bigdataserver-8:21000 check
# Setup for Hue or other JDBC-enabled applications.
# In particular, Hue requires sticky sessions.
# The application connects to load_balancer_host:21050, and HAProxy balances
# connections to the associated hosts, where Impala listens for JDBC
# requests on port 21050.
listen impalajdbc :21050
mode tcp
option tcplog
balance source
server bigdataserver-5-impalaj bigdataserver-5:21050
server bigdataserver-6-impalaj bigdataserver-6:21050
server bigdataserver-7-impalaj bigdataserver-7:21050
server bigdataserver-8-impalaj bigdataserver-8:21050
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