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Last active July 27, 2019 08:43
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catapult-server@ configurable properties cheatsheet

Property Type Description Default
databaseUri string Database uri. mongodb://
databaseName string Database name. catapult
maxWriterThreads uint32_t Maximum number of database writer threads. 8
catapult.mongo.plugins.aggregate     true
catapult.mongo.plugins.lockhash     true
catapult.mongo.plugins.locksecret     true
catapult.mongo.plugins.multisig     true
catapult.mongo.plugins.namespace     true     true
catapult.mongo.plugins.transfer     true

Property Type Description Default
harvestKey string Harvest key.  
isAutoHarvestingEnabled bool Returns true if auto harvesting is enabled. false
maxUnlockedAccounts uint32_t Maximum number of unlocked accounts. 5

Property Type Description Default
sinkType utils::LogSinkType Log sink type. Sync
level utils::LogLevel Log level. Info
colorMode utils::LogColorMode Console color mode. Ansi
sinkType utils::LogSinkType Log sink type. Async
level utils::LogLevel Log level. Info
directory string Log file directory. logs
filePattern string Log file pattern. catapult_server%4N.log
rotationSize utils::FileSize File rotation size. 25MB
maxTotalSize utils::FileSize Maximum size of all log files. 2500MB
minFreeSpace utils::FileSize Minimum size of free disk space in order to create log files. 100MB

Property Type Description Default
subscriberPort unsigned short Subscriber port. 7902

Property Type Description Default
maxNodes uint8_t Number of nodes that this node should communicate with during network height detection. 5

Property Type Description Default
identifier NetworkIdentifier Network identifier. mijin-test
publicKey Key Nemesis public key. B4F12E7C9F6946091E2CB8B6D3A12B50D17CCBBF646386EA27CE2946A7423DCF
generationHash Hash256 Nemesis generation hash. 57F7DA205008026C776CB6AED843393F04CD458E0AA2D9F1D5F31A402072B2D6
shouldEnableVerifiableState bool Returns true if block chain should calculate state hashes so that state is fully verifiable at each block. true
blockGenerationTargetTime utils::TimeSpan Targeted time between blocks. 15s
blockTimeSmoothingFactor uint32_t Note: A higher value makes the network more biased. Note: This can lower security because it will increase the influence of time relative to importance. 3000
importanceGrouping uint64_t Number of blocks that should be treated as a group for importance purposes. Note: Importances will only be calculated at blocks that are multiples of this grouping number. 39
maxRollbackBlocks uint32_t Maximum number of blocks that can be rolled back. 40
maxDifficultyBlocks uint32_t Maximum number of blocks to use in a difficulty calculation. 60
maxTransactionLifetime utils::TimeSpan Maximum lifetime a transaction can have before it expires. 24h
maxBlockFutureTime utils::TimeSpan Maximum future time of a block that can be accepted. 10s
totalChainBalance utils::XemUnit Total number of XEM base units available in the network. Note: This quantity is specified as micro XEM in the configuration file. 8'999'999'998'000'000
minHarvesterBalance Amount Minimum number of micro XEM needed for an account to be eligible for harvesting. 1'000'000'000'000
blockPruneInterval uint32_t Number of blocks between cache pruning. 360
maxTransactionsPerBlock uint32_t Maximum number of transactions per block. 200'000
maxTransactionsPerAggregate uint32_t Maximum number of transactions per aggregate. 1'000
maxCosignaturesPerAggregate uint8_t Maximum number of cosignatures per aggregate. 15
enableStrictCosignatureCheck bool Returns true if cosignatures must exactly match component signers. Returns false if cosignatures should be validated externally. false
enableBondedAggregateSupport bool Returns true if bonded aggregates should be allowed. Returns false if bonded aggregates should be rejected. true
lockedFundsPerAggregate Amount Amount that has to be locked per aggregate in partial cache. 10'000'000
maxHashLockDuration utils::BlockSpan Maximum number of blocks for which a hash lock can exist. 2d
maxSecretLockDuration utils::BlockSpan Maximum number of blocks for which a secret lock can exist. 30d
minProofSize uint16_t Minimum size of a proof in bytes. 10
maxProofSize uint16_t Maximum size of a proof in bytes. 1000
maxMultisigDepth uint8_t Maximum number of multisig levels. 3
maxCosignersPerAccount uint8_t Maximum number of cosigners per account. 10
maxCosignedAccountsPerAccount uint8_t Maximum number of accounts a single account can cosign. 5
maxNameSize uint8_t Maximum namespace and mosaic name size. 64
maxNamespaceDuration utils::BlockSpan Maximum namespace duration. 365d
namespaceGracePeriodDuration utils::BlockSpan Grace period during which time only the previous owner can renew an expired namespace. 0d
reservedRootNamespaceNames unordered_set<string> Reserved root namespaces that cannot be claimed. xem, nem, user, account, org, com, biz, net, edu, mil, gov, info
namespaceRentalFeeSinkPublicKey Key Public key of the namespace rental fee sink account. 3E82E1C1E4A75ADAA3CBA8C101C3CD31D9817A2EB966EB3B511FB2ED45B8E262
rootNamespaceRentalFeePerBlock Amount Root namespace rental fee per block. 1'000'000
childNamespaceRentalFee Amount Child namespace rental fee. 100'000'000
maxChildNamespaces uint16_t Maximum number of children for a root namespace. 500
maxMosaicsPerAccount uint16_t Maximum number of mosaics that an account can own. 10'000
maxMosaicDuration utils::BlockSpan Maximum mosaic duration. 3650d
isMosaicLevyUpdateAllowed bool Flag indicating whether an update of an existing mosaic levy is allowed or not. true
maxMosaicDivisibility uint8_t Maximum mosaic divisibility. 6
maxMosaicDivisibleUnits Amount Maximum total divisible mosaic units (total-supply * 10 ^ divisibility). 9'000'000'000'000'000
mosaicRentalFeeSinkPublicKey Key Public key of the mosaic rental fee sink account. 53E140B5947F104CABC2D6FE8BAEDBC30EF9A0609C717D9613DE593EC2A266D3
mosaicRentalFee Amount Mosaic rental fee. 500'000'000      
maxPropertyValues uint16_t Maximum number of property values. 512
maxMessageSize uint16_t Maximum transaction message size. 1024

Property Type Description Default
cacheMaxResponseSize utils::FileSize Maximum size of a partial transactions response. 20MB
cacheMaxSize uint32_t Maximum size of the partial transactions cache. 1'000'000

Property Type Description Default
age peers task for service Api Writers      
startDelay utils::TimeSpan Delay until the first execution of the task. 1m
repeatDelay utils::TimeSpan Delay until subsequent executions of the task. 1m
age peers task for service Readers      
startDelay utils::TimeSpan Delay until the first execution of the task. 1m
repeatDelay utils::TimeSpan Delay until subsequent executions of the task. 1m
batch partial transaction task      
startDelay utils::TimeSpan Delay until the first execution of the task. 500ms
repeatDelay utils::TimeSpan Delay until subsequent executions of the task. 500ms
batch transaction task      
startDelay utils::TimeSpan Delay until the first execution of the task. 500ms
repeatDelay utils::TimeSpan Delay until subsequent executions of the task. 500ms
connect peers task for service Pt      
startDelay utils::TimeSpan Delay until the first execution of the task. 10ms
repeatDelay utils::TimeSpan Delay until subsequent executions of the task. 1m
connect peers task for service Sync      
startDelay utils::TimeSpan Delay until the first execution of the task. 10ms
repeatDelay utils::TimeSpan Delay until subsequent executions of the task. 1m
harvesting task      
startDelay utils::TimeSpan Delay until the first execution of the task. 30s
repeatDelay utils::TimeSpan Delay until subsequent executions of the task. 1s
logging task      
startDelay utils::TimeSpan Delay until the first execution of the task. 1m
repeatDelay utils::TimeSpan Delay until subsequent executions of the task. 10m
network chain height detection      
startDelay utils::TimeSpan Delay until the first execution of the task. 1s
repeatDelay utils::TimeSpan Delay until subsequent executions of the task. 15s
node discovery peers task      
startDelay utils::TimeSpan Delay until the first execution of the task. 1m
minDelay utils::TimeSpan Minimum delay between task executions. 1m
maxDelay utils::TimeSpan Maximum delay between task executions. 10m
numPhaseOneRounds uint32_t Number of rounds before deceleration starts. 10
numTransitionRounds uint32_t Number of transition rounds from minimum to maximum delay. 20
node discovery ping task      
startDelay utils::TimeSpan Delay until the first execution of the task. 2m
repeatDelay utils::TimeSpan Delay until subsequent executions of the task. 5m
pull partial transactions task      
startDelay utils::TimeSpan Delay until the first execution of the task. 10s
repeatDelay utils::TimeSpan Delay until subsequent executions of the task. 3s
pull unconfirmed transactions task      
startDelay utils::TimeSpan Delay until the first execution of the task. 4s
repeatDelay utils::TimeSpan Delay until subsequent executions of the task. 3s
synchronizer task      
startDelay utils::TimeSpan Delay until the first execution of the task. 3s
repeatDelay utils::TimeSpan Delay until subsequent executions of the task. 3s
time synchronization task      
startDelay utils::TimeSpan Delay until the first execution of the task. 1m
minDelay utils::TimeSpan Minimum delay between task executions. 3m
maxDelay utils::TimeSpan Maximum delay between task executions. 180m
numPhaseOneRounds uint32_t Number of rounds before deceleration starts. 5
numTransitionRounds uint32_t Number of transition rounds from minimum to maximum delay. 10

Property Type Description Default
maxNodes uint8_t Number of nodes that this node should communicate with during time synchronization. 20

Property Type Description Default
bootKey string Boot key. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
dataDirectory string Data directory. ../data
pluginsDirectory string Plugins directory. .
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